13. Mofox1 - Thirsty Monk, Belgian Amber Ale. CPF from keg, drink fresh.
Rich reddish amber. Transparent. Looks amazing!
Tight tan head, fades moderately to a slight white icing.
Tiny lacing
Honey floral nectar, light caramel
Banana vanilla
Herbal peppery undertone
Slight citrusy note, maybe the "herbal" is now more "earthy"
Peppery light caramel and initial sweetness, quickly followed by a solid bitter aftertaste.
Solid maltiness through it all, quite “estery” with a hint of biscuit. Slight spiciness.
Effervescent but fine carbonation - nice light carbonic bite, suits style.
No noticeable alcohol
Awesome Belgian Amber!! I’d agree with everything MB said above.
Fantastic example of the awesomeness of Belgian ales - many layers come out in the complexity of both the aroma and flavour.
The grist is great. A nice solid maltiness with a touch of biscuit & caramel - read: ******* tasty.
Hops elements subtly come through to compliment the malt.
Yeast elements come through nicely to compliment the grist & hops, but shine just enough to be a bit more prominent than the other 2.
Basically a perfect balance for a Belgian ale - as MB suggested, a sessionable version of a belgian ale … though i’m guessing maybe not really as sessionable as it tastes(?). Truly impressive start to the swap tastings. I could smash the **** out of a crate of these! (see what i mean - maybe a bit stronger than the taste suggests :lol: ). FWIW, the bitterness is spot on - and i'm not someone who's big on bitterness.
… And it’s a big relief having grabbed 5kg of Abbey in the last BB - i’m now very keen to have a crack at a few beers with this malt, especially the elusive Amber, as Mardoo mentioned.