VIC 2016 Xmas Case Swap Tasting Thread

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mayor of mildura said:
Thanks guys

The recipe is fairly simple. A rough knock off of a JZ recipe I found online somewhere.

I ended up with 23 L in the fermenter. OG 1052 FG 1010

3kg Maris Otter
2kg Wheat Malt
1kg Polenta (dry from supermarket)
60g hallertau mittelfrueh @ 60
US05 (I pitched a pint of fresh slurry from a batch i'd just kegged) @ 20
Polenta just thrown into mash at the start ?
I shall be adding that to the brew list. Thanks mate!
I shall be adding that to the brew list. Thanks mate!
So far tonight i have had pats beer. Nice to have one of your beers that isn't ****. Well done.
I had the monk beer. I can't say I've ever tasted monk before but if they all taste that good I'll be happy to taste any monk that comes my way.
And now I'm on smoke on the porter. Awesome while gobbling a couple of sausages. (Seriously nice beer)
mayor of mildura said:
I also tasted my own flavour and i liked it.
Haha just finished yours too, very nice crisp ale, very enjoyable thanks!
So last night I celebrated my 30th anniversary - stting on Rosebud beach with MrsGrumpy a couple of souvlaki's and a little bit of Cocko.

I took Cockos Belgian XPA - along for refreshments.

Like all the reviews so far - this is a straw colored and cloudy AF. It was almost devoid of any carbonation unfortunately so no head or lacing to speak of. The flavour was nice, the tartness was just right. Its a shame about it being flat - I reckon with a bit of fizz it would have been a cracker.

Thanks Mr Cock
Drink now

18. awesome fury - Goat Amber
1. Cocko - Belgian XPA 6% - drink sooner than later
9. mayor of mildura - Cocko's Cream Ale, bottled 1-11-16. Ready. Probably better drunk sooner. Bottle conditioned. Might want to give a few days in fridge to settle.
13. Mofox1 - Thirsty Monk, Belgian Amber Ale. CPF from keg, drink fresh.
22. Mardoo - Heady Snipper DIPA - A couple of you got these. Drink ASAP
17. GrumpyPaul - Russian Roulette ESB - drink at any stage and see what happens
21. Midnight brew - September Stout
6. Reardo - Robust Choc Porter

From mid December
7. Nullnvoid - Rye Pale Ale Surprise - Drink after 16th December @ 2:38pm
5. VP Brewing - Tripel - Bottled 12.10.16. Ready to drink Xmas time. (Leave longer if you can) Keep refrigerated.
19. WarmBeer - Uncle Warmy's Breakfast Stout (Keep warm for at least 2 weeks. Maybe end of Dec would be better)
22. Mardoo - Two Fuzzy Nuts - Roasted Chestnut Amber - drink Xmas or later. Will age.
10. JB - Smoke on the porter - drink after Mardoo's beer :)

Christmas Day / Boxing Day
2. Idzy - Black Summer
11. thearn - Citra sumptin' sumptin'

24. malt junkie - DIPA, Bottled today 23/11 Ready around new year
8. DJ_L3THAL - Dusseldorf Altbier. Carbed by 20/12 (Leave at room temp). Lager in fridge after that for minimum 2 weeks, preferably 1 month+
4. AJ80 - North German Altbier (aka Son of DJ - ready from 15 January or so)

23. TheWiggman - StrongRAD. Bottled October, can be opened any time but ideally Feb or later.
mayor of mildura said:
21. Midnight brew - September Stout
Love this. Like a beautiful woman. Can i have a keg next time.
Thanks mate, stoked you enjoyed it. Opened your swap beer and then come to check this thread.

9. mayor of mildura - Cocko's Cream Ale

Never had a cream ale before so this popped my cherry. Nicely carbonated and poured with a tight head. The aroma confused the hell out of me. Smelt like those stinky tett/hallertau/saaz hopped lagers. Then it got interesting as it warmed up. Completely disappeared leaving a really pleasing note of sweet malt. Flavour is nothing short of lovely. Refreshing, flavourful, decent body but not over the top. Perfect level of bitterness. All in all, loved it.

Id love the recipe.

EDIT: Just saw the hopping and the yeast. Kinda surprised in the US05. Ever tried this recipe with anything else?
Drink now

18. awesome fury - Goat Amber
1. Cocko - Belgian XPA 6% - drink sooner than later
9. mayor of mildura - Cocko's Cream Ale, bottled 1-11-16. Ready. Probably better drunk sooner. Bottle conditioned. Might want to give a few days in fridge to settle.
13. Mofox1 - Thirsty Monk, Belgian Amber Ale. CPF from keg, drink fresh.
22. Mardoo - Heady Snipper DIPA - A couple of you got these. Drink ASAP
17. GrumpyPaul - Russian Roulette ESB - drink at any stage and see what happens
21. Midnight brew - September Stout
6. Reardo - Robust Choc Porter
19. WarmBeer - Uncle Warmy's Breakfast Stout. She's good to go, folks. Drink at a balmy 10+ deg C, whilst clad in your best smoking jacket.

From mid December
7. Nullnvoid - Rye Pale Ale Surprise - Drink after 16th December @ 2:38pm
5. VP Brewing - Tripel - Bottled 12.10.16. Ready to drink Xmas time. (Leave longer if you can) Keep refrigerated.
22. Mardoo - Two Fuzzy Nuts - Roasted Chestnut Amber - drink Xmas or later. Will age.
10. JB - Smoke on the porter - drink after Mardoo's beer :)

Christmas Day / Boxing Day
2. Idzy - Black Summer

11. thearn - Citra sumptin' sumptin'

24. malt junkie - DIPA, Bottled today 23/11 Ready around new year
8. DJ_L3THAL - Dusseldorf Altbier. Carbed by 20/12 (Leave at room temp). Lager in fridge after that for minimum 2 weeks, preferably 1 month+

4. AJ80 - North German Altbier (aka Son of DJ - ready from 15 January or so)

23. TheWiggman - StrongRAD. Bottled October, can be opened any time but ideally Feb or later.
Midnight Brew said:
Thanks mate, stoked you enjoyed it. Opened your swap beer and then come to check this thread.

9. mayor of mildura - Cocko's Cream Ale

Never had a cream ale before so this popped my cherry. Nicely carbonated and poured with a tight head. The aroma confused the hell out of me. Smelt like those stinky tett/hallertau/saaz hopped lagers. Then it got interesting as it warmed up. Completely disappeared leaving a really pleasing note of sweet malt. Flavour is nothing short of lovely. Refreshing, flavourful, decent body but not over the top. Perfect level of bitterness. All in all, loved it.
Id love the recipe.

EDIT: Just saw the hopping and the yeast. Kinda surprised in the US05. Ever tried this recipe with anything else?
I haven't used anything other than us05. But I reckon a lager yeast would go well.
13. Mofox1 - Thirsty Monk, Belgian Amber Ale. CPF from keg, drink fresh.

Had this a couple of nights ago, so recollection has become hazy with time, although the beer itself was anything but hazy.

Great lot of Belgian esters going on, but alarmingly drinkable. I'd almost put it head-butting into Dubbel territory with all that malt character whilst remaining "dry".

A really, really good beer, one might almost call it a mofox-ing good beer (see what I did there?).

8/10. Would quench Monk's Thirst again.
mayor of mildura said:
I haven't used anything other than us05. But I reckon a lager yeast would go well.
Make sure you send a PM my way when you get into freezing.
9. mayor of mildura - Cocko's Cream Ale

Have just finished getting the house and yard ready for the in-laws to descend tomorrow for Christmas. This beer is friggen perfect right now. Thank you for sharing.
I had a few while camping, and not a bad drop between them, there were standouts;

22. Mardoo - Two Fuzzy Nuts - Roasted Chestnut Amber - drink Xmas or later. Will age.

What a great beer, an older lady friend had a sip and thought it was great, she also loved the label. Carramels, toffee, the chestnut and hop balance were on the money, the high ABV was more than well hidden. I started this quite cold and over the next hour or so as it warmed the malt characters came through just a little more my guess would be 6°c has this beer singing. Great drop; point me to the bar with it on tap!

19. WarmBeer - Uncle Warmy's Breakfast Stout (Keep warm for at least 2 weeks. Maybe end of Dec would be better)

I guess with winter lasting till November you guys get some good practice with these stouts. I really enjoyed this one, silky mouth feel, and a beautiful balance of roast and choc flavours carbonation was right on the money, and the thick tan head remained to the last swallow. Twas a great beer to sip by the campfire after short people had passed out. If your taking orders ... 1 ... 2 kegs please :chug:
2. Idzy - Black Summer

Nice. Going down well after a busy morning. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas guys!

Drinking a few today, thanks Idzy for the black summer, going down a treat.
