VIC 2016 Xmas Case Swap Tasting Thread

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Also by the looks of things all of the beers can now be put into the fridge for future drinking at the dates.
Catching up over the past few days. I know I'm coming at these later than most, but maybe things have changed since they were intended to be consumed....

18. Goat Amber - A bit on the light side body-wise & not bad up-front, but as it warmed, it was apparent that acetaldehyde was coming-out to a point where I decided to move on...

1. Cocko's Belgian XPA (whatever that's meant to be?). Cloudy as a winter's day in Kinglake :p . I just loved this one. I know what you did & it just works for me. Wheaty tartness with a good malty backbone. Bitterness up-front mellows-out after a few sips & you're left with a beautifully bucolic Belgian beverage in the farmhouse arena. Nice one Centurion!

9. MoM's Cream Ale. Gotta say, I've tried a few of these & never been impressed with the style - until now... Clean, refreshing & I can definitely get the corn. Great one for slugging-down on a hot day after wielding numerous chainsaws.

13. Mofox's Thirsty Monk. Not sure what to expect of this after all the rave reviews, but it matched what everyone else has said to date. Like I said, I'm coming at these a bit late & it reminded me in profile rather like a Biere de Garde that hasn't quite hit its stride yet. I was thirsty (but not a monk) when I had this too quickly (chainsawing again) & promptly fell asleep on the couch. What was the ABV again???

17. GP's Russian Roulette ESB. Having this now. Not over-carbed, but definitely more than an ESB should be. I spotted the "ring of confidence" in the bottle before I opened it & was a bit wary, but it poured OK. First things first, it's definitely infected. I can smell subtle Brett. on the nose & this carries-through to the flavour & body (ie. a bit thin & dry). Despite the infection, if this had been touted as a farmhouse ale, I'd probably have given it a big thumbs-up, as I'm actually enjoying it as that (I created my own paradigm-shift), rather than an ESB (bitterness & hop flavour is way too low for that style). 'Not sure right now whether I copped the bullet or an empty chamber..... :)
22. Mardoo/Mick's DIPA (I read the label just as I'm about to pass-out...).

To quote Keats:

"My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: "

In a word: Holy snapping Dick **** Batman! OK, so that's not a single word, but I feel I'll start to pismronounce my worms anytime soon...

This is not a beer for drinking. This is a beer for laying-down & avoiding (cue Monty Python sketch).

I'm on the couch tonight (if I manage to make it that far...).

Flubble-blubble-wibbly-wotsits with a triple forward somersault & a half-roll in the middle.

Under NO circumstances should you give me the recipe for this, or I'll be compelled to spontaneously cuddle you.
11. Thearn. Cites pale ale.

Had this later on the night after drinking Asahi all night.

So this was a magnificent change...

The aroma was amazing, even this morning when I rinsed out the bottle the aroma was delicious.

Shared the glass around for some friends to try....everyone loved it.

Carbonation was a but low but fine with me Small head that dissipated pretty quickly.

Amber color, but cloudy.

Would love the recipe for this one....but I reckon the lack of Citra going around would make it hard to recreate.
6. Reado robust choc porter

As noted by others, not getting a heap of choc. That's said, this is a delightful beer and perfect for a cooler evening. Smooth, roasty and well balanced bitterness. Mine was not over carbed at all. Very enjoyable and thanks for sharing.

2. Idzy Black Summer

Had this the other night. Smooth roasty goodness. This was a fantastic beer mate. Thanks for sharing!
Updating the list - mine is now ready to go.

Drink now

18. awesome fury - Goat Amber
1. Cocko - Belgian XPA 6% - drink sooner than later
9. mayor of mildura - Cocko's Cream Ale, bottled 1-11-16. Ready. Probably better drunk sooner. Bottle conditioned. Might want to give a few days in fridge to settle.
13. Mofox1 - Thirsty Monk, Belgian Amber Ale. CPF from keg, drink fresh.
22. Mardoo - Heady Snipper DIPA - A couple of you got these. Drink ASAP
17. GrumpyPaul - Russian Roulette ESB - drink at any stage and see what happens
21. Midnight brew - September Stout
6. Reardo - Robust Choc Porter

From mid December
7. Nullnvoid - Rye Pale Ale Surprise - Drink after 16th December @ 2:38pm
5. VP Brewing - Tripel - Bottled 12.10.16. Ready to drink Xmas time. (Leave longer if you can) Keep refrigerated.
19. WarmBeer - Uncle Warmy's Breakfast Stout (Keep warm for at least 2 weeks. Maybe end of Dec would be better)
22. Mardoo - Two Fuzzy Nuts - Roasted Chestnut Amber - drink Xmas or later. Will age.
10. JB - Smoke on the porter - drink after Mardoo's beer :)

Christmas Day / Boxing Day
2. Idzy - Black Summer
11. thearn - Citra sumptin' sumptin'

24. malt junkie - DIPA, Bottled today 23/11 Ready around new year
8. DJ_L3THAL - Dusseldorf Altbier. Carbed by 20/12 (Leave at room temp). Lager in fridge after that for minimum 2 weeks, preferably 1 month+
4. AJ80 - North German Altbier (aka Son of DJ - is fizzy now. A week in the fridge before opening wouldn't hurt. )

23. TheWiggman - StrongRAD. Bottled October, can be opened any time but ideally Feb or later.
8. DJ_L3THAL - Dusseldorf Altbier.
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1483259822.227054.jpg
Another new style for me. Dodgy pic, but it has a deep auburn, almost ruby-like colour. The smell and taste are almost hand in hand - comes across as how you might describe a heavy hand of darker Munich in a brew would taste. It's not crystal but has that luscious toffee character that sits between smoke and candy. I served it cold and interestingly as it warmed up I didn't think it developed much more malt character. Plenty flavoursome cold, how beers SHOULD be when they're cold. I didn't love it like I did the dampfbier but it was equally well brewed. A good beer for any season.
Hey guys, here is the recipe for my brew :)

Recipe: Rye Pale Ale 25 litres
Brewer: Rusty
Asst Brewer:
Style: American Pale Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 32.00 l
Post Boil Volume: 27.08 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 25.00 l
Bottling Volume: 24.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.059 SG
Estimated Color: 17.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 40.9 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 72.8 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
4.50 kg Pale Malt, Traditional Ale (Joe White) ( Grain 1 64.3 %
1.00 kg Rye Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 2 14.3 %
0.55 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 3 7.9 %
0.40 kg Crystal, Medium (Simpsons) (108.3 EBC) Grain 4 5.7 %
0.30 kg Carapils (Briess) (3.0 EBC) Grain 5 4.3 %
0.25 kg Acidulated (Weyermann) (3.5 EBC) Grain 6 3.6 %
15.00 g Warrior [15.00 %] - First Wort 60.0 min Hop 7 24.2 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 8 -
85.00 g Cascade [5.50 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 9 16.6 IBUs
1.0 pkg California Ale (White Labs #WLP001) [35. Yeast 10 -
50.00 g Cascade [5.50 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days Hop 11 0.0 IBUs

I get **** house efficiency out of my brew in a bag but don't know if this makes a difference. Also there could have been 0.60kg carapils :)
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1483432324.106397.jpg THearn Citra Pale Ale

I really enjoyed this beer. Initially I thought that this would be overloaded with aroma and flavour but holding back sometimes is good. This was malty but enjoyable and for me that is a big tick as malty is not my preference. Great job Timmy
22. Mardoo -
Two Fuzzy Nuts - Roasted Chestnut Amber - drink Xmas or later. Will age.

I had a hankering for a beer after work today. So I reached around the fridge and my hand came to rest on this. The first glass evaporated. What is it i wondered? Feeling a glow rising. 9.5%!. Awesome beer. Tasted nothing like Mardoo's nuts though.
13. Mofox1 - Thirsty Monk, Belgian Amber Ale.

Wowee what a drop. Carb was going off it's tits and I think it favoured the beer. Great head retention, good lacing and mouthfeel was light and crispy.
Beautiful spot on amber colour and the best balanced one yet. Ripper beer Mick. Would love to see the recipe for thisImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1483434917.374129.jpg
reardo said:
13. Mofox1 - Thirsty Monk, Belgian Amber Ale.

Wowee what a drop. Carb was going off it's tits and I think it favoured the beer. Great head retention, good lacing and mouthfeel was light and crispy.
Beautiful spot on amber colour and the best balanced one yet. Ripper beer Mick. Would love to see the recipe for this
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1483434917.374129.jpg
Link back a few pages... page 7 or 8 on mobile. Prolly page 3 on full.
4. AJ80 - North German Altbier (aka Son of DJ - is fizzy now. A week in the fridge before opening wouldn't hurt. )
Great thirst quencher as I was getting the rhubarb for my Saison up to a simmer. Malt presence of a good ESB, but clean clean clean. Nice bitey bitterness. No noticable aroma, comes with the style I assume... Good to have indoors in the aircon, outside might have been a bit too heavy. Cheers and well done :)

24. malt junkie - DIPA, Bottled today 23/11 Ready around new year
Mine must have had some O2 issues... no hops, slight sweet thing I usually associate with kit beers... Darn it. Hope it's just mine, was looking forward to it.
11. Thearn. Cites pale ale.

Copperish, dark colour. Very prominent fruit character that is hella good. Needs more maltiness in my opinion and has too much of a cloying kinda sweetness which presents itself as it warms up more. That could simply be my preference though so take that with a grain of salt. All in all I loved it but as soon as the temp rose it started to present some undesirable notes. That aroma though! Hella good and full credit!
mofox1 said:
4. AJ80 - North German Altbier (aka Son of DJ - is fizzy now. A week in the fridge before opening wouldn't hurt. )
Great thirst quencher as I was getting the rhubarb for my Saison up to a simmer. Malt presence of a good ESB, but clean clean clean. Nice bitey bitterness. No noticable aroma, comes with the style I assume... Good to have indoors in the aircon, outside might have been a bit too heavy. Cheers and well done :)

24. malt junkie - DIPA, Bottled today 23/11 Ready around new year
Mine must have had some O2 issues... no hops, slight sweet thing I usually associate with kit beers... Darn it. Hope it's just mine, was looking forward to it.
Bugger. Had a couple of these through Christmas and they were fine and still have one at the bottom of the keezer. Might try and grab it sometime overcthe weekend, see if it's a bottling issue. Sorry mate.
Midnight Brew said:
11. Thearn. Cites pale ale.

Copperish, dark colour. Very prominent fruit character that is hella good. Needs more maltiness in my opinion and has too much of a cloying kinda sweetness which presents itself as it warms up more. That could simply be my preference though so take that with a grain of salt. All in all I loved it but as soon as the temp rose it started to present some undesirable notes. That aroma though! Hella good and full credit!
I too loved this one's colour & aroma was incredible, but also think a touch more malt could have brought this into balance & would have been spot on for my tastes. Thanks v much Tim. Here's a picture:
