(SE?) QLD Xmas in July Case Swap 15 July 2017

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Bloody Lukifer, made me edit the other thread. Will miss you and your tasty beers this year, Butthead. See you at BABBs?
There is still a bar tap available if someone was bringing a keg but didn't want to bring everything else with them (might need some ice too).

Was last year wet? 2014 sure was...
I can bring a keg of soda water?

(I'll get me coat).
1) Winkle - Acerola Tarwe (Redux) - bottled 8/6/17, should be hitting its straps after 8/8/17
2) Liam - Chocolate porter brewed with carolina reapers and spices (bottled 11/7/17)
3) Seehuusen - West Coast Wit (bottled 7/7/17)
4) Nickxb - Zombie Dust APA
5) pcqypcqy - Mosaic Saison Psuedo Smash
6) Luggy - Cascade rye pale ale, bottled 7/7/17, allow 3-4 weeks
7) benken25 - applewood rauchbier
8) crowmanz - Tassie Wild Dark Mild (bottled 22/06/17)
9) madpierre06 - Black Rye IPA + Baltic Porter
10) Insensate
11) Fitzlp:- Red Rye IPA
12) Fattox - cherrywood foreign extra now with more yeast character (Wyeast Thames Valley II)
13) Earle - Kettle soured red ale (bottled 21/05/2017)
14) Aydos - Blueberry and Black Peppercorn Belgian Stout
15) Bradsbrew- Barrel aged strong stout de garde
16) Scotty Mack
17) Time01
19) evoo4u - Irish Red Ale
20) Parks - Imperial Manuka Smoked Porter (bottled 21/05/2017)
21) Adr0 - Bauple Bock (Macadamia Bock) + XPBIIPA (~90-100IBU, bit of juice, bit of haze, IIPA)
22) HBHB - Either a traditional Rauchbier or a RIS
23) Zorco - 12 month aged American Barleywine
24) Ciderman - 18 month aged Unblended Lambic.
26) Cummy

1) Winkle & Anna - bread, tea, coffee & OJ
2) madpierre06 - dozen eggs, half doz. rashers bacon
3) Nick B - KG of Bacon, Hash Browns
4) evoo4u - mushrooms, yippee beans (baked beans), and evoo of course!

Private swapsies
1) madpierre06 - Cos I've got 2 beers in swap, will bring another 3 of each if anyone wants to do a privatwe swap for the one they didn't get, plus have 1 bottle Biere de Garde to swap (Benken & Zorco, already have 1 for you blokes). And confirming, have a bottle each for Parks, Radshoes and Seehuusen to cover the 'bad bottle' debacle. Biere de Garde is still up for grabs.
2) Seehuusen - I've got an ESB and a Pumpkin/Amarillo Ale, I'll bring both, wouldn't mind swapping with ya MadPIerre :) - done mate, I'll grab one of the ESB.
3) evoo4u - Count me in on this. I'll bring a few Simcoe/Amarillo APA's (M36 yeast) which I'll bottle in the next couple of days - 1 for madpierre please Rog.
4) Parks - final cut of barrel stout for Benken, Madpierre and I'll see how many others I can bottle off.
Finally managed to get my shit together this afternoon and just finished bottling for the swap. 26 bottles of Mosaic IPA for number 22. Was hoping to get another RIS together, but stuff happens & time ran out. IT'll be good to crack in a few weeks.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone again.
Perry, i'll bring some hardwood down for the heater. Reckon we'll need it.

1) Winkle - Acerola Tarwe (Redux) - bottled 8/6/17, should be hitting its straps after 8/8/17
2) Liam - Chocolate porter brewed with carolina reapers and spices (bottled 11/7/17)
3) Seehuusen - West Coast Wit (bottled 7/7/17)
4) Nickxb - Zombie Dust APA
5) pcqypcqy - Mosaic Saison Psuedo Smash
6) Luggy - Cascade rye pale ale, bottled 7/7/17, allow 3-4 weeks
7) benken25 - applewood rauchbier
8) crowmanz - Tassie Wild Dark Mild (bottled 22/06/17)
9) madpierre06 - Black Rye IPA + Baltic Porter
10) Insensate
11) Fitzlp:- Red Rye IPA
12) Fattox - cherrywood foreign extra (Franconian dark lager) - ready now but time will benefit
13) Earle - Kettle soured red ale (bottled 21/05/2017)
14) Aydos - Blueberry and Black Peppercorn Belgian Stout
15) Bradsbrew- Barrel aged strong stout de garde
16) Scotty Mack
17) Time01
19) evoo4u - Irish Red Ale
20) Parks - Imperial Manuka Smoked Porter (bottled 21/05/2017)
21) Adr0 - Bauple Bock (Macadamia Bock) + XPBIIPA (~90-100IBU, bit of juice, bit of haze, IIPA)
22) HBHB - Either a traditional Rauchbier or a RIS
23) Zorco - 12 month aged American Barleywine
24) Ciderman - 18 month aged Unblended Lambic.
26) Cummy

1) Winkle & Anna - bread, tea, coffee & OJ
2) madpierre06 - dozen eggs, half doz. rashers bacon
3) Nick B - KG of Bacon, Hash Browns
4) evoo4u - mushrooms, yippee beans (baked beans), and evoo of course!
5) fattox stopping at the Blacksoil truck stop

Updated my yeast selection. Currently bottling my swap beer from keg, should be a goer whenever but I'd reckon give it a month to balance out
Quick question before I pack the ute - my swap beers are in PET bottles, but some drinking/tasting beers I could bring are in glass bottles. Would it be better to leave these at home?
Nah, they are fine, there'll be heaps here.
Things to bring/remember -

1) Yourself
2) Your beers (swap-beers and others)
3) a smallish drinking vessel (to avoid getting rat-arsed too quickly)
4) nibblies (see above)
5) pizza money (see above)
6) panadol (you didn't do 3/4/5 properly did you?)
7) breakfast stuff if staying
8) have fun,

Please remember that this is a residential area so try and keep the noise in the carpark area to a minimum and watch out for the bowlo traffic/pedestrian traffic on the roadway
Quick question before I pack the ute - my swap beers are in PET bottles, but some drinking/tasting beers I could bring are in glass bottles. Would it be better to leave these at home?

Yeah it's really only the main swap where there's lots of bottle bumping that poses the added risk.
Can't trawl through the thread atm sorry, but want to ask what time is the actual swap?
24, I think Brad (harden up and just bottle the lot fella).
2pm start Zorco.
have a good one today guys. remember - drink big volumes, strong, and early! pints of barleywines and quads from 2pm and you'll be sitting pretty...
have a good one today guys. remember - drink big volumes, strong, and early! pints of barleywines and quads from 2pm and you'll be sitting pretty...
The day has arrived!
I don't have much in the way of home brew to bring but will have some good commercial bevs tucked under my arm. For snacks I'm bringing hummus and Turkish bread.
Also bringing my balls.
is any one heading past runcorn at around 2-2.30 today on the way to the case swap, who has a spare back seat for me and my fucked leg, other wise i might bus into the city then uber from there,
cheers kegs