Had a couple more of the case swap beers over the last week
Yee IPA:

Had this one a few nights before. Looks awesome, great fluffy persistent head. Smells of strong wood, blackberry, some heavier alcohols and some really light citrus.
Taste is light on the malt and has a coarse, woody bitterness. Carbonation is good, but the after-taste is harsh wood and a little blackberry. Reminds me a bit of a Pacific Gem IPA I did about 10 years ago. Bit more malt would be good but also toning down the hop you have used and throwing a couple of others in as overall it's just a bit harsh sorry.
Had a very disappointing commercial lager last night, so was in the mood for something a little more stout:

My wife liked it, said "That's the best flavour of all of them. Wow! Outstanding". Not a good wife, she was meant to call mine the best, but anyway...
Smell is nice, of light citrus, very faint wood and a nice mix of alcohol/rumminess.
Taste... jesus. Actually bright and roasty on the front, then bursting with prunes, malty body in the middle and dripping with dark fruits, toffee, chocolate, bitterness and a beautiful complex cocktail of rummy fruits to finish. In-flipping-credible. There is a bit of citrus in the 'early' finish as well, which gives you an idea of just how much depth this son-bitch has. Incredible, really blown away. And very drinkable... for 10.5%
If you hadn't guessed, this is Martin's RIS. Top marks, really really impressive.