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    • Grok
      Grok replied to the thread Maltzilla Gap size?.
      Why does no one mention malt conditioning, I don't know why you wouldn't do it to be honest as it is really easy to do and so effective!
    • Grok
      Grok reacted to Meddo's post in the thread All froth & no bubble with Like Like.
      As per Grok's mention (cheers Grok 👍) the following assumes you've read my post #10. Was just about to give that same advice until he...
    • Grok
      Grok replied to the thread All froth & no bubble.
      OK, I reckon read post#10 from Meddo again and have a good think about what you've done so far. If you are playing around with pressure...
    • Grok
      Grok replied to the thread All froth & no bubble.
      Right, well maybe check your keg, hose and tap fittings for anything that might create turbulence as the liquid flows past and maybe...
    • Grok
      Grok replied to the thread All froth & no bubble.
      That info is ok, it takes a bit of time to adjust down, but also, you want the beer and glass as cold as possible, around 2 C , what...
    • Grok
      Grok replied to the thread All froth & no bubble.
      32psi sounds a bit much, but it depends on the psi starting point and how cold and exposure time and agitation to the high psi. I do...
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