Setting up brewspace

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I collect my grain in one of those square shaped vessels that started life as one of those kitchen tidy bins that have the swinging lid.... You know the type, that ejects more rubbish than what ever actually gets into the bin...:)

A square bin may fit better into your cupboard and allow you to open up the opening so that you don't loose any grain.
Yeah the flow through the opening wasn't an issue it was because the bucket was full and the grain was backed up against it!

A square bucket might allow me to put a door on the top though. Getting a mate who is a plumber to look at a tap and drainage this arvo
Yes, it is not adviseable to have grain dust near your prepared wort or fermenting equipment.
The dust is a haven for infectious bacteria which will quickly infect a batch of beer.
Once again, my apologies for re-opening another old thread. Has anybody (home brewer) ever had a confirmed infection that was or could have possibly been directly attributed to Grain Mill Dust in their brew area. Here's a well-known chap on YouTube milling grain right in the space where he's working on the brew. Whether he has another batch in fermentation, transfer or pitching at the same time is unknown.