Hello from Perth!

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Hi Everyone,

I am an all-grain brewer who is originally from Melbourne. I am getting back into my hobby recently.
After moving to Perth and starting a family I have finally found the time to get back on the horse.

Curious if any fellow brewers have any advice on their water treatment/softening. Where I lived in Melbourne, I could use tap water with great success.
When I lived north of the river here, I had to use RO water as the tap water smelled like it came from a local swimming pool.
Now living in the Melville area, the tap water is much more useable, and get's a good result, but only for certain types of beer.
Using local water reports, I believe a 50/50 mix of RO and tap water would get me closer to a desirable water profile. Any one else doing this over here?

Cheers everyone!
Welcome to AHB. I'm sure there will be others with answers for you. I haven't lived in Perth since 1995, but it's a nice city.
Hey Jake,

I'm in the same boat/on the same horse. Milling this week to start brewing my own for the first time in a long time after moving back SOR.

It's certainly not complete but water corp do have data specifically for Melville in their aesthetic reporting (https://www.watercorporation.com.au/About-us/Our-performance/Drinking-water-quality).

I'm going to put a couple of batches through the system but will report back on water treatment and the results.
