Liam_Snorkel, thanks for the comments, I'll definitely tone down the bulk prime next time!
Guys, when trying my beer, do a "German pour", as in, fill half way, let it sit and calm down then pour again, let it sit then do the final pour. It should showcase the beer better then I hope.
Well, I had a nice and relaxing weekend with a few buddies turning up for a couple and random chats.
This gave me a prime opportunity to taste the remaining beers (excepts Snow's) in my swap carton
10) Daemon - Zythos IPA
I had this possibly a bit early according to Deamon, but honestly, it was a very nice drop.
I brewed a batch up with Zythos the other week, and it's been chucked in the fermenter, looking forward to that
15) NickB - APA
Very yummy hop profile! Hopped as much as an IPA I think, but to me, that's just perfect. Well balanced beer, with a good malt backbone.
17) Aydos - Blueberry and Black peppercorn Belgian stout
Complex flavours, I got Pepper and fruitiness, hints of blueberry. Thick stout for sure.
18) leahy268 - Cascade and Galaxy pale ale
Really nice aussie style pale imo. Great hops aroma and well balanced maltyness in this one.
19) Donske - Rye Dark Mild
I like this one very much, easy drinkable and great malt aroma. I'd like to make something like this at some stage, especially in a slightly larger batch, so I can enjoy a few beers without getting to rowdy LOL
20) tazman1967 - Kraken Rum Oak Aged Stout
YUM! I love rum and I love beer, what a great combination. The balance of this beer was great, with that constant hint of the rum just rounding off the sweetness so very well! How was this made? Do you have a recipe for it??
21) Madpierre - Sparkling Ale (kit 'n' bit)
I should've seen the give it a month note. Sorry, I drank it. It was a pretty good beer for a kit. I still got the "kit twang", possibly because I drank it too early, sorry I didn't do it justice mate, I really wish I'd seen/ remembered the note...
This beer tasting has been awesome!

I've thoroughly enjoyed all the beers presented, some crackers in this batch! I can't wait for the next swap meet, first of all to catch up with all you fine people again, but secondly to get a massive variety of beers to test again.
I've starred those beers that really stood out to me, and I'm surpriced! I love my IPA beers, hoppy and delicious, but I seem to be drawn towards the Belgian beers, The darker beers, including that cracker Cherry Wood Rauch!
A few new styles of beers have been put on the "to brew" list. I wish I could leave my beers alone for long enough to make something like Perry's delicous Apricot Sour, one day maybe
Cheers for all the beers!