Did you get the toilet arrangements sorted out Winkle?
Sorry I can't attend but I'm dropping off my case to Rosscoe to bring over. Have a good one :icon_chickcheers:
1. Chappo - Trappist
2. BribieG - swapping but not attending - UK Best Bitter - Wheat Caramel Malt.
4. Bradsbrew. - English Bitter
5. PocketBeers - Vanilla Stout
6. Browndog - Andromeda IPA
7. Scruffy - Something with chilli perhaps? Or perhaps just a good strong pale... on the sweet side...
8. kram - I've got 6 months to relearn how to make a beer, so beer it is
9. Stillscottish - Treacle Juice - AKA Strong Stout with Coles specialty addition, matured on Bourbon Oak with a side salad of 250ml Bourbon.
10. Winkle - Dark Regal Saison ~8% (OK to drink now - better after June 30)
12. scoundrel_rogue - Beligian dark ale
13. NickB - Old Rifle Range Dark Mild
14. DKS - Budvar
15. geoff_tewierik - Dopplebock.
16. Daemon - Vanilla Porter.
17. Thomas J. - Trapist triple (Chimay White clone) - still swapping, just can't go!
18. Florian - Rye Weizen
24. Ross - Christmas in July Ale
Attending but not swapping
1. Snow
2. TidalPete
3. Bonj
4. mossyrocks
5. Lilo
6. Sully
7. Ras (depends on what time my meeting ends but might be able to call around saterday afternoon to say Hi and have a beer or 2)
8.Clean Brewer
10. Batz...plus a party of Oktoberfest
11. Tom Madams