Qld Xmas In July 2010 - Consumption & Tasting

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This was my contribution,

Dark Regent Saison

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 21.00 L
Boil Size: 24.04 L
Boil Time: 70 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00


Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.00 kg Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (3.0 SRM) Grain 66.12 %
1.00 kg Munich Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) Grain 16.53 %
0.40 kg Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain 6.61 %
0.20 kg Chocolate Rye Malt (250.0 SRM) Grain 3.31 %
0.20 kg Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (1.5 SRM) Grain 3.31 %
14.00 gm Pearle [8.00 %] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
18.00 gm Pacific Gem [15.00 %] (60 min) Hops 27.0 IBU
14.00 gm Pearle [8.00 %] (15 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
1.00 cup Orange Peel, Sweet (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
6.00 gm Seeds of Paradise (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
8.00 gm Coriander Seed (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
0.25 kg Sugar, Table (Sucrose) (1.0 SRM) Sugar 4.13 %
1 Pkgs French Saison (Wyeast Labs #3711) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.069 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.068 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.014 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.006 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 7.09 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 8.10 %
Bitterness: 27.0 IBU Calories: 637 cal/l
Est Color: 16.4 SRM

Its drinking alright ATM so hop into it, the sweet/sour combination works pretty good.
No. 14 DKS Budvar

Cracked Daz's one first up.
Poured a darkish amber with a big meringue head, high level of carbonation. Malty nose, but the flavour profile was interesting - honeyed malt with hints of pepper. Dry bitter finish, perhaps a touch full bodied for a Bo Pils but it went down well watching the Broncos lose :( .
Hopefully my flavour description wasn't too affected by the last of this cold.
A good start to the case.
Feeling a bit introspective tonight, thought Id pass on a revelation and insight to a simple mistake .

My first major swap has led me to a bit of basic research to improve my beers.

My swap ,being a lager was made quite a few months back and I wanted to make something interesting and and new to me. So, I chose a Budvar.

Not knowing everybody else would chose big black 1060+ taste bud smackers I felt somehow inadequate when the list was posted :rolleyes:
However onward and upward..
Brewing, OK .....all as planned.Then bottled to PETs

I hadnt tried this batch since a month after they were first bottled and I thought they were good and thought I had a house lager to stick with.

Since this was my first big swap, we had to use PETs which was a first for me. I had always used keg or glass bottles.

From my sampling and most feedback from swappers the beer is clearly over carbonated.

Wheels turned and I questioned why?.. after initial samples were good, cool lagering and time at stable temps, all seemed good, whats going on? I ask.

First time use of PETs but everything else should be good.So.

I did some weights & measures today and found to my surprise:

1: The 740ml PET are 740ml to the very brim of the top of the bottle.(Penny drop! Thats prob why they look so small) Your buying a 740ml capacity bottle only.
2: 750ml glass bottles are 750ml to 60mmm below the brim of the bottle.( using water) ie: Your buying 750ml of beer not bottle size.

Take away the head space, say 50-60mmm in a PET and your left with about 710ml +or - (Vols worked as 1ml = 1gm using water and digital scale, not beer)
Extrapolated with my tradies quick math means I'm adding 8.5 % more sugar to a PET than to a glass 750 bottle if using the same measure device, as in a everybody has one bottle /sugar measuring thingo, and Ive done that a thousand times before.

Therefore,Ive got over carbed beers. Seems obvious now. Its so simple but a huge difference when scrutinized.
Leason learned.

Thanks for the feed back from swappers.
Ive questioned the process and have a viable answer now Thank you.

Wouldn't of happened without a swap.

Adjustments to be made next time of course . Cheers

Edit:Note to self; Bulk prime you idiot!
Or just use the little Coopers lollies like I did.

Be interesting to see what they did to the beer in another week or so.
I probably should have mentioned that Daz <_< .
I use a priming sugar dispenser that is adjustable and dial it down for PET bottles (4gm I think)

Bradsbrew Ordinary Bitter

Normally I don't like these insipid bitters and ignore them to step up to the malty goodness of an ESB, but drank I did. Initial impressions are as expected, thin honeyed malt body with spiking notes of strident crystal (I had given it a chance to warm BTW) .
My expectations had lined up with the beer, but as it warmed I suddenly began enjoying it considerably - the honeyed note combined with emergent biscuity notes from the base malt(s) and the crystal toned down to blend in and by the end of bottle I found myself wanting more. Good one Brad, my fault for over-chilling a nice beer and my initial bias. May have venture down the path of drinking a few more of this style after this one :icon_cheers: .
5. PocketBeers - Vanilla Oatmeal Stout - Ready now (6 weeks in bottles)

Very dark, little in the way of head, carbonation lowish (about where I like it) vanilla is there, but not overpoweringly so, hops give a nice bitter finish that is well balanced by the malt up front.

This one I like....

Can't add much to Thomas's except that I found the vanilla to be dominate up front - good but you wouldn't want much more. Did the job on me though, as might be obvious from the drunken rambling description of Brads Bitter above.
Got into the case swap yesterday and kicked off with Daz's and Bribie's contributions. As usual I filled out a BJCP score sheet on them, it makes great judging practice.

BribieG's Best Bitter


Daz's Budvar 2000



I probably should have mentioned that Daz <_< .
I use a priming sugar dispenser that is adjustable and dial it down for PET bottles (4gm I think)


Yes, I've stopped using sugar cubes because whilst they are very convenient they are around 5 grams and just a bit too fizzo.

Browndog: thanks for the scoresheet. I nearly freaked at first and thought it was a sheet from my bitter from last Sunday :eek: then I twigged.

"Appears Bottle Conditioned and BIAB ............."

Funny bugger :p

Edit: I've got 6 days off so I'll start working my way through the case tonight. Woot woot.
I'll knock over a few whilst watching rugby & league - after brewing an oatmeal stout :icon_cheers: .

Note to self - clean up spillages as they occur to avoid a re-appearance of a pygmy typhoon <_<
Thanks Browndog,
Obviously not really what I wanted to hear, I thought it was a good'n but I am pleased to get such a considered assessment .

Hopefully I'll use your score sheet to improve at my next attempt and that's great because Babbs minicomp coming may be a perfect opportunity to sort out its faults. I've already tweaked the recipe and this time brewing in winter instead of the middle of summer can only help.

Thanks for the effort mate. :icon_cheers:
Thanks Browndog,
Obviously not really what I wanted to hear, I thought it was a good'n but I am pleased to get such a considered assessment .

Hopefully I'll use your score sheet to improve at my next attempt and that's great because Babbs minicomp coming may be a perfect opportunity to sort out its faults. I've already tweaked the recipe and this time brewing in winter instead of the middle of summer can only help.

Thanks for the effort mate. :icon_cheers:

Probably would have been a good beer had it not been infected Daz, it will be interesting to see if it was a one off.


Probably would have been a good beer had it not been infected Daz, it will be interesting to see if it was a one off.


Mine was fine......a tiny bit over-carbonated but not excessive - just a bit prickly on the tongue.


Edit: I actually ended up with a second bottle of Daz's beer - it was fine too.
I've just drunk a bottle of "S" which I take it is Scruffy, as I can't see a bottle with 7 on it.

Yes it's Scruffy's headbanger 9% lager for sure, the world suddenly has no rough edges. You ******* Andy I need another one NOW :icon_drool2:

Malty, hoppy, sweet, hazy like an old horse blanket that drapes itself warmly around you and warms the cockles of your heart. Recipe required pronto. I'll see about doing a partigyle with this one as I now have the double urn setup. :icon_cheers:

Parti gyle? More like parti bag haha

Sorry cant give any feedback on Bribies or Pockets as I drank them whilst a little bit pist and cannot find the notes I thought I wrote down. :chug: :party: :icon_drunk: I do recall them as being good beers and the went down the throat quite easily :icon_chickcheers:

Cheers Brad
I've just drunk a bottle of "S" which I take it is Scruffy, as I can't see a bottle with 7 on it.

Yes it's Scruffy's headbanger 9% lager for sure :icon_drool2:

I am currently drinking the mysterious " S " beer and would not class it as a lager at all. Big hops on the aroma, I am guessing galaxy or topaz. Closer to an Aipa for me. It is as hazy as a Pom sleeping upright on a rotating bar stool. Bloody good effort either way and yes although well hidden the alcohol is hitting me now as a get threw the second glass. The only negative I can find in this one Andy is that is very hazy. But I could easily down a few more before spwewing and passing out :icon_chickcheers:

Cheers Brad
Bribie and Brad - too kind... you guys!

Didn't have time to AgarAgar/Polyclar before the swap - hoped it might drop a bit if I stalled you. It drinks OK I guess - but if it's really hazy (something I need to work on...) then you're drinking it too cold... Hahaha!

Anyway; here's the guff...

8.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (Thomas Fawcett) Grain 100.00 %
30.00 gm Amarillo Gold* [8.20 %] (120 min) Hops 24.1 IBU
30.00 gm Cascade* [5.00 %] (120 min) Hops 13.3 IBU
30.00 gm Simcoe [12.20 %] (120 min) Hops 35.9 IBU
30.00 gm Amarillo Gold* [8.20 %] (20 min) Hops 13.4 IBU
30.00 gm Cascade* [5.00 %] (20 min) Hops 7.4 IBU
30.00 gm Simcoe [12.20 %] (20 min) Hops 19.9 IBU (so 114IBU ...i know, ...where is it?)
30.00 gm Cascade* [5.00 %] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
30.00 gm Amarillo Gold* [8.20 %] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
30.00 gm Simcoe [12.20 %] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
(500g slurry) Thames Valley II (Wyeast Labs #1882), stopped eating at 1.20something, so bunged in some Nottingham, finished at 1.017 (from 1.086 - so 9.04%ABV).

Dunno why I boiled for 2 hours this time, usually I mash around 8kg TF Maris or Golden Promise or Halcyon, then throw hops at it - Nelson works well. There's a new brew with Maris and Aurora - and some 1187 ...very pleased with that one...!!!

But happy you liked it...
I had a good crack at a few last night.
First up was
13 NickB Old Rifle Range Mild
A good example of a dark mild Nick, as per the discussion on the day very similar to my mild before the last tweak (to be untweaked). The only suggestion I'd make is to lift the Bitter hops by a couple of IBU's which is on the cards for my next one. Good beer as is though.
Daemon - Hazelnut Porter
Sweet, mellow and good flavour intergration. Can't make any suggestions for improvement. Ticked all the boxes for me, bloody nice beer.
Stillscottish - Treacle Juice
Bloody hell, a big slap-you-around-the-face-and-take-no-prisoners beer if ever there was one. Thick as engine oil, the malty body attempts to hide the undoubted high alcohol with some success while oak and bourbon notes abound. A sipper this one, there is a drawing of a skull and crossbones on my tasting notes just before the writing becomes unreadable, keep a bottle for QABC dude.

My contribution should be consumed about now, the sourness has gotten a bit over the top (more than I'd hoped for) but its still ok.
Nick's mild was very nice, not as fruity as I would make a mild (I ramp up the Ringwood temp normally) but I'd pay for a pint of that in a British Local.

Hey Scoundrel Rogue - let me say that your brewing has improved n - fold in the last year or so. Onya. That Belgian Dark is very drinkable - a little sweet but that's balanced by the strength and body. No off flavours and some alcohol heat. What's the ABV%. It's certainly giving me a glow on. Good job I didn't have it in the same session as Scruffy's as I'd be rat arsed by now. :icon_drunk:
First cab off the rank.

14. DKS – Budvar

poured darker thtn I was expecting. Was expecting very pale, got coppery
clean, sharp aromatic hop character (saaz and something else)
definitely overcarbed, ended up pouring into a jug over the sink, still only got 450mls.

slight buiscut-yness as it warms.

what bittering hops did you used? Its there but over powered by malt and alcohol, ive just mowed the lawn so that doesn’t help. Sure hit the spot though.
head retention was very good and laced the glass all the way down.
i liked it wouldn't mind another to be honest.
Definitely better than most homebrewed budvars/pilsners that ive had.
#6 - Browndog's Andromeda IPA

Something familiar about this one, I swear it was one of the entrants in the BABB's annual comp two weekends ago. ;)

Brad got the description of this one down pat.

Good stuff Browndog, very enjoyable.

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