10 - Winkle Hefeweizen
Aside from it being completely devoid of any CO2, the flavour was extremely nice. I like a good weizbeer, and have jumped on an offer of buying a carbonation cap

Wish I'd had it already, I would have loved to try that beer with proper carbonation, it would have taken it from good to great I reckon!
11 - Angus Sarcasm Wit
I didn't get any lime/lemon flavours at all with this one. Low yeast phenolics too, was this fermented at a low temp?
Still, it has potential, and I'd love to try your second batch of this
22 - HBHB Russian Imperial Stout
Absolutely nothing bad to say about this beer at all, although, I did expect a MUCH higher bitterness, that didn't seem to show too much.
I got sherry flavours from this one, great malt backbone, thick nearly. The alcohol was warming, and I'd be happy to sip down a few of these on a cold winters day (then sleep the booze off on the couch haha)