3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.
What an impressive head. It's thick and creamy and will not subside.
Big piney hop hit. Not a malt aroma to be had, unless it's hidden by the hop.
Creamy mouthfeel, with bit of hop astringency (high co-humulone?), and a bit of hop sting.
Medium-high carbonation. Malt, hop and resiny sweetness with fruity/woody flavours. The hops bite and bite again on the aftertaste. Lingering. A sweetness lingers, too.
Well-crafted for easy consumption. I can imagine this to be an easy-swilling ale.
Quite a complex beer. Reminds me of some of my old DME APA's. This is no discourtesy to goatherder, as both his and my beers were tasty and clean and complex. If you're short on time, it 's OK to use light DME for an APA, especially if performing a full boil.
The hop lingers a little too long, but that's prob just me. Or maybe it's the entire beer that lingers.
I'd be happy to be greeted by a Yankee sized pint glass, off the tap, in an Arrogant Bastard/ "Fizzy yellow beer is for wussies" glass, after a hard day at work. Topless barmaid, hmmmm...
Quite drinkable, but I have a problem with the hop astringency. Prob just the type of hop. I get the same thing when making these. W1056 does accent the hop, prob by downplaying the malt.
Nice enough. I made a similar-tasting one for a Superbowl party a while back.