Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

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I had Stusters American Rye earlier.

I've never tried 1 of these before, interesting flavours, nice colour. It was finished before I knew it.


I also had Stuster's American Rye last night and I was really impressed. It was the first time I have ever tried a beer with rye malt in it and I think it made for a very interesting flavour (in a good way!). I had it with pizza and it went down a treat. If I can get my hands on some rye malt I would be very keen on making one of these beers for myself. Top stuff Stuster!

Going to knock the top off Goatherder's APA tonight. I am going through a bit of an APA phase at the moment so I'm looking forward to this one!
Cheers Barramundi. According to beersmith, the colour is about in the middle of the style for an APA. It surprised me a bit too that the guidelines are so broad for this syle.

thanks for the info guys !
TD's hunter valley pale

Nice clear beer when poured, amber to copper in colour. A smallish white head which lingers well. The aroma is very clean with a great malty hit to it. The taste doesn't let it down, plenty of malt there with some nice caramel sweetness. There is also a bit of spiciness from the hops along with the perfectly balanced bitterness. The carbonation is spot on for the style leaving a very drinkable beer.

Top marks TD, this is a beer that's right up my alley. I've made a few bitters before but I've always used an English yeast to do it. I'm really pleased to have tasted one with US-56, it really puts a different spin on the hops and yeast when there aren't any esters there to dominate. Cheers.
Goatherders APA

Very nice, with a strong bitterness and strong floral? hop flavour. Great carbonation and colour.

many thanks


edit - Just got to 100 posts, it's taken a while...
TD's hunter valley pale

Nice clear beer when poured, amber to copper in colour. A smallish white head which lingers well. The aroma is very clean with a great malty hit to it. The taste doesn't let it down, plenty of malt there with some nice caramel sweetness. There is also a bit of spiciness from the hops along with the perfectly balanced bitterness. The carbonation is spot on for the style leaving a very drinkable beer.

Top marks TD, this is a beer that's right up my alley. I've made a few bitters before but I've always used an English yeast to do it. I'm really pleased to have tasted one with US-56, it really puts a different spin on the hops and yeast when there aren't any esters there to dominate. Cheers.

what he said , great beer TD , this would be a good one to watch the poms lose an ashes series with ....
am i correct in guessing that by the picture on your label of a big boiler type device that this is an all grain beer??
Pint Of Lagers Dunkel , well ive never had a dunkel before and have no idea what its supposed to taste like / look like but i do know that i liked this beer a lot , not too bitter not too sweet , just right for my taste buds , good job POL...
what he said , great beer TD , this would be a good one to watch the poms lose an ashes series with ....
am i correct in guessing that by the picture on your label of a big boiler type device that this is an all grain beer??

Yeah, it is an all grain beer that was brewed on a big (150L) system I have at my parents' vineyard in the Hunter Valley. The boiler in the photo is a modified stainless 44 gallon drum.

Glad you liked the beer. I fermented another batch of it with S-04 and I must say I thought it was quite a bit better than the US-56 version. Shame I couldn't have put that one in the case, but you can't win 'em all!
Hey T.D

sorry to be off topic but where abouts in the Hunter Valley is your parents vineyard? I live in the Hunter (Pokolbin)... could be a possibility breweing get together in the future?

TD's hunter valley pale

Nice clear beer when poured, amber to copper in colour. A smallish white head which lingers well. The aroma is very clean with a great malty hit to it. The taste doesn't let it down, plenty of malt there with some nice caramel sweetness. There is also a bit of spiciness from the hops along with the perfectly balanced bitterness. The carbonation is spot on for the style leaving a very drinkable beer.

Top marks TD, this is a beer that's right up my alley. I've made a few bitters before but I've always used an English yeast to do it. I'm really pleased to have tasted one with US-56, it really puts a different spin on the hops and yeast when there aren't any esters there to dominate. Cheers.

Thanks Goatherder. I tried your beer tonight and I loved it! Great red-brown colour, and when I held it up to the light it gave this nice ruby-coloured glow through the glass - great stuff! The aroma hit me straight away. Is it something like cascade or amarillo at flameout? The hop flavour seemed to have some more grapefruit flavours there though (any chinook, or similar, in there?), but I may be getting it confused with the beer's good strong bitterness. Overall a great example of the style. As I said I am currently going through an APA phase at the moment and I enjoyed this beer as much if not more than any others I have had recently. Thanks mate! :beerbang:
Hey T.D

sorry to be off topic but where abouts in the Hunter Valley is your parents vineyard? I live in the Hunter (Pokolbin)... could be a possibility breweing get together in the future?


We are in Mount View - very close to Pokolbin! Definitely up for a brew day up there some time, I'll keep you posted on when I next plan to brew!
Beer Slayer's APA

Sweet malt aroma with some definite Amarillo in there too. Quite hazy.

Flavour is upfront sweetness from Munich & Crystal, along with a nice fresh cleansing palate that is pretty full. Might just be a little too sweet for the amount of bitterness in there (which is a little low). Might have just tried it a bit too early? Good summer quaffer beer, more like a James Squire-style Golden ale than an APA. Loads of Amarillo in there which i always like! :chug:
Duff's American IPA

You're not wrong about it being hoppy. More hoppy than anything I have made. Not sure I would ever go that far. But it didn't last long in the glass so it must have been good.
I had Trents Nut Brown Ale last night.

When I first tried this, I wasn't sure about it. To me it sort of tasted a bit odd. I think I was drinking it too cold, because as it warmed up it, the flavours started to come out. It was a very nice beer.


Funny you should mention that, nifty. I had T.D.'s pale ale a couple of days ago and at first was not sure I liked it at all. Then realised as you did that it was just the temperature so left it ten minutes and then enjoyed it very much. Luckily my wife didn't like it, so I had to take up the slack. :chug:

I'm drinking Trent's Nut Brown right now. Great beer, Trent. Good to see you persevering with the 1028. :lol: It's such a distinctive yeast. I think it goes better in combination with the darker malts. Esters are obvious in the aroma. Good sized, fluffy white head and perfect carbonation for the style. An excellent beer for a cooler night. :super:
3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.

What an impressive head. It's thick and creamy and will not subside.
Big piney hop hit. Not a malt aroma to be had, unless it's hidden by the hop.
Creamy mouthfeel, with bit of hop astringency (high co-humulone?), and a bit of hop sting.
Medium-high carbonation. Malt, hop and resiny sweetness with fruity/woody flavours. The hops bite and bite again on the aftertaste. Lingering. A sweetness lingers, too.
Well-crafted for easy consumption. I can imagine this to be an easy-swilling ale.

Quite a complex beer. Reminds me of some of my old DME APA's. This is no discourtesy to goatherder, as both his and my beers were tasty and clean and complex. If you're short on time, it 's OK to use light DME for an APA, especially if performing a full boil.

The hop lingers a little too long, but that's prob just me. Or maybe it's the entire beer that lingers.

I'd be happy to be greeted by a Yankee sized pint glass, off the tap, in an Arrogant Bastard/ "Fizzy yellow beer is for wussies" glass, after a hard day at work. Topless barmaid, hmmmm...

Quite drinkable, but I have a problem with the hop astringency. Prob just the type of hop. I get the same thing when making these. W1056 does accent the hop, prob by downplaying the malt.

Nice enough. I made a similar-tasting one for a Superbowl party a while back.
DJR's Klsch

Beautiful pale colour. I saw an earlier post in the hop of the week thread saying something about a perfumy taste. Although there are different hops in the Klsch, this was the first impression I got when I first tasted it.

A very nice beer


over the last couple of nights i too have sampled trents nut brown ale and it got the thumbs up all round even the g/f liked it and she is hard to please as far as beers go , also had Docs Summer Saison , man what is in this beer its great , very quaffable indeed , very summer , very good ...
Wel i started on my case tonight.
I had a bottle of mine which was only half full but it seemed to condition up ok. I backed well off the bittering i gave this beer last time, and I'm regretting it. I wanted something mor bitter than this, but not as bitter as the last time i brewed this beer. Has a bit of a coopers vintage taste to it, and am reasonably happy. Probably another 2 or 3 weeks wouldn't hurt.

Keiths Raspberry Wheat
Overall Keith i found the beer pretty good. I'm not sure of the yeasts you use are true wheat yeasts or not? I would like to try it with only a true wheat yeast, as i found it a little to dry to finsih, but apart from that it was an easy drinking beer. Would definately give it a go, but maybe swap the yeast for somethnig a little more fruity.

Thommo's Bitter

Thomo i have no idea what went into this, or how it was brewed. I'll do a bit of a search now and see if i can find something more about it. I don't know what the taste in it is. Nothing like any beer I've had before, but i enjoy it. I'm not even sure if it is hop or malt driven in the taste, but I;m guessing it is the hops. Good effort on the beer. Could possibly do with a little more bitterness, but maybe it's right as it is. Thoroughly enjoying this one at the moment.
I had POL's Dunkel last night

I had no idea what to expect with this one, it's another style I've never tried before. I was a bit surprised when I poured it, I didn't realise this was a dark beer.

I enjoyed this beer, thanks
