Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

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I'll also echo the other comments about Josh's beer, I had this on the weekend and it was a cracker. There was not enough of it.

On the weekend I also really enjoyed Stephen's Hoegarden White, a very nice beer.
Hopsta's Brown Porter was a nice drop too.
Barra's Vintage Ale, a very nice beer as well, enjoyed that one.

Bugger, I've only got a couple to go.

Thanks all
25 - Josh's Sparkling Ale - Hazy amber in colour with a big fluffy off-white head which laces the whole glass. There is a subtle banana hint on the nose along with good solid malt aroma. There is a little pleasant grainy note in there as well. The taste has some sweetness up front with rounded malt the dominant flavour. The bitterness is spot on and the finish is just a shade on the sweet side. Comparing this to CSA, I find this one a little fuller in body with slightly less carbonation - both of which help to make it incredibly drinkable.

Josh, I can't help but echo shonky's praise for this beer. It is perfectly balanced and easy to drink, a shining example of the style. My pick of the case so far, cheers.

what they said ...had this one tonight , great beer josh definately close to the original , would be good to have done a side by side taste test ... must be the poolside atmosphere or something .... definately couldve had more of this ....

also had mikes smoky porter the night before and found that to be quite enjoyable , full of flavour , the 'smoke' came out as the temp of the glass got a bit warmer , very nice indeed well finished beer....
no23. SOme kind of old peculiar.

Never had an old peculiar before so didn't know what to expect but found it to be very enjoyable.
Poured a nice dark choclate colour with a slightly off white head which didn't last very long. The carbonation was just right. Lovely smokey/roasty notes on the palate, appropriate bitterness, a well balanced beer.
had DJR's kolsch a day or two ago , dont know what a kolsch is supposed to be like so i wont pretend to, nice tasting beer good head formation only thing i could call it on was possibly over carbed but maybe thats the style of the beer ,

also had beerslayers APA tonight , again a well constructed all grain beer , taste,color ,clarity, carbed it had the lot

the case is nearing its end now , must be time for another swap soon ...
#27 philmacs brown ale , after all the panic of this one possibly blowing its lid i let it settle for quite a while and finally fridged it ...

this one was the pick of the swap so far for me , top taste great head , good levels of carb ...

have had several others too which were all up to standard , looks like we hit the jackpot on quality beers in this swap , i hope mine was up to scratch as not many have mentioned it in a review as yet ...
Still waiting on yours, Barra. I'm sure there are others doing the same. And after a few weeks, people forget to post their reviews. :ph34r:
i cracked #27 philmacs brown ale last night. Excellent drop sir. Well done. This is the ist American Brown I've tried & found it to be very porter like. Yum. Can you post the recipe?

Like Stuster said, I must put my hand up for being slack on a few responses eg Doc, Stuster & i enjoyed your Saison a couple of weeks ago when we had a bit of a belgian session. From memory, Linz's wheat was in there as well. Barramundi, I enjoyed yours too.
had DJR's kolsch a day or two ago , dont know what a kolsch is supposed to be like so i wont pretend to, nice tasting beer good head formation only thing i could call it on was possibly over carbed but maybe thats the style of the beer ,

Nope, definitely overcarbed, i think i bottled it and it still had another couple of points to go. Wasn't a bad beer once you got past the huge carbonation ;)

I still have about 16 bottles left, that must be a record ;) Not enough time to drink them all!
Nope, definitely overcarbed, i think i bottled it and it still had another couple of points to go. Wasn't a bad beer once you got past the huge carbonation ;)

My kids were so impressed with the beer fountain that they made me take a photo:

From memory, Linz's wheat was in there as well.

Atleast this one didnt explode like the very first beer I passed on to you!!!

I still have about 16 bottles left, that must be a record ;) Not enough time to drink them all!

I havent cracked one of them yet!!! and no self openers yet either

Planning on fixing this 'problem' in the next weekend or two!
Damn Linz, I'll be down on the weekend to help out :p

I've finished all mine, and I think it has been the best case swap yet as far as quality goes :beerbang:

Well done everyone :beer:

I agree with you, Duff. The best case so far. :super:

I've still got a few left, but not long now before they're all gone. Then it's time to start planning for the next one. :party:
My kids were so impressed with the beer fountain that they made me take a photo:

i didnt get a foam fountain as such but it was quite angry on the pour , missed out on a label too must have fallen off in transit not too worry ...

as for lack of time to drink them all Ben welcome to parenthood ....
i cracked #27 philmacs brown ale last night. Excellent drop sir. Well done.

I had this one tonight with a home made pizza. Great beer. Having had so many "light" beers over the summer months it was great to get into this one. Great balance - malt, hops, carbonation... all spot on.

I have been saving some of the darker beers for cooler weather but hell I can't wait any longer! :D

I can't believe you lasted this long. I've been hanging out for the next case since early January. :blink:


Forgot to echo the sentiments on how good this case was. Thanks guys for the great beers.

My case was gone before xmas.
The only bit I'm not looking forward to for the next one is bottling it :p

19 - Thommo's Bitter

A deep golden colour and almost crystal clear, this beer pours with a small but persistent head. There is a solid hop note on the nose, followed by a nice toffee caramel aroma. There is an assertive bitterness which balances well with the up front malt flavour. There is hint of sweetness at the end. The carbonation is perfect for the style. Thanks for putting this one up Thommo. I'm a big fan of a bitter, it's a beer I love to make and drink. This is an excellent example of one. Would you mind posting the recipe?
I too have been very slack in responding to the various beers in the case, however, I will sum them all up with one word - Fantastic!

My new girlfriend enjoyed, if not all, most of them. To add to this, it was a great way to introduce her to the fact that there are more beers in this world than Toohey's or VB, which she really enjoyed. I'll have to be honest though, the one beer that really stood out was Doc's Saison. Well done Doc and too all who contributed.

Thank you,

I'll have to be honest though, the one beer that really stood out was Doc's Saison. Well done Doc and too all who contributed.

Thanks Stephen. Really happy you enjoyed it.
