Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

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...... I'll have to be honest though, the one beer that really stood out was Doc's Saison. Well done Doc and too all who contributed.

Thank you,


I'll agree with Stephen on this one. I only had Doc's Saison two nights ago and it was a ripper. I only have one beer to go and that is nifty's Old Peculiar. Waiting until my mate who lived in the hometown of OP comes round to give it a go.
Had PhilsAle last night and it was most enjoyable especially after a ****** of a day at work, slightly overcarbed but very well balanced beer not too bitter with a very nice malt balance.
Well, we demolished the case in one evening!!

Thanks to Little Squares, Homekegger1, Grant, Franko, Pumpy and Jimi who all asissited in empying the bottles with precision

Along with other posters opinions, we all felt this was a quality collection of brews
Well i only just got my case delivered the other day. Thanks heaps Gerard for dropping that off!
I've actually cut down dramatically on the drinking and am putting brewing on hold for about 6months so this
case will probably last me till next xmas! Im sure theres a few beers in there that will be lovely after they've aged a little, "Barramundi's wanna be vintage ale" especially.

- Hopsta
28 - Crozdog's PhilsAle - Spectacular white fluffy head which refuses to disperse. This beer is far from undercarbed. This is a very pale beer, light golden. The clarity is excellent with just a touch of chill haze which clears quickly. There is a subtle lemon-lime hop aroma which I find very appealing. There is some nice sweetness up front, some maltiness and more of that yummy lemon-lime thing in the mouth. I can detect an almost minty flavour in the finish - I guess this is the northen brewer talking. The beer is very crisp in the mouth, thanks to the balanced bitterness and the assertive carbonation. The bitterness finishes very quickly, adding to the crispness yet the sweetness and lemon linger on. Top beer thanks Crozdog. It works perfectly as a session beer yet there is enough complexity to keep it really interesting. Nice one.
23 - Nifty's "Some sort of Old Peculiar" - This is a dark beer, almost opaque with ruby and amber highlights. The head is off-white and heading towards tan, small yet persistent. The nose is complex with some obvious choc-malt and caramel. There is also a fruity background which I dectect as berries, maybe raspberry or blueberry. The chocolate continues through in the flavour along with some sweeter maltiness. The finish tends towards the bitter end of the spectrum while still leaving the beer in balance. There is a very satisfying alcohol warmness to this beer, perfect for cooler evenings like tonight. The carbonation was medium low, complementing the beer nicely. I reckon as an Old Peculiar this beer makes an excellent Robust Porter. My experience with Old Peculiar was way less choc and a lot more crystal/caramel/toffee. Either way, it's a blood nice beer Nifty, loads of character and very drinkable. Cheers.
27 - Philmac's American Brown - Very dark brown, verging on black with red highlights. A nice two finger tan head stands up after pouring which shrinks slightly as the beer disappears. Some really nice dark malt aromas, mainly chocolate, combine well with some moderate citrus hop aroma. This is echoed in the flavour. The hops dominate the front of the palate, without being too bitter. As the hop flavour subsides, the roasty chocolate flavour follows, lingering on well into the finish. The slightly sweet finish is balanced well by a lemony bitterness, keeping this beer really drinkable. The carbonation is excellent, adding a crispness to the mouthfeel and keeping the head well presented during the glass. I'm a big fan of this beer Philmac, really well made and loads of flavour. I wish I had a few more.

thanks for the feedback. Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, the northern brewer works well in this combined with the Hersbrucker (or was it Hallertauer) <_< sorry, can't remember at the moment.


23 - Nifty's "Some sort of Old Peculiar" - This is a dark beer, almost opaque with ruby and amber highlights. The head is off-white and heading towards tan, small yet persistent. The nose is complex with some obvious choc-malt and caramel. There is also a fruity background which I dectect as berries, maybe raspberry or blueberry. The chocolate continues through in the flavour along with some sweeter maltiness. The finish tends towards the bitter end of the spectrum while still leaving the beer in balance. There is a very satisfying alcohol warmness to this beer, perfect for cooler evenings like tonight. The carbonation was medium low, complementing the beer nicely. I reckon as an Old Peculiar this beer makes an excellent Robust Porter. My experience with Old Peculiar was way less choc and a lot more crystal/caramel/toffee. Either way, it's a blood nice beer Nifty, loads of character and very drinkable. Cheers.

I gave my mates a taste of Nifty's Some Sort of Old Peculiar last night. They have all lived in England and been fans of Old Peculiar. The consensus was this was a little too sweet. I haven't seen the recipe, but it tasted like a lot of crystal in there.

I've only had one glass of OP and it was a long while ago so I can't really compare. This was well made, just not my style. If I was to brew it for myself, I'd use less of the sweet specialty grains and make it a tad more bitter.

Each to their own though, that's one of the great things about brewing. We can make what we like and tweak the recipe for our own liking.

I had "Barramundi's Wanna Be Vintage Ale" on Saturday night, it wanted to be a vintage so i let it be! Tasted great, crystal clear perfect carbonation and rocky head held all the way till the end of the glass.
This beer had a woody aged flavour to it, did you add oak chips or anything? Anyway i really enjoyed it! Thanks Barra! I've included a photo taken on my phone.

Theres still a couple more xmas beers left over, but not many, surprised they lasted this long!
