Xmas-in-July Caseswap 2013 (SE QLD) Tasting Thread

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Beersuit said:
I think it's all about keg fridge diversity.
Keeps it all level.
That's why I went to double batches. Allows me to plan my kegs much better. When I just start getting that feeling I pitch something else. Works a treat. ATM I've got a Stout, Saison, APA, IPA and Brown Ale all in cubes ready to go.
Anyhoo, back on track..

Drunk half the case swap :ph34r: , Serious fellas, these have all been great beers. I tip my hat to all of you that have contributed.. both on the day and in the case swap.
Rowy said:
If the bastard said he got it this right first up I'll cry myself to sleep!
Glad you liked it this is the second attempt at this beer I think the first one had more lemon myrtle flavour. I think it will become a regular that I will keep tweaking
13. TheCarbinator - Red IPA

As soon as the cap came off I got the C hop aroma. Pours nice and clear with a head that fades to a whisp of foam.
Nice malt flavour with a balanced hop bitterness that lingers for a while through the finish.

Overall a tasty beer. One I'd feel proud to have on tap.
After I 12 hour day im smashing back 19 Gavs ginger wit how good is this beer slight ginger bit but still has a maltyness to it best ginger infused beer I've had. its crystal clear (I thought wits were cloudy/ hazy) and keeps the head well great job summer beer for sure
It's a cracker isn't it!
No. 1 Winkle's saison noir

Agree with Liam. Definite porter like qualities but not. Not making much sense. Poured pitch black with absolutely no head. Thought it might have been flat but after a few sips there is definite low carbonation. Seems to work really well.

Definite dark malt and coffee aromas and flavours. Slight saison like finish. Don't enjoy saisons very much normally but love dark beers. The saison yeast adds something to this. Absolutely love it. The saison flavours work surprisingly well with a dark beer. Definitely on my list of beers to brew when it warms up a bit.
No. 18 Beersuit's Belgian Stout. Pours with a creamy tan head. Sticks to the glass with fantastic lacing all the way down the glass. A fruity aroma. A plummy flavour with roasty notes at the finish. Very nice beer. I love the balance between fruitiness and the roast. I haven't tried too many Belgian Stouts can't say if it is to style but this is one very nice beer. Well done Mr Suit.
Apparently I've reached my quote of likes for the day. Probably due to this thread.


No. 18 beersuit's Belgian stout.

Black. Lively carbonation. Smells Belgian. Tastes like a Belgian stout. What can I say? Amaz. **** you guys are good at beer.

No. 14 Aydos Belgian Ale..
WTF ? This is glass clear..your mega swillers would drink this..
Yummy beer mate... needs some more time on the yeast. YES, more time on the yeast.
I leave all my Belgians on the yeast for 4 weeks, gives them time to clean up their rubbish and clear off. IMHO
Great beer mate
Liam_snorkel said:
Apparently I've reached my quote of likes for the day. Probably due to this thread.


No. 18 beersuit's Belgian stout.

Black. Lively carbonation. Smells Belgian. Tastes like a Belgian stout. What can I say? Amaz. **** you guys are good at beer.

I picked 18 because I thought no-one had done it yet, oh well...

I think you put it fairly well.

Certainly high carbonation but not offensive. Was sweetish to begin with but as it warms the flavour profile starts to shine. I reckon any less than 8-10 degrees on this one is going to rob it.

Reserved alcohol, bitterness, roastiness, esters - it really seems nicely balanced with no facet dominating another. Great beer!
Cheers guys. I'm glad you liked it.

16. scoundrel_rogue - St. Jude Porter
Pours as would be expected, dark and inviting. Head fades to nothing, if everything were on looks I'd be single.
Aroma on pouring are of slight phenolics and dark malts. I don't seem to get the same flavours coming through on tasting though. A little more subdued and dry on the finish.
A very nice and drinkable brew.
No 9 kegs23's double choc coffee stout

Looks good. Smells and tastes like wet cardboard :(. Sorry fella I think we're oxidised.
Kegs 23 No. 9 Double Chocolate Coffee Stout. Highly Carbonated. Pours a dense tan head. Smells awesome! Coffee Coffee and did I mention coffee. I love that smell. The head carries all the way down the glass. Now taste......coffee, coffee and coffee with a touch of chocolate. I reckon double coffee with Choc at the end...............then I let it warm up.........coffee mellowed, chocolate came out much more. Also some of the roast flavours from the grain came through. Gents don't drink this baby too chilled. Very nice beer kegs. You should warn people to drink this not too cold. It nearly killed me at the start.
Liam_snorkel said:
No 9 kegs23's double choc coffee stout
Looks good. Smells and tastes like wet cardboard :(. Sorry fella I think we're oxidised.
Try it warmer

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