Xmas-in-July Caseswap 2013 (SE QLD) Tasting Thread

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NickB said:
Two weeks from Monday ;)..... I may or may not have inadvertently taken QLD Beer Week off work.... Didn't actually realise until a couple of weeks ago....... So lots to do......
Lucky!!! My boss is in France for Tour de France (riding) so I can't do that which sucks
NickB said:
Well, it is a IIPA Liam.... Life's too short for light beers...... ;)

Ummm. From memory, about 1.014. So just a touch more ABV than advertised. Keg conditioned, and filtered. Dry hops weren't in for long enough so the aroma is lacking IMHO........

Next batch which is fermenting now will get about 120g dry hops for a week. Nom nom nom...
Would you like 120gms of Summit for the dry hopping? -_-
I used Summit and Bravo in this one, so prolly not!!!! I'm aiming for Mosaic and Galaxy this time......

Anywhooooo, next up is.... (Drumroll)

Lucky 13 - The Carbonators Red IPA


Pours an extremely clear dark gold (not red but who cares!). Head billows on pouring, but fades to a thin layer. Initial aroma is resinous, slight fruitiness, some green hop character.

First sip is balanced, hop flavour up front, some resinous character, and a quite strong hop character that I can't put my finger on......

Balance is quite good, but bitterness is a little harsh,

Overall a well made beer. With a bit of tweaking, it will be a fantastic IPA!!! Nice work!

2. NickB - Hoptamination IIPA

Nice hop and malt aroma on the nose. Fantastic flavour really well balanced with a nice lingering bitterness that you expect from a iipa. Very drinkable beer indeed.
No. 19 Gavs Light Ginger Wit

First up I will declare that I am mad for anything with Ginger.........and I mean anything!

This beer is easily one of the most refreshing beers I have ever had. The ginger isn't over done. You still get a slight taste of malt. It's crisp clear fresh and bloody nice. I love that little bit of bite on the palette at the end. Like King Browns Watermelon Sour from last week this beer would be a cracker on a hot afternoon on the deck after mowing the yard or doing the missus.......probably the yard I'd say.
Just drinking, 17- IRA, right now.

Would not class this one as an Irish Red. I would say its more a hybrid of a doppelbock and a strong bitter verging on strong ale.

Initial aroma was of resinous fruit and malt. Mouthfeel begins well rounded but fades to rather thin and dry(this is not a bad thing!)possibly due to acidity, has a slight astringency at the back end. Flavour is rich and malty but dominated by the prune/plum notes and is slightly acidic (perhaps age?).

Overall its a bloody nice beer, its a bit confused but good beers are not always about style and this is one of them to me.

Benken 25 No. 8 Dark Saison with lemon Myrtle. This is one complex beer. Pours beautifully with a thick tan head. A toasty estery aroma straight up. Dark as night. A really complex taste. Roast and raisins first up with the Saison yeast featuring straight after it. Then the slight tartness on the palette. The hint of lemon myrtle. Every time I had a sip of this I tasted something different. A great ever so complex specialty Ale. Mate this is a really nice beer. I cannot pick a fault. It may not be for everyone's taste and mega swill drinkers would hate it which shows just how good it must be!
Rowy said:
Benken 25 No. 8 Dark Saison with lemon Myrtle. This is one complex beer. Pours beautifully with a thick tan head. A toasty estery aroma straight up. Dark as night. A really complex taste. Roast and raisins first up with the Saison yeast featuring straight after it. Then the slight tartness on the palette. The hint of lemon myrtle. Every time I had a sip of this I tasted something different. A great ever so complex specialty Ale. Mate this is a really nice beer. I cannot pick a fault. It may not be for everyone's taste and mega swill drinkers would hate it which shows just how good it must be!
This bloody thing only gets better as it warms up!
No. 1 Winkle's saison noir

Starts off like smelling and tasting like a porter but with a bit of interest that i cant put my finger on. Flavour changes so much as it warms up. This is awesome. My palate and vocabulary aren't really up to the task of describing the flavours.
Fruity, smooth, almost sour, I don't know.
I'd make a terrible beer judge.

I've got a mate here tasting it as we'll but he's no help.

Rowy said:
This bloody thing only gets better as it warms up!
It is a cracker of a beer. I'm glad Ben let it loose from his shed for you blokes to see. Every time I've tried it it always makes me wonder how he worked out how to make it so balanced.
I don't know if it's me.. but a few of these beers are different beasties once they are left to warm in the glass ?
Anybody else get the same impression ?
Beersuit said:
It is a cracker of a beer. I'm glad Ben let it loose from his shed for you blokes to see. Every time I've tried it it always makes me wonder how he worked out how to make it so balanced.
If the bastard said he got it this right first up I'll cry myself to sleep!
tazman1967 said:
I don't know if it's me.. but a few of these beers are different beasties once they are left to warm in the glass ?
Anybody else get the same impression ?
I get that with most dark beers. Especially well made and balanced ones.
10. bradsbrew- Aussie Old

Pours black with a nice red hue. Dark fruit and a slight roast on the nose. Taste of chocolate and dark toffee. If this is an Aussie Old I've been drinking the wrong mega swill old all these years.
I'm C hopped out ATM, to the point of overdose, so I've been reacquainting myself with those dark roasty boys. God I luv em!
Rowy said:
I'm C hopped out ATM, to the point of overdose, so I've been reacquainting myself with those dark roasty boys. God I luv em!
There is so much to be said for the darker parts of a grain bill.
Sorry for the O/T, but I'm over the " how many hops can I put in a beer " styles that has has been happening.
Member of the dark side of ales as well.

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