VIC. 2015 Xmas in July - Recipe.

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Baha, not just pay, but pay twice :)
I was going to use 1728 as well. How many packets of that will I need to wipe my bum after some spicey chicken wings...I mean ferment the wort?
A few people asked me about this on the weekend.

My suggestion is to make a batch of something of similar profile (but "smaller"!) & ferment it out (no dry hops etc.), then dump the "biggie" onto the yeast cake ASAP with lots of aeration. It should take-off like a homesick angel.

Re-aeration after about 12-18 hours will help it along. If your facilities permit, you could "drop" it into a second, clean fermenter as part of the re-aeration regime.
Ok, sorry to be the dummy here, was only going off "Mr Malty's" calculation and on a bit of reading, I've clearly misunderstood. I'm just being TA and don't want to hand over my pay packet for the yeast requirement.....So Reset, I think I've found a better calculator. . So It looks like I need to do 2 step 2.5l starters with 15g Dry or a 1728 Liquid single pack (Intermittent shaking). Objections?. I like M.OC's idea of dumping it on a yeast cake but the only brew available it has and over 150g of hops in it. I'm interested how others are doing it.
Think I might just build a bit F-off starter, I've got an aquarium pump I may be able to use with a sanitary air filter, but not sure what kind of flow rate is ideal to aerate? Would one of those camping mattress blow up air fan/pumps be good? Or would that burn out from the sanitary filter restriction?

May have to see if I can borrow an oxygenation setup, go all science bitch on this one!
I have some Irish ale 1084 so half thinking on brewing a stout then reusing the yeast for the wee heavy.
The beauty of cubing: we can let it sit until (whenever) we get the yeast ready. Gotta luv it!

+1 for Martin/Tahoose. I might try cranking out a Celtic red, with either the Irish or Scottish yeasts from WL or Wyeast. Then chuck the HWH on top of da cake.
Probably gonna be a month or 2 off tho.

Mmmmmmm ... Caaaaake!!
Tahoose said:
I have some Irish ale 1084 so half thinking on brewing a stout then reusing the yeast for the wee heavy.
Great idea! 1084 is a veritable beast & perfect for this application. If you're going to do a stout first, 'though, be sure to rinse the yeast cake before you re-pitch.
I've got an Irish Red (wlp004) that I'm just about to keg...

It's been cold crashed for a week, and would have fermented out close to two weeks ago... is that too long, or do I have a ready and waiting candidate to pitch the swap on?

I was going to locate some scottish ale yeast, but if this will work... bonza.
Would be fresh as, you'll need to warm it up gently obviously, but what's the difference with harvested yeast under water in the fridge? :)
Good point about warming it up, maybe I'll just draw off a couple of litres of slurry into a flask.

Most of the time I'm pitching yeast from a flask when it is active (or at least within a week of being "visibly" active). If I've had yeast sitting under water, or just crashed too long, I'll usually give 'em a bit of warm sugary love in the flask before they hit the fermenter.
As long as you use something alcohol-tolerant, cold tolerant & "clean"-fermenting, you'll be onto a winner. Scotch Ales aren't fruity/estery & remember it's ALL about the malt, so you want something that'll give you that profile.

Scottish Ale yeasts probably have more in common with lager yeasts, as they're able to ferment at the lower end of what you'd think appropriate for ale ferments. Just keep it low & slow & don't get impatient. This is one that will reward you for putting it away for a looong time.
manticle said:
1007 might work well.
Possibly/probably a good call, Manticle. As long as there's LOTS of it! 'Doesn't matter that it's a "dusty" yeast, as it'll eventually drop out during maturation & packaging. It'll need to stay in suspension for a long time to do its' work.
Why is everything I'm fermenting lately 1.100? RIS barlywine scotch ale...

And about to brew another one... Need to fit in a pale ale brew to give me a rest, high gravity fermenting is exhausting
MartinOC said:
Possibly/probably a good call, Manticle. As long as there's LOTS of it! 'Doesn't matter that it's a "dusty" yeast, as it'll eventually drop out during maturation & packaging. It'll need to stay in suspension for a long time to do its' work.
I find the 1728 stays in suspension for some time (flavour wise more than appearance) and really needs to drop bright for the brew to be any good. Once it does clear though - bellisimo.

Definitely loads of whatever yeast people choose. Treat that strong wort well and she will reward you.
MartinOC said:
As long as you use something alcohol-tolerant, cold tolerant & "clean"-fermenting, you'll be onto a winner. Scotch Ales aren't fruity/estery & remember it's ALL about the malt, so you want something that'll give you that profile.

Scottish Ale yeasts probably have more in common with lager yeasts, as they're able to ferment at the lower end of what you'd think appropriate for ale ferments. Just keep it low & slow & don't get impatient. This is one that will reward you for putting it away for a looong time.
Errm ... so, in light of what you've said, i've got 2 FVs of American Ale yeast fermenting out at the moment (Brown & Pale ales); & at least one of them should be ok to throw the Scottish ale cube onto after it's finished.
Would that be ok, given american ale yeast is typically v neutral in flavour?
I'd assumed that the scottish ale yeasts left more character, like the irish ale yeasts. But if what you said is correct, then i may as well use the American stuff i've got ready to go!
(And my last few starters have all gone to vinegar, so i'm currently not confident to go down that path for the time being).
droid said:
Hi guys, did we get an IBU on this drop?
My original plan went out the window.

How much wort did we end up with & did the whole 2Kg of EKG go in the boil for 90 mins?

If I plug 500L into Beersmith, it comes out @ 1099 & 31 IBU.