Tasting Notes - Vic July 2007 Swap

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I've kept all of the bottles I've emptied so far. I figure that some are the sort of things that their previous owners might want back, although they look a bit manky sitting next to my mountain of Mauritians...
hahah did u get some of those maritiuas bottles too from the old wharehouse?

make spirits out of the old contents too ;)
hahah did u get some of those maritiuas bottles too from the old wharehouse?

make spirits out of the old contents too ;)

Just a few dozen... ;) The contents went straight down the drain, though.
All of mine were VB/MB twist top bottles - sourced from my old man.

I did score some nice non-twist-top bottles, though. Thanks guys, I'll use them until the next case swap and then put them back into circulation. That reminds me, gotta catch up with mark_mulrooney and give him his custom PET bottle back.
DarkFaerytale's Smoked Ale

Had this over a nice roast chicken the other night. Shared it with my wife. At about 8 or 9 C from a stemmed stella glass.

Must apologise about the lack of detail in this review, I was hooking into the chicken which took me ages to bloody cook and I didn't pay as much attention to the beer as I should have. Also left the review a couple of days so I'm going off memory.

- - - - -

Beer poured a deep clear gold with only a slight haze. Good inch of head that lasted for most of the beer and was pretty sticky.

Lots and LOTS of english ale fruitiness on the nose dominated. malt and hops definitely second fiddle but there. I didn't get the smoke, but my wife said it was obvious to her.

The flavour was quite sweet, malty and full bodied; with lots of the fruitiness from the aroma carrying over to the taste. I picked up the smoke in the aftertaste, but in all honesty only recognised it for what it was because I knew it was supposed to be there. Once again, the wife thought my taste buds must be faulty because she tasted it distinctly.

I probably would have found the beer a little too sweet for me if I hadn't taken the advice to have it with food. Having taken that advice though, it was a great match with the roast chook and I thoroughly enjoyed the beer.


Velophile's All Amarillo Pale Ale

Dude, tell me. Please.

How the hell did you get this so clear? Out of the case so far (and there's only one more to go out of my case), this has to be the best looking beer.

I know I was supposed to wait til the 31st, but I couldn't.

Delicious beer. That malt, superb. Whack in some English hops, and you'd have a close runner for Fuller's London Pride - did you supply the recipe? I want to make it and apply whatever tweaks you did to make it so photogenic.

I am thoroughly impressed. Great job.
Peels - Cream ale
Brilliantly presented but like Thirsty Boy said, there's some flavour there that could be a masterly addition or an infection. Whatever it was, I wasn't a big fan. Someone said they picked a corn flavour so maybe I don't like corn as an adjunct.

Lucas' Alt
Malty goodness. Enough said.

RobW's Porter
Beautiful ruby highlights. Chocolatey goodness. Initially, I thought there was too much bitterness but (for some strange reason) I was drinking this with a very spicey chilli pasta and by the time I finished the dish, the beer had warmed nicely and the bitterness was just right.

Velophile's All Amarillo Pale Ale
I'll second Wardhog's exclamation of amazement at the clarity of this beer! Certainly a more subtle use of hops compared to other brews using Amarillo.
Right i'd taken a haitus from the case swap cause i was getting low so i hooked into my keg now back on the swaps tonight!

Who's is the one in the glass longie with just a yellow coopers cap on it and nothing written on it or the cap?

edit - looking through the list there isnt one of these. oh well im drinking it cause its cold!

2nd edit - i have WAPA, IDS, Q, Rob w's porter and Velliphiles APA left to go.
bugga! whatever this beer is i just opened is good. tatstes and looks like my IPA. But i never use yellow coopers caps! Damn i wish i knew what it was.
Right bit of sleuth work and i reckon this is mmmm beeers dark belgian twist....cept mine wasnt labelled...

mmmmm beer, did you use yellow coopers caps?
I've just posted 3 times in a row, didnt think that would be enuff so here we are on the 4th.

Mystery Bottle - Yellow Coopers Cap

Poured absolutley lovely in my half pint glass. Great tan colour with an off white to grey head that lasted the whole way!

Aroma - Hmmm cant pick this, Def not hops. Smells a tad malty. I reckon its mostly the belgian yeast!

Tatse - First impresssion is all malt. Sweet sweet caramel toffee coming through inside the venue! Thats why i thought it could of been my IPA. Anyways not much hop action goin on until the bitter kicks in and even then its not a harsh bitter its like the "laramie smooth" type of bitterness ;) Also a distinct somthing else that i have no idea what it is? again could be the yeast? i dont drink belgians usually. Tad tatste of vegimite to the missus reckons.

All in all a bloody fantastic beer. I'd be happy if i brewed this.. well done mmmm beer (if in fact it is ur's!) and cheers :beerbang:
I've just posted 3 times in a row, didnt think that would be enuff so here we are on the 4th.

Mystery Bottle - Yellow Coopers Cap

Poured absolutley lovely in my half pint glass. Great tan colour with an off white to grey head that lasted the whole way!

Aroma - Hmmm cant pick this, Def not hops. Smells a tad malty. I reckon its mostly the belgian yeast!

Tatse - First impresssion is all malt. Sweet sweet caramel toffee coming through inside the venue! Thats why i thought it could of been my IPA. Anyways not much hop action goin on until the bitter kicks in and even then its not a harsh bitter its like the "laramie smooth" type of bitterness ;) Also a distinct somthing else that i have no idea what it is? again could be the yeast? i dont drink belgians usually. Tad tatste of vegimite to the missus reckons.

All in all a bloody fantastic beer. I'd be happy if i brewed this.. well done mmmm beer (if in fact it is ur's!) and cheers :beerbang:

Hi Fents,

I think you have guessed correctly. I just checked in my fridge and I have a bottle of mmm beer's "dark belgian with a twist". It has the coopers bottle top and a card attached with a rubberband which names the beer. I'm guessing your rubberband broke somewhere and the label got lost...

I haven't done any tastings myself for a while, will get back into the remaining beers later this week or on the weekend.

Right bit of sleuth work and i reckon this is mmmm beeers dark belgian twist....cept mine wasnt labelled...

mmmmm beer, did you use yellow coopers caps?

Hey Fents - sorry been out of touch for a few days. I did have yellow coopers caps - and by the description it does sound a fair bit like my beer. I have to agree - the hops really hasn't come through (used fuggles at a few diff temps), and it was quite dark and malty with a fair chunk of bitterness.

Good sleuth work!!

PS I am going to have to get my act together and post a few more tastings - I have written notes, just not posted them yet!

big warning

might be a good idea to put fents IPA into the fridge guys, opened my bottle up warm last night and it started to pour out the top within seconds. of course i did the smart thing and tryed to put my thumb over the lip of the bottle....just like putting your thumb on the end of a water hose i ended up with beer all over my walls :D

going to do this over 2 posts so i can get up to 500 :p

i'm going by notes on these beers that are probably a couple weeks old

mmm...beer dark ale with a twist

i poured this beer and walked into the kitchen only to have to run back into the lounge 'cos i smelled the most amazing belgian yeasty smell, deffinatly was not prepared for that! excelent work

nice large head on top of a dark purple type color with a lovely bubblegum type aroma, clovey bubblegum taste which is backed up by some dark malts that linger, the bitterness i thought was a tad high for my likeing and was perhaps a little over carbed, bloody fantastic beer

andrei IDS

another beer i should of left for later but i have no stout in the cave at the moment

the beer poured black with minimal head and a slight dark malt aroma, flavour was alot the same with some slight roastiness that lingered, was low bittered and had a nice amount of carbonation, V. good beer

also the PA you gave me rocked andrei :beerbang: better than the one i'm drinking at the moment


poured with a clear light colored amber body, no head unfortunatly. had a v. low hop aroma but had a nice crystal kick in the taste, was low bittered and unfortunatly even tho it was kept in the loungeroom and only cooled for a couple of hours befor i drank it it was under carbonated

Fents IPA

after the initial opening where beer sprayed everywhere i ended up with half a tulip glass of this beer and it was fantastic

i decided not to talk about how the beer looked as the yeast had been put back into suspention

lovely malty aroma with a bit of what i assume is east kent golding (or is it styrian?) and a slight hint of alcohol. taste was amazing, kept changing as i let it sit on my tongue and as it ran down my throut. started off with a slight alcohol, then a lovely lovely malty taste that was quickly backed up by more ekg and a slight hit of alcohol. even tho the beer went absolutly everywhere it was in no way over carbonated, must of lost most of the CO2 in solution all over my lounge/kitchen walls :p great beer and one i'm going to be making very soon (minus the bottle hoseing), thanks for the recipe on the bottle!

nice one phill!

Sorry about the walls mate. just blame it on me im sure she will understand ;)

glad you enjoyed, stoked with my case swap seems everyones been diggin it.
the good thing about not having a missus is i don't get into trouble for that sorta thing :p

my dog liked it too, she helped clean the floor :)

can't wait for the x-mas swap :D only a few left in my box

haha assumption is the mother of all....

single life eh...i remember that, going out picking up chicks living the bachelor life ;) hahaha

at least get tasting notes for me of your dog! ;)
congrats on your 500 as well fents, seems there is a few of us

i'll ask her tonight!

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