Tasting Notes - Vic July 2007 Swap

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10. RobW - robust porter - Labelled, ready to drink

Just got home from work, house is cold, just switched the heating on - any better conditions for a nice warm robust porter? i think not..

Apperance - Lovley pour...nice and rich and darrrrrk! This bottle poured the best head of the case for me i think.

Aroma - Its that exact same smell i get from my IPA's!! All about the goldings and the choc coming on through for a late sniff.

Taste - **** im glad i opened this beer! Taste is a big chochlate and caramel hit with some after hops floating about as well....BITTER? I think NOT!!! Creamy creamy creamy aftertaste!

If i brewed porters - this would be the one.

Thanks rob w!

One more tasting left after this - Andreais IDS :super:
8. Andrei - Irish Dry Stout - labelled, also with "IDS" on bottletop - could do with more time in the bottle - try and keep it as one of your later tastings if you can

quick look in the fridge and this was the only beer staring at me. fridge empty, one 750ml down, stcoks out.....what would you do? picking the trifecta it would of been the same as i did.

Apperance -Whowwww turn the lights on! dark dark dar, twice as dark as rob w's porter...No head...struggled, wasnt the glass either unfortuantly.

Aroma - Perefct Hair of the dog beer cause it smells like coffee! yum, also bit of chochlate coming through insideeee the venue. :chug:

Tatste - Not much unlike it smells, big coffee/chochlate/caramel...And nice bitter as well afters and now i know why you called it a DRY stout ;)

Well done mate, prob middle of the range for me but hey it was free swap really im sooo happy with so many of the beers i've tasted im dfeiantly in for another swap! (plus i want to recive my grouse coopers longies back! B) hahah)

Thanks for the swap guys, best.
9. Quintrex - Tripel- Labeled Q on cap, ready to drink, as with most big beers, aging will very much improve it.

last beer... :(

Big pphhhtttt on opening.

Poured with a fairly substantial off-white fluffy - foamy head. It had fairly high carbonation but didn't seem over the top. Whilst I was admiring the beer the foam from the remaining beer in the bottle rose up and crept out of the top. The only beers I've ever had do this to me were some way over-carbonated lagers that I primed when they were 10c with the usual amount of priming sugar. The head stayed there for most of the glass, but did slowly dissipate to a thin patchy layer of foam at the end.

Its a nice light golden colour, quite hazy. It looks good.

The aroma was a little perfumy? slightly spicy, hint of alcohol. I liked the aroma.

The taste was a little sweet at first, a bit of spice, some orange flavour? It had a slightly drying finish with a strong alcohol kick. It had a warming alcohol feel to it.

It felt medium bodied and quite effervescent on the tongue early on. I think this has a seriously high alcohol level - I'm feeling quite a good buzz after one longneck (minus the small glass my wife stole...). It is definitely not a session beer (unless you want a short session), and took some time to drink.

This was a really tasty beer. Its probably not quite the right beer to crack on a Friday night when you get home from work and want a quaffer... but I really liked it. There were some aromas and flavours that reminded me of Duvel which I tried for the first time a few months ago.

Top beer Qunitrex :super:

geez... my "aussie pale ale" beers that I intend to drink now will feel like water next to that... :unsure:


Just thought I'd say thanks to everyone for contributing their beers to the case and providing constructive feedback on mine. I've enjoyed trying lots of different beers and reading other people's thoughts on them all. I will definitely be back in for the christmas case swap if one is organised. There were some truly great beers in the case. My 3 favourites (hard to choose) were the IPA, the Porter, and the Tripel.


Yep thanks everyone who organised this!

My 3 picks were the tripel, rob w's porter and peel's cream ale.
