From PP!

It's some times hard to find a moderator to 'ok' your post when you need something posted!
[codebox]Screwy* got it right with the relative thingo. I had written up an itinerary and everything. I rang my niece though and she is in Sydney at Swap time - oh no!!! If I'm flying all the way there, I really have to see my niece and also great niece. Bugger!
Next year I reckon Dom, AdamT, myself and maybe a few other inter-staters should get their act together.
Thanks heaps to Mr and Mrs Sqyre for your kindest help and offers - so close, even had my credit card out. I also had a rather large sackful of goodies for Mrs Sqyre that I was really looking forward to giving to her. These are the same sackful of goodies that I was about to gleefully give to another married woman two weeks ago until our friendly, frantic and frenzied exchange was rather rudley interrupted by an apparently concerned (obviously just jealous) neighbour
I'm really dissapointed at not being able to justify the trip. I'm really disspointed that I won't get to be silly with my old mates and meet some new ones. I'm really disspointed that my sackful of goodies will now just have to be, literally, handed out.
But, most of all, I am really disspointed in the Qld Swap post count...
WTF? The post count is less than 500!!!! There are only 4 weeks to get it up to 1000. Who had the bright idea of organising things and putting the list in the Wikki? Correcting the list was good for about 300 posts for a start. Shame on you (that was you Brucey, wasn't it?)
Someone ought to scramble the Wikki article and then we could spend a few hundred posts putting it back together.
Or maybe we could start a new list to replace the Swap one? A post pledge list? i.e. I pledge to post x number of posts before the Swap. Yep, that should do it. Here's an example of how the list could start...
I, the under-signed, pledge to make the following amount of frivolous or informative posts before midnight of Swap Day...
Name: posts (specialty area)
PistolPatch: [via Katie cos he can't find a mod] 50 posts (non-sensical, long satirical diatribe.)
InCider: 100 posts (stretching the boundaries of taste, frivolity and comprehension.)
Sqyre: 100 posts (poltically incorrect / occassional attempts at organisation which are usually ignored.)
Batz: 50 posts (working out whether he will be in Swap or not, advocator of glass.)
Browndog: 35 posts (posts that mirror the opposite of his true Swap persona / number of posts will accelerate towards Swap day.)
Ross: 20 posts (please do not draw the following on my head.)
Jye: 20 posts (I am so going to randall you at the swap / PP is a hop pussy.)
TidalPete: 35 posts (border security / reasons for green beer / trying to set boundaries which are always ignored!)
The above are just what popped into my head. There are so many more that should be added (and I will add) if you guys choose to perpetuate the list.
Keeping the Swap love alive from the West,
XOXOOOOOWTF! (This line for Mrs Sqyre only!)
* Screwy, might get that phone beer in soon now that daylight wasting time has kicked in here Left you blank on the above list as, like many others, specialty area was too hard for me to frivolously and quickly define.[/codebox]