Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

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I had Barramundi's Boisterous Bellhop last night. A very enjoyable beer, Ned. On pouring this beer, I was struck by the colour, a nice mid-brown, probably on the lighter side for a robust porter. Mild roast and caramel aroma, caramel and light sweetness in the flavour too, along with some gentle roastiness. The roast along with just enough hops made this a very nicely balanced beer.

Wearing my pointy style hat, I'd say this seems more like a brown porter than a robust as the roast is fairly mellow, but it's certainly an extremely drinkable beer as well. Is this an AG or a partial? Great job either way, Barra. :chug: :super:

that was an AG stu , first attempt at a full batch , previous AG 's were only 12 litre batches ....
14. Nifty's Some sort of ESB

Not sure how to describe the flavours of this one Nifty, but it was a really nice mild bitter. Perfect for a wet sunday arvo, I only had it in the fridge for a couple of hours so it was a good temp by the time i poured it... Cool, not cold. The flavours took me back to a little pub in England. :beer:
Beautiful red-brown colour and a frothy head that lasted well. Loved the label too, it's now on my barfridge.
Cheers for another great beer.

12 tallies to go... trying to make them last, but they're there to be enjoyed!
Having Linz's Red Ale tonight. Great colour - lives up to the name at least! :D Nice hint of roasty/biscuity flavour (but not at all prominent) - is there some amber or brown malt in it - am I right? Nicely balanced though, great beer, thanks Linz. :beer:
Had a couple more of the case over the weekend. Thommo's Blonde ale was a very smooth, easy drinking beer with a light, sweet grain flavour. It had just about enough hops to balance the malt, and as a session beer for non-geek drinkers it should be a winner.

I also had PoMo's Oatmeal stout. Quite a contrast here, but a winning one for me. Very nice stout, PoMo. :chug: Lots of good dark flavours in there, espresso and dark chocolate. Nicely balanced. It had a rich, thick mouthfeel. I'm guess that's partly due to the oats. Have you posted the recipe yet? If not, I'd love to see it. :)
Had a couple more of the case over the weekend. Thommo's Blonde ale was a very smooth, easy drinking beer with a light, sweet grain flavour. It had just about enough hops to balance the malt, and as a session beer for non-geek drinkers it should be a winner.

I also had PoMo's Oatmeal stout. Quite a contrast here, but a winning one for me. Very nice stout, PoMo. :chug: Lots of good dark flavours in there, espresso and dark chocolate. Nicely balanced. It had a rich, thick mouthfeel. I'm guess that's partly due to the oats. Have you posted the recipe yet? If not, I'd love to see it. :)

Cheers Stuster. Glad you liked it. I think the recipe was worked out on the back of one of the kids' "watercolours". Will have to poke about in my brewing box to see if I kept it (I'm hopeless at keeping brewing records). If I did, I'll put it up in the recipes section.
Just having #1, Thommo's Blonde. Half way through the second glass and really enjoying it. Beautifully clear and bright. Fluffy head that stays the full glass. Soft, sweet maltiness and subdued but fresh hop flavours. Full bodied but still refreshing.
Top drop Thommo, will be sad to get to the bottom of the glass. A beer for all-comers this one. Cheers
3 Davekate's Honey Pilsner
It looks a fantastic honey colour in the glass. Not sure if I've left it in the fridge too long, but it tastes like it might have been fermented a little high for the yeast. I had a similar problem with my first incarnation of a Coopers sparkling Ale.

Anyway, I reckon it'd be a good recipe to have another crack at.

8 Stuster's Biere de Garde
Not sure that I've ever tried this style before. But if I'm supposed to be tasting a bitter, malty hoppy beer then it's spot on. I could have a few of these on a cool winter night. There's a few beers I like to have on a Friday Night Footy night and this would be on that list. Or perhaps to savour after a nice roast lamb.

PS Sorry I haven't reviewed many beers this case. I have enjoyed just about all of them. The Jen Hawkins award for best looking goes to Slurpdog for his Choccy Porter. I couldn't stop putting it up to the light and checking out the ruby highlights. Others I really enjoyed included but not limited to nifty's ESB, PoMos Oatmeal Stout and Crozdog's Irish red Ale.

I haven't brought myself to try the Gose yet, but am thinking of it this weekend.

Thanks to all who put a beer in and once again sorry for minimal feedback.
9. DJR's Dusseldorf Altbier

Beautiful red colour, crystal slear with a small but tight head, looks amazing. Sorry Slurpdog, this is the best looking beer of the case. And it tastes fantastic too. Malty and smooth with a nice hop flavour and well balanced bitterness. Just the tonic after a long day in the sun at Leichhardt.

<OT> If anyone saw Tim Gilbert's cross on The Sunday Roast, I was the guy in the red headband giving a That's Gold. Might appear on the Footy Show on Thursday night.</OT>
Totally forgot to write up a beer enjoyed last thursday. Kabooby's Vienna Lager
I'll do my best here, as it was a biggish weekend. :ph34r:
Had a nice amber colour. The head poured well and really hung around. Had a light caramel flavour which was quite enjoyable. A very refreshing drop, Cheers for a top beer Kabooby.
By the way, I brewed up Mark's Little Creatures Pale Ale Kit that he brought down at the swap day.

Had it in the esky at Lily's 1st birthday party on the weekend (and a few passed around at work the other week) and it's a winner all round. A bloody lovely beer indeed. :beer:
Just catching up on a few I had over the weekend:

1. Thommo - Blonde Ale - Nottingham

A nice pale clean beer. A little light on the hops, but very nice drinking!

2. Josh - German Pilsner - WLP800

Nice pale effervescent Pils. Pale straw in colour and an ice-cream head. Left lace all the way down the glass. There was a little harshness in the bitterness, but that's more of a niggle than a complaint. Nice beer.

16. Stephen - Belhaven Export (Wyeast 1728 Scottish ale)

Interesting stout this. Enjoyed it very much. Nice malt profile under the roastiness. Interesting yeast as well.

Cheers gents, three very nice beers.
Linz's Razorback Red

Deep copper in colour with excellent clarity. The carbonation is high which creates a big long lasting head. There is a slight lemon fruit aroma along with some yeast esters. The flavour is dominated by rich caramel malt which provides a sweetness right through. I was finding the sweetness a bit much but once I hooked into a bowl of chilli octopus the beer became a perfect match. Cheers Linz, a very enjoyable beer. Great label too.
Punter's Schwarzbier

A satisfying psssht as the bottle opened. It pours as black as coal with a persistent off white head. There is a subtle dash of cocoa on the nose but otherwise very clean. The flavours is very smooth with a solid maltiness going right through. The roastiness hangs about in the background, present but not dominant. There is a hint of sweetness up front which quickly falls away to a roasty dryness. The bitterness and carbonation are are right on the money, making the beer balanced and very drinkable.

Punter, this beer is a stunner. Wonderfully balanced and full of flavour, this is my pick of the case so far. Outstanding.
3 Davekate's Honey Pilsner

I'm not a fan of honey in beer, so I approached this one with a little scepticism. I'm sorry to say I don't like it. There is a yeastiness in there that just doesn't go with the malt fermentables, maybe Josh is right and it was fermented too warm. As the beer warms up, can smell some type of acetate, I think. It might be from the green bottle, might be from a high fermentation temp... dunno. I can taste some honey, which I usually associate with DMS in beer, overall, I didn't enjoy this beer. I'm sorry Davekate. I'm sure it would be a decent beer if a different yeast was used and/or fermented at the right temperature.
8 - Stuster's Biere de Garde

A nice looking ambre biere. Thick sticky head that just won't let go of the glass. Excellent lacing. A musty, yeasty aroma and an enticing amber/brown colour with lots of bubbles. Sadly my second glass got a bit of yeast in it, so it's hazy. The first was brilliant and clear. The flavour is a complex blend of caramel malts, bitterness and yeast driven esters. Surprisingly I don't notice the alcohol on the palate (although it is a little warm) but do in the head :) I've got goatherder's bock lined up next. Might have to wait a few hours! LOL

A very nice beer. Thanks for sharing this Stu.
15. goatherder - Bock

Beautiful rich red-black colouring. Good head retension. Nice malty-choc aroma. Amazing. My mouth was watering before I had even a sip and my tastebuds were not disappointed, this is a delicious bock... Smooth, silky chocolate taste. Just enough hop bitterness to balance the malt. This is a superb beer. Delicious.

Thanks GH. An unreal bock!
16. Stephen's - Belhaven Export

Again, wow! Was not to sure what to expect here never having had a Belhaven Export. But damn this was a fine drop.
I'm not that attune to specific tastes, but it has to be said that this is the first beer so far that my immediate first thought was "that has a kick arse mouth-feel" thickish and smooth.
Cheers Steve, I will be adding this to the growing list of beers to brew!

I know that this rather late, but if you knew my job, then this is a quick response. Thanks for the review and the positve evaluation. I'm rather stoked that you liked my beer.


I know that this rather late, but if you knew my job, then this is a quick response. Thanks for the review and the positve evaluation. I'm rather stoked that you liked my beer.



I still haven't tasted this beer, but if it's anything like your Adelscott, It's a winner.
You should've made the peated malt beer for the case swap. What a great (weird) beer.

I think your brewing is coming along well, in many regards.

Are you going to the beer dinner in Newie tomorrow?

I need to get drinking the case swap beers. Instead, tonight, my lazy fat arse is drinking a Ruination clone dedicated to Mr Jackson, formerly of Yorkshire. Need to make a Yorky bitter soon.

Seth :p
Ok gang, after a very enjoyable AG and swap case drinking fathers day lunch here is the rundown.

Sorry if I am not more descriptive but hey, they were all good and we were getting through them pretty quickly!

6. redbeard - Pale Ale - Excellent
8. Stuster - Biere de Garde - Great, had no idea what it should be but it was a top drop,
11. Craig - Roggenbier - Excellent, again, never had the style but really really enjoyed it
18. Kabooby - Vienna lager - A bit thin, but good drinking. Maybe should have had this first instead of after the more hoppy beers.
21. Crozdog - Irish Red Ale - Great (sorry can't remember much about it!)
24. Shmick - Special Bitter - Oxidised?
25. PoMo - Oatmeal Stout - Pretty good. Was getting a bit roasty for us towards the end.
26. Brewer - Irish Ale - Different, but enjoyable. Had banana flavours towards the end that we liked.

And the Winner by popular vote was - 6. redbeard - Pale Ale.
Now this actually had Pirate Bright Ale on the label. Any way it was tops. And we all really enjoyed the taste, actually reminded us of a smaller version of Hogarrden.
Recipe please Redbeard.


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