Poured a deep amber/reddish colour, though definitely more amber than red. It was also quite hazy, but it is fairly cold, and could just be chill haze. The aroma is quite malty, and a complex malty at that. No real hops to smell, though there are some fruity esters and a slightly hot alcohol smell. Was this beer fermented a bit higher than intended? Very malty flavour, caramelly and almost plum and raisin in the maltiness, finishes quite sweet, moderate bitterness, and quite a full body. It is actually very very tasty, I really like it, but it doesnt have the dryer finish that I would associate with an Irish Red. I would suggest that if you put a small percentage of roast barley into the grist, and a little less crystal (I assume there is a fair bit of crystal in there, but am often wrong) would give it that drying finish, and lend a redder hue.
As I said, I really enjoyed this beer. I dont think it is a great Irish red, but it is very tasty as it is, and may I be so bold as to suggest brewing a wort with the same recipe, and using a Belgian yeast - would net you one hell of a dubbel.
And by the way, it is definitely chill haze affecting the beer.
EDIT - Crozdog, FYI, there is a ring around the neck of my bottle, at the fill line. the beer itself doesnt really taste infected with anything, and the carbonation is fairly low, so it says to me that you either primed with DME, or may have a very mild brewhouse infection. As I said before in this thread, I have had that problem myself recently, so I would have a look at all your recent batches, and if they exhibit the same tell tale ring, have a look at replacing some of your plastics, starting with your hoses (cause they are cheapest) and working your way up from there. Providing you didnt prime with DME or Spiese! T.