I've been very slack about writing reviews. Sorry to all those I've missed. Here are some brief ones on those I can remember.
Les' Gose - great beer. Or at least it would be without the salt. Just too much of that I thought (and I love salt), with a lovely beer hiding underneath it trying to get out.
Josh's Pilsner - I agree with an earlier reviewer that the yeast flavours are too dominant in this beer. It reminds me a lot of the pilsner I made last year. I wasn't sure if it was temp control, or whether it could have done with a bit longer on the yeast cake to clean up after itself. Not sure if any of that will help you, but other than that it was a good beer, great head and lacing and balanced.
Craig's Roggenbier - I loved this beer and better yet I think it might have persuaded SWMBO that wheat beers are drinkable after all. Great head, still very cloudy after this time in the bottle, excellent wheat beer aromas and flavours, but with some extra spice and body from the rye. Good stuff. :super:
Linz's Red - I was interested in this beer as it seemed to me to have some of the same esters that Crozdog's Irish red had. I've also read on some US sites about getting the same extreme fruitiness in Irish reds from this Guinness yeast. Still, I liked the beer myself. A bit overcarbed I guess, but a quick swirl sorted that out. Very clear, good head, and those dark berry esters that I liked.
Goatherder's bock - Nice beer. I don't have much to say about this one. Sorry. I remember it was dark

, smooth, good head, a bit under-carbed, and some good maltiness.
Only two more to go now and I promise to write some reviews on those beers.