Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

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Little bit of a gusher here. Easily fixed by pouring some in the glass :chug:

Dont be concerned though. Still a great beer

Had great strong flavour from the yeast. Were you aiming for this?

Kabooby :)

ummm no :( my memory of the 1st bottle i tried was low carb, very clear & similar to the lc bright ale.
When i opened this last bottle, i remember spots of yeast shooting up from the bottom as the pressure
released, which made it very cloudy & the yeast taste.
Linz's Express Beer Western Line
Nice label Linz. I was gonna stick it on the fridge, but stupidly stuck it in the sink and the colours ran.
Wasn't sure what to expect here as I haven't tried many red ales (if the label's right). Poured really nice. A nice creamy & persistent head. Really nice and easy on the bitterness and the clarity was fantastic.
Yet another fantastic beer, which went well with some Lamb & rosemary snags.

quick Edit: From memory, flavour wise I got some nice, slightly-burnt caramel flavours from this one.
Nifty's Some sort of ESB

Good beer this. Had it on Saturday while watching the first match of the season. Great colour, a bit of chill haze which went as the beer warmed up. Delicious, fruity esters on the nose and the tongue, rounded maltiness. The balance was slightly towards the malt and I'd probably prefer a bit more hop flavour and aroma in there, but that's really my personal peccadillo (or is it armadillo :rolleyes: ). Yummy stuff all the same and I was very happy my wife didn't want any and I got it all to myself. :party:
I also had Nifty's Some Sort of ESB last night. Yet another top class entry from Nifty! Really enjoyed this one. It didn't taste like 6% either, went down really smoothly. Is the recipe in the database?
I had a tester of my entry last night. While it should develop with time (I hope), it's certainly ready to drink now. The alcohol's there, but fairly smooth, and it's got some reasonable maltiness. So not saying you should drink it now, but if you're down to the last few bottles of the case, it'll be fine now. :chug:
17. beer slayer - Oatmeal stout WLP004 Irish Ale Yeast

Beer slayer, this one was brilliant! Had a pretty nice head, a bit thin, but really smooth. Tastewise, I haven't had a commercial version yet, but this is what I always imagined an oatmeal stout would be like. Really silky on the tongue. The bitterness seemed to increase for me from mild to medium?) when I topped up the pint glass. The perfect drink for a cold night hey? Top work indeed.
Thanks Stuster and T.D. I wasn't sure how this one would turn out, I haven't made it before. I think from memory it was an adaptation of Ray Mills recipe I saw posted on the forum a while ago.

I'm away for work at the moment, in Fiji of all places, but I'll put the recipe up on the weekend when I get back.


hooked into PoMo's and beerslayers Oatmeal stouts over the last couple of nights both mighty fine beers great colors,aromas and flavors, for my taste buds PoMo's get the prize between the two , dunno why i just liked it a bit more but having said that beerslayers wasnt far behind it ...

two more great beers .... well done gents
Cheers, Barra. Glad you enjoyed the stout. I haven't tried beerslayer's stout yet, so I don't know if I can agree with your ranking, tho. Might have to give it a go on the weekend.

It seems to have fallen off the list but mine's ready to drink.

This one becomes a little dry if left too long so get in early.

Drank your beer tonight, shmick. Unfortunately I left it too long. It is quite dry. Foamed up like crazy too. I poured two pints that were literally nothing but foam. Once it settled, there was a nice beer underneath, but I think the yeast killed it by taking out all the maltiness. I wish I had remembered your post a month ago!
Posting after myself, but what the hell.

Had Beerslayer's Oatmeal stout last night. It was nice and smooth but I think the RB came thru just a little too harshly. I like the yeast for this style more than the whitbread ale I used. Definitely a nice ester profile from the WLP004. Just a quick question, did you adjust the water at all? I think some gypsum might smooth off that roast harshness I picked up, but it might just be my palate. Cheers, enjoyed the beer a lot.
The beers I still have left:

1. Thommo - Blonde Ale - Nottingham - Leave it two to three weeks.
2. Josh - German Pilsner - WLP800 - drink 20/07 onwards.
3. davekate - Honey Pilsner - (K-97) - bottled 14/04/07 - drink in Aug/Sep
8. Stuster - Biere de Garde - 1007 - bottled 4/6/07 - August or later
11. Craig - Roggenbier WY 3068
12. Punter - Schwartzbier (WLP 833)
13. T.D. - Honey-Brown Lager (W34/70) - ready to drink
14. Nifty - Some sort of ESB (WLP002) - still in the fermentor, won't be ready for a while.
15. goatherder - Bock - Wyeast 2633 - Forced carbed but could use some clearing time.
16. Stephen - Belhaven Export (Wyeast 1728 Scottish ale) Bottled 27 May 07
18. Kabooby - Vienna lager (saflager S23) Bottled 17/6/07. Will prob need another few weeks to carb
21. Crozdog - Irish Red Ale (Wyeast 1084) - bottled 11 june I'd leave it till mid July onwards B4 opening
23. Linz - express beer western line As per post 78 + first gen WL004
26. Brewer - Irish Ale - WLP 004

I'd like to avoid any more gushers. Who on this list can recommend their beer for immediate consumption? Who's will be OK or benefit from up to two more weeks aging?

I'm going to fridge 14 - Nifty's ESB as it uses 002, which history has shown to be a gusher in the bottle after a couple months... need one more to taste tonight.
PoMo, mine, #12 Schwartz should be good to go.
The beers I still have left:

1. Thommo - Blonde Ale - Nottingham - Leave it two to three weeks.
2. Josh - German Pilsner - WLP800 - drink 20/07 onwards.
3. davekate - Honey Pilsner - (K-97) - bottled 14/04/07 - drink in Aug/Sep
8. Stuster - Biere de Garde - 1007 - bottled 4/6/07 - August or later
11. Craig - Roggenbier WY 3068
12. Punter - Schwartzbier (WLP 833)
13. T.D. - Honey-Brown Lager (W34/70) - ready to drink
14. Nifty - Some sort of ESB (WLP002) - still in the fermentor, won't be ready for a while.
15. goatherder - Bock - Wyeast 2633 - Forced carbed but could use some clearing time.
16. Stephen - Belhaven Export (Wyeast 1728 Scottish ale) Bottled 27 May 07
18. Kabooby - Vienna lager (saflager S23) Bottled 17/6/07. Will prob need another few weeks to carb
21. Crozdog - Irish Red Ale (Wyeast 1084) - bottled 11 june I'd leave it till mid July onwards B4 opening
23. Linz - express beer western line As per post 78 + first gen WL004
26. Brewer - Irish Ale - WLP 004

I'd like to avoid any more gushers. Who on this list can recommend their beer for immediate consumption? Who's will be OK or benefit from up to two more weeks aging?

Mine should also be ready whenever you are PoMo
OK, I'm only tasting two as I'm on antibiotics at the mo.

14. Nifty - Some sort of ESB (WLP002)

No gusher! There goes my theory about WLP002. Tasted a lot milder than it's reported 6%. Was a little dry for my tastes, could have done with a touch more body. There was a slight astringency in there as well. Otherwise, a nice malt to hop balance that hides the strength well.

12. Punter - Schwartzbier

Drinking this now after dinner. Lovely roasty, chocolately flavour. Dry and moderately bitter with a clean fermentation profile. Just lovely. Thanks.
I had Barramundi's Boisterous Bellhop last night. A very enjoyable beer, Ned. On pouring this beer, I was struck by the colour, a nice mid-brown, probably on the lighter side for a robust porter. Mild roast and caramel aroma, caramel and light sweetness in the flavour too, along with some gentle roastiness. The roast along with just enough hops made this a very nicely balanced beer.

Wearing my pointy style hat, I'd say this seems more like a brown porter than a robust as the roast is fairly mellow, but it's certainly an extremely drinkable beer as well. Is this an AG or a partial? Great job either way, Barra. :chug: :super:
Mine appears to have cleared up so it's ready to go. It won't hurt to leave it if you need to either.

Petesbrew's dark ale

Nice work on the label, I love it. It's as black as sin with a lively tan head, retreating to a persistant collar which lasts the whole glass. There are some nice fruity notes on the nose with some solid roast lurking underneath. There's a subtle vegemite note in there too. The beer is quite dry with some very tasty choc and roast malt flavours following. The balanced bitterness and thin mouthfeel makes for a very drinkable session beer. A most enjoyable beer, cheers Petesbrew.
Gulpa's American Amber

Well, it's certainly amber. The beer is crystal clear with an ample fine bubbled head perched on top. It's a stunner to look at. There's a nice touch of American hops on the nose blending in with some caramel malt. Up front the beer is sweet, followed by a excellent burst of hop flavour. The beer finishes a little too sweet for my taste, although it's tempered by a solid bitterness. The carbonation is superb, keeping the head lacing right down the glass and filling out the mouthfeel. Top effort thanks Gulpa, I was in the mood for a hoppy number and I wasn't let down.