Nsw Xmas Case 2006 - Consumption

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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As you will all be recieving your cases over the next few days if you don't already have them, it is time for the consumption topic.
Post your consumption reviews here, and your recipes in the RecipesDB.


1. Duff - RyeIPA
2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink
3. goatherder - APA
4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028.
5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink.
6. Pint of Lager
7. Doc - Saison - Ready to drink
8. Homebrewworld.com - APA
9. Chilled
10. Keith - Raspberry Wheat Beer (K&K&Fruit)
11. n00ch
12. mikem108-Wood aged Smokey Choc Vanilla Porter
13. Beer Slayer - APA Bottled 1/12/06 ready to drink 23/12/06
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)-T-58-Just finished bottling it, so after 14/12/06 get into it !!
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White - Will be ready to drink by the time of the swap. Yeast is cultured from Hoegarden Grand Cru. I've used this before and seems to work very well,
17. Hopsta - Brown Porter - Best give it till after 08/12/06 to ensure enough carbonation.
18. Weizguy - Kmas Kase Weizen (Seth Weizen #2)
19. Thommo - Bitter
20. Barramundi
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto
23. Nifty - some sort of Old Peculier - Bottled 13/11/06. Can be drunk now, but as it is supposed to be a low end strong ale, it might get better with age. This is the first time I've brewed this baby, so I'm not sure how it will go. - WLP005 used
24. Gerard_M - Something Dark
25. T.D. - Hunter Valley Pale Ale - ready to drink now - US56
26. Josh - Sparkling Ale
27. Philmac - American Brown - leave until at least 21/12
28. Crozdog - PhilsAle
do we need to review every beer ?? thats a lot of opinion all in one spot ..
Doc, I've just gone through all the last posts. There was probably some simultaneous posting and I think this list should include everyone's details of yeast, drinking date and other info. Can everyone post up info up on their yeast etc. (Sorry if anyone's dropped off the list along the way.)

Barramundi, not everyone will post reviews on everyone else's beer, but I find it great to get some feedback on the Xmas case beer. I'm not sure if anybody is going to go the whole berapnopod hog (we'll miss you Andrew) but I'm sure a few will be giving some (sandwiched) constructive tasting notes.

Got my case today. Thanks again to Duff and all the other workers. :super:

1. Duff - RyeIPA
2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320
3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.
4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028.
5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix.
6. Pint of Lager - Dunkel - ready to drink, give it some quiet time - yeast WL800
7. Doc - Saison - ready to drink - WLP565
8. Homebrewworld.com - APA....Bottled 1/12/06, allow for carbonation time then drink it !
9. Chilled
10. Keith - Raspberry Wheat Beer (Kit and Kilo, Wyeast 3068 + US56, Drink Now)
11. n00ch - Hefeweizen - Ready to drink after 15/12/2006 - Wyeast 3942.
12. mikem108-Wood aged Smokey Choc Porter- Nottingham Ale for primary- and muntons gold for bottling- let it age for a while
13. Beer Slayer- APA Bottled 1/12/06 ready to drink 23/12/06
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)-T-58-Just finished bottling it, so after 14/12/06 get into it !!
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White - Will be ready to drink by the time of the swap. Yeast is cultured from Hoegarden Grand Cru. I've used this before and seems to work very well,
17. Hopsta - Brown Porter - Nottingham yeast - Best give it till after 08/12/06 to ensure enough carbonation.
18. Weizguy - Kmas Kase Weizen (Seth Weizen #2) - contains 3rd gen Weizen yeast (W3068). Warner (Classic Beer Series - German Wheat beer) suggests that you serve it at 8-10C. Thought that I might bottle without removing the weizen yeast, this time. Next time, I'll prob bottle with W34/70, after a few weeks of cc'ing. More? Go to my Spruik your Beer thread.
19. Thommo - Bitter, bottled 30/11/2006. Leave it two weeks. - US56
20. Barramundi
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto - English Special Bitter, Bottled 29/11, WLP002
23. Nifty- some sort of Old Peculier - Bottled 13/11/06. Can be drunk now, but as it is supposed to be a low end strong ale, it might get better with age. This is the first time I've brewed this baby, so I'm not sure how it will go. - WLP005 used
24. Gerard_M - Something Dark
25. T.D. - Hunter Valley Pale Ale - ready to drink now - US56
26. Josh - Sparkling Ale
27. Philmac - American Brown - leave until at least 21/12 - Wyeast 1056
28. Crozdog - PhilsAle.
I just tasted my own beer, seeing as though i got 4 bottles back. It's OK to drink now, just make sure it's cold and watch how it's poured. It's got a very high almost weizen carbonation level. Turned out a tad sweeter than i hoped (i only got about 76% attenuation instead of 85 on the last Kolsch i did), but quite a nice drop (if i do say so myself).

So many beers to choose from now to sample in the coming weeks. Without berp it won't quite be the same though, but at least we can give some rough feedback about the beers :chug:
I'll try mine tonight and see how it's shaping up. Edited my yeast as well.

1. Duff - American IPA - WLP029 (How boring huh?)
2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320
3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.
4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028.
5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix.
6. Pint of Lager - Dunkel - ready to drink, give it some quiet time - yeast WL800
7. Doc - Saison - ready to drink - WLP565
8. Homebrewworld.com - APA....Bottled 1/12/06, allow for carbonation time then drink it !
9. Chilled
10. Keith - Raspberry Wheat Beer (Kit and Kilo, Wyeast 3068 + US56, Drink Now)
11. n00ch - Hefeweizen - Ready to drink after 15/12/2006 - Wyeast 3942.
12. mikem108-Wood aged Smokey Choc Porter- Nottingham Ale for primary- and muntons gold for bottling- let it age for a while
13. Beer Slayer- APA Bottled 1/12/06 ready to drink 23/12/06
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)-T-58-Just finished bottling it, so after 14/12/06 get into it !!
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White - Will be ready to drink by the time of the swap. Yeast is cultured from Hoegarden Grand Cru. I've used this before and seems to work very well,
17. Hopsta - Brown Porter - Nottingham yeast - Best give it till after 08/12/06 to ensure enough carbonation.
18. Weizguy - Kmas Kase Weizen (Seth Weizen #2) - contains 3rd gen Weizen yeast (W3068). Warner (Classic Beer Series - German Wheat beer) suggests that you serve it at 8-10C. Thought that I might bottle without removing the weizen yeast, this time. Next time, I'll prob bottle with W34/70, after a few weeks of cc'ing. More? Go to my Spruik your Beer thread.
19. Thommo - Bitter, bottled 30/11/2006. Leave it two weeks. - US56
20. Barramundi
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto - English Special Bitter, Bottled 29/11, WLP002
23. Nifty- some sort of Old Peculier - Bottled 13/11/06. Can be drunk now, but as it is supposed to be a low end strong ale, it might get better with age. This is the first time I've brewed this baby, so I'm not sure how it will go. - WLP005 used
24. Gerard_M - Something Dark
25. T.D. - Hunter Valley Pale Ale - ready to drink now - US56
26. Josh - Sparkling Ale
27. Philmac - American Brown - leave until at least 21/12 - Wyeast 1056
28. Crozdog - PhilsAle.

I'll kick the reviews off with:

Docs Saison

:super: :super:

1. Duff - American IPA - WLP029 (How boring huh?)
2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320
3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.
4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028.
5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix.
6. Pint of Lager - Dunkel - ready to drink, give it some quiet time - yeast WL800
7. Doc - Saison - ready to drink - WLP565
8. Homebrewworld.com - APA....Bottled 1/12/06, allow for carbonation time then drink it !
9. Chilled
10. Keith - Raspberry Wheat Beer (Kit and Kilo, Wyeast 3068 + US56, Drink Now)
11. n00ch - Hefeweizen - Ready to drink after 15/12/2006 - Wyeast 3942.
12. mikem108-Wood aged Smokey Choc Porter- Nottingham Ale for primary- and muntons gold for bottling- let it age for a while
13. Beer Slayer- APA Bottled 1/12/06 ready to drink 23/12/06
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)-T-58-Just finished bottling it, so after 14/12/06 get into it !!
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White - Will be ready to drink by the time of the swap. Yeast is cultured from Hoegarden Grand Cru. I've used this before and seems to work very well,
17. Hopsta - Brown Porter - Nottingham yeast - Best give it till after 08/12/06 to ensure enough carbonation.
18. Weizguy - Kmas Kase Weizen (Seth Weizen #2) - contains 3rd gen Weizen yeast (W3068). Warner (Classic Beer Series - German Wheat beer) suggests that you serve it at 8-10C. Thought that I might bottle without removing the weizen yeast, this time. Next time, I'll prob bottle with W34/70, after a few weeks of cc'ing. More? Go to my Spruik your Beer thread.
19. Thommo - Bitter, bottled 30/11/2006. Leave it two weeks. - US56

20. Barramundi - Wanna Be Vintage Ale-S04 Yeast ,bottled 11th November should be good to go when the sediment settles again ive tested it and it seems pretty good to me ... but as with most home brews time is always a good thing ..

21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto - English Special Bitter, Bottled 29/11, WLP002
23. Nifty- some sort of Old Peculier - Bottled 13/11/06. Can be drunk now, but as it is supposed to be a low end strong ale, it might get better with age. This is the first time I've brewed this baby, so I'm not sure how it will go. - WLP005 used
24. Gerard_M - Something Dark
25. T.D. - Hunter Valley Pale Ale - ready to drink now - US56
26. Josh - Sparkling Ale
27. Philmac - American Brown - leave until at least 21/12 - Wyeast 1056
28. Crozdog - PhilsAle.

just giving one of the few 'leftovers' of my brew the taste test , im happy with the way it came out will be interesting to see what the more seasoned beer tasters think of it .. although im a little disappointed its a touch cloudy, plenty of carb though....

hope you all enjoy it
I've just cracked the first one of my contribution and it's ready to go. Tastes pretty good too :rolleyes:

1. Duff - American IPA - WLP029 - Ready to drink.
2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320
3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.
4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028.
5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix.
6. Pint of Lager - Dunkel - ready to drink, give it some quiet time - yeast WL800
7. Doc - Saison - ready to drink - WLP565
8. Homebrewworld.com - APA....Bottled 1/12/06, allow for carbonation time then drink it !
9. Chilled
10. Keith - Raspberry Wheat Beer (Kit and Kilo, Wyeast 3068 + US56, Drink Now)
11. n00ch - Hefeweizen - Ready to drink after 15/12/2006 - Wyeast 3942.
12. mikem108-Wood aged Smokey Choc Porter- Nottingham Ale for primary- and muntons gold for bottling- let it age for a while
13. Beer Slayer- APA Bottled 1/12/06 ready to drink 23/12/06
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)-T-58-Just finished bottling it, so after 14/12/06 get into it !!
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White - Will be ready to drink by the time of the swap. Yeast is cultured from Hoegarden Grand Cru. I've used this before and seems to work very well,
17. Hopsta - Brown Porter - Nottingham yeast - Best give it till after 08/12/06 to ensure enough carbonation.
18. Weizguy - Kmas Kase Weizen (Seth Weizen #2) - contains 3rd gen Weizen yeast (W3068). Warner (Classic Beer Series - German Wheat beer) suggests that you serve it at 8-10C. Thought that I might bottle without removing the weizen yeast, this time. Next time, I'll prob bottle with W34/70, after a few weeks of cc'ing. More? Go to my Spruik your Beer thread.
19. Thommo - Bitter, bottled 30/11/2006. Leave it two weeks. - US56
20. Barramundi - Wanna Be Vintage Ale-S04 Yeast ,bottled 11th November should be good to go when the sediment settles again ive tested it and it seems pretty good to me ... but as with most home brews time is always a good thing ..
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto - English Special Bitter, Bottled 29/11, WLP002
23. Nifty- some sort of Old Peculier - Bottled 13/11/06. Can be drunk now, but as it is supposed to be a low end strong ale, it might get better with age. This is the first time I've brewed this baby, so I'm not sure how it will go. - WLP005 used
24. Gerard_M - Something Dark
25. T.D. - Hunter Valley Pale Ale - ready to drink now - US56
26. Josh - Sparkling Ale
27. Philmac - American Brown - leave until at least 21/12 - Wyeast 1056
28. Crozdog - PhilsAle.
Just polishing off Trent's Nut Brown Ale right now.
Great colour, and nice tight white head.
Perfect level of carbonation with great mouthfeel. After another long day my brain is too mushed to write more of a review, other than to say I really enjoyed consuming it over the last twenty minutes as I unwind.

I'm gonna get in early to state that the Weizen #18 is not ready yet. The flavour is there, but a little lacking due to insufficient secondary action (it's a bit flat). The carbonation would do a Brit pale ale proud, but it's well low for a weizen. The beer is great though, so don't stop unless you want to wait for the full experience (after the bottle fermentation is complete).

I poured my beer "mit hefe" tonight. I can still taste the sweet speise, which the yeast is struggling to finish; but there wasn't much yeast after racking and cold conditioning, and racking again to add speise and bottle.

Hope U guys like banana as much as I do. The banana is nicely balanced by hop and clove - Hate too much clove. There is a wheaty/malty/fruity taste to the whole beer. Quite nicely balanced and medium-bodied with a sweet/drying aftertaste and a mild after-bitterness. Luv them Hall. Mit. plugs.
That triple decoction mash really made this a nice beer. Not sure if I could replicate this, but I'd like to try. :chug:

It reminds me of Schofferhofer or Paulaner, with a little bit of youthful bite. Maybe the bite comes from the weizen yeast, rather than a bottling yeast, or maybe it's just young. Not a bad drop, but I reckon that a bit of warm conditioning and then a few weeks in the fridge will prob do the right thing by this beer.
Carbonation will make this beer drier and slightly more tart. I'll leave it to you. I like it now! :beer:

I have to save some of this for my brew apprentice, and promised him 4 litres. He's gonna owe me for that favour.

I might make Trent one of these, for his wedding reception.

Well, there ya go. Drink it now, or drink it later..., you'll be happy unless ya hate weizens as much as Batz does. :unsure:

Seth out :p
1. Duff - American IPA - WLP029 - Ready to drink.
2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320
3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.
4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028.
5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix.
6. Pint of Lager - Dunkel - ready to drink, give it some quiet time - yeast WL800
7. Doc - Saison - ready to drink - WLP565
8. Homebrewworld.com - APA....Bottled 1/12/06, allow for carbonation time then drink it !
9. Chilled
10. Keith - Raspberry Wheat Beer (Kit and Kilo, Wyeast 3068 + US56, Drink Now)
11. n00ch - Hefeweizen - Ready to drink after 15/12/2006 - Wyeast 3942.
12. mikem108-Wood aged Smokey Choc Porter- Nottingham Ale for primary- and muntons gold for bottling- let it age for a while
13. Beer Slayer- APA Bottled 1/12/06 ready to drink 23/12/06
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)-T-58-Just finished bottling it, so after 14/12/06 get into it !!
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White - Will be ready to drink by the time of the swap. Yeast is cultured from Hoegarden Grand Cru. I've used this before and seems to work very well,
17. Hopsta - Brown Porter - Nottingham yeast - Best give it till after 08/12/06 to ensure enough carbonation.
18. Weizguy - Kmas Kase Weizen (Seth Weizen #2) - contains 3rd gen Weizen yeast (W3068). Warner (Classic Beer Series - German Wheat beer) suggests that you serve it at 8-10C. Thought that I might bottle without removing the weizen yeast, this time. Next time, I'll prob bottle with W34/70, after a few weeks of cc'ing. More? Go to my Spruik your Beer thread.
19. Thommo - Bitter, bottled 30/11/2006. Leave it two weeks. - US56
20. Barramundi - Wanna Be Vintage Ale-S04 Yeast ,bottled 11th November should be good to go when the sediment settles again ive tested it and it seems pretty good to me ... but as with most home brews time is always a good thing ..
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto - English Special Bitter, Bottled 29/11, WLP002
23. Nifty- some sort of Old Peculier - Bottled 13/11/06. Can be drunk now, but as it is supposed to be a low end strong ale, it might get better with age. This is the first time I've brewed this baby, so I'm not sure how it will go. - WLP005 used
24. Gerard_M - Something Dark
25. T.D. - Hunter Valley Pale Ale - ready to drink now - US56
26. Josh - Sparkling Ale - ready to drink 22/12 - Coopers Sparkling Ale yeast
27. Philmac - American Brown - leave until at least 21/12 - Wyeast 1056
28. Crozdog - PhilsAle.
I tried my entry tonight, and I think its improving quite a bit with some time in the bottle. So, I will keep it as "ready to drink" because its fine as is, but if you can you might as well leave it for another couple of weeks.

1. Duff - American IPA - WLP029 - Ready to drink.
2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320
3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.
4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028.
5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix.
6. Pint of Lager - Dunkel - ready to drink, give it some quiet time - yeast WL800
7. Doc - Saison - ready to drink - WLP565
8. Homebrewworld.com - APA....Bottled 1/12/06, allow for carbonation time then drink it !
9. Chilled
10. Keith - Raspberry Wheat Beer (Kit and Kilo, Wyeast 3068 + US56, Drink Now)
11. n00ch - Hefeweizen - Ready to drink after 15/12/2006 - Wyeast 3942.
12. mikem108-Wood aged Smokey Choc Porter- Nottingham Ale for primary- and muntons gold for bottling- let it age for a while
13. Beer Slayer- APA Bottled 1/12/06 ready to drink 23/12/06
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)-T-58-Just finished bottling it, so after 14/12/06 get into it !!
15. Shonky
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White - Will be ready to drink by the time of the swap. Yeast is cultured from Hoegarden Grand Cru. I've used this before and seems to work very well,
17. Hopsta - Brown Porter - Nottingham yeast - Best give it till after 08/12/06 to ensure enough carbonation.
18. Weizguy - Kmas Kase Weizen (Seth Weizen #2) - contains 3rd gen Weizen yeast (W3068). Warner (Classic Beer Series - German Wheat beer) suggests that you serve it at 8-10C. Thought that I might bottle without removing the weizen yeast, this time. Next time, I'll prob bottle with W34/70, after a few weeks of cc'ing. More? Go to my Spruik your Beer thread.
19. Thommo - Bitter, bottled 30/11/2006. Leave it two weeks. - US56
20. Barramundi - Wanna Be Vintage Ale-S04 Yeast ,bottled 11th November should be good to go when the sediment settles again ive tested it and it seems pretty good to me ... but as with most home brews time is always a good thing ..
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto - English Special Bitter, Bottled 29/11, WLP002
23. Nifty- some sort of Old Peculier - Bottled 13/11/06. Can be drunk now, but as it is supposed to be a low end strong ale, it might get better with age. This is the first time I've brewed this baby, so I'm not sure how it will go. - WLP005 used
24. Gerard_M - Something Dark
25. T.D. - Hunter Valley Pale Ale - ready to drink now - US56
26. Josh - Sparkling Ale - ready to drink 22/12 - Coopers Sparkling Ale yeast
27. Philmac - American Brown - leave until at least 21/12 - Wyeast 1056
28. Crozdog - PhilsAle.

Just had it tonight TD.

Still bloody nice though. And I'm hopeless at letting beer age. I think I unofficially won the first finished for the Xmas in July Case this year. Already think I'm a shoe in to finish my December case first, (Can anyone else beat 6 beers down already???)


(Off to post in the Tasting notes thread before I forget.)



Now I understand what people mean when they talk about Foruming under the influence. Was in the comsumption thread all along and didn't even realise.

Here's my brief reviews.

Sunday 3/12/06
Went to my brohter inlaw's to be. Had Goatherder's APA, Doc's Saison (Awesome!!! :super: ) and Duffs IPA. Duff, the label was right mate, one hell of a bitter bastard. Luckily my bro inlaw and I were tough enough to handle it.

Tonight, whilst watching the cricket.

Stuster's American Rye, Trent's Nut Brown Ale, and TD's Hunter Valley Pale Ale. In 20 years from now when people ask what were you doing when the Aussies wrestled the Ashes back from the grasp of the whinging poms, I'll be able to say that I was drinking these beers. Thanks guys, made this moment even more awesome. Can't say a bad word about any of these beers.

So from an original swap case of 24 beers from other brewers, I've got 18 left. I'm half thinking I should back off and savour a few more brews over time, and part of me thinks I should try for the record of finishing off a case swap in record time. Stay Tuned.

Been away for several weeks so apologies for the lack of posts! ...Bottled it pre-gassed the night before Gerard picked it up and had a 'mare with excess foam in the neck!! Scraped in with the 28 bottles so will have no chance to sample my wares until the case arrives. This beer does not fit easily into the style guidelines and, rather than try to describe it, I'll just throw it out there and solicit your honest feedback.

Can't wait to receive the case and try all the wild, weird and wonderful beers described on the thread.

It's going to be a merry 'hic xmas.

Seasons greetings to all contributors and many many thanks to the organisers and case swappers, it's REALLY appreciated.



1. Duff - American IPA - WLP029 - Ready to drink.
2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320
3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later.
4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028.
5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix.
6. Pint of Lager - Dunkel - ready to drink, give it some quiet time - yeast WL800
7. Doc - Saison - ready to drink - WLP565
8. Homebrewworld.com - APA....Bottled 1/12/06, allow for carbonation time then drink it !
9. Chilled
10. Keith - Raspberry Wheat Beer (Kit and Kilo, Wyeast 3068 + US56, Drink Now)
11. n00ch - Hefeweizen - Ready to drink after 15/12/2006 - Wyeast 3942.
12. mikem108-Wood aged Smokey Choc Porter- Nottingham Ale for primary- and muntons gold for bottling- let it age for a while
13. Beer Slayer- APA Bottled 1/12/06 ready to drink 23/12/06
14. Linz - Belgian Wit bier (like No16)-T-58-Just finished bottling it, so after 14/12/06 get into it !!
15. Shonky - Quaffing Cricket Beer - good to drink now
16. Stephen - Hoegarden White - Will be ready to drink by the time of the swap. Yeast is cultured from Hoegarden Grand Cru. I've used this before and seems to work very well,
17. Hopsta - Brown Porter - Nottingham yeast - Best give it till after 08/12/06 to ensure enough carbonation.
18. Weizguy - Kmas Kase Weizen (Seth Weizen #2) - contains 3rd gen Weizen yeast (W3068). Warner (Classic Beer Series - German Wheat beer) suggests that you serve it at 8-10C. Thought that I might bottle without removing the weizen yeast, this time. Next time, I'll prob bottle with W34/70, after a few weeks of cc'ing. More? Go to my Spruik your Beer thread.
19. Thommo - Bitter, bottled 30/11/2006. Leave it two weeks. - US56
20. Barramundi - Wanna Be Vintage Ale-S04 Yeast ,bottled 11th November should be good to go when the sediment settles again ive tested it and it seems pretty good to me ... but as with most home brews time is always a good thing ..
21. Barry - Munich Dunkel
22. Berto - English Special Bitter, Bottled 29/11, WLP002
23. Nifty- some sort of Old Peculier - Bottled 13/11/06. Can be drunk now, but as it is supposed to be a low end strong ale, it might get better with age. This is the first time I've brewed this baby, so I'm not sure how it will go. - WLP005 used
24. Gerard_M - Something Dark
25. T.D. - Hunter Valley Pale Ale - ready to drink now - US56
26. Josh - Sparkling Ale - ready to drink 22/12 - Coopers Sparkling Ale yeast
27. Philmac - American Brown - leave until at least 21/12 - Wyeast 1056
28. Crozdog - PhilsAle. [/quote]
Go for it, Thommo. No, I reckon you should save the ones that'll improve with a bit of time.

What an honour that my beer was drunk during that great game today. :super:

I'm intrigued, shonky. What yeast did you use BTW?

Edit: Must be PUI too. :lol:

Just sipping on goatherder's APA. It's a nice drop. Amarillo? Lots of floral aroma and flavour but with a good maltiness to balance. I like. :chug:
Cheers Stuster.

Good pick, I used a 2:1 mix of Amarillo and Cascade. All hops went in late starting at 20 mins.
Just sipping on T.D.'s HV Pale Ale at the moment - quite nice. Are you sure that the IBU's and EBC are right, looks more like about 20EBC than 9EBC or whatever it says on the bottle!

Next up in the fridge is Doc's Saison when i get around to it, there's about 4 different types of Kolsch (2 HB versions, 2 commercial versions) in the fridge so it's going to be hard to drink all these entries!
Keith's Raspberry Wheat

Poured a very tasty looking guava colour, somewhere between pink and orange. Not much head to speak of but well carbonated - probably my glassware. The first hit on the nose is banana esters but the raspberry shines through on the next sniff. Smells fantastic.

The taste is a really well balanced blend of raspberries and wheatiness (is that even a word?). The tang of a wheat beer is there and the raspberry flavour follows and lingers on. Whilst the nose suggests some sweetness, the finish is quite dry and refreshing, enhanced by a crisp bitterness. The carbonation is lively and suits the style well.

I really enjoyed this beer Keith, it makes for the perfect after work refresher. I reckon it would make a good session beer too, very easy to drink. Cheers.
Just sipping on T.D.'s HV Pale Ale at the moment - quite nice. Are you sure that the IBU's and EBC are right, looks more like about 20EBC than 9EBC or whatever it says on the bottle!

Very interesting that you bring this up actually. I brewed this beer with two mates on a big system in the Hunter Valley (the scaled down recipe is below). I totally agree with you, I was just saying to one of the other guys yesterday that I would pick it as about 18 EBC. I don't know what could have caused it to be this dark. I know that the Hunter water is quite hard compared to Sydney, but could that affect colour? The other possible explanation is that I have a mumma of a burner (300Mj mongolian) for this system and I can't remember perfectly but if I had it on flat out with only a small amount of wort in the kettle I may have gotten some caramelisation happening. But yeah, its a mystery - I'm as baffled as you are!

Anyway, the main thing is I hope you all enjoy drinking it!

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Hunter Valley Pale Ale (Xmas Case)
Style: Australian Pale Ale
TYPE: All Grain

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 28.00 L
Boil Size: 32.52 L
Estimated OG: 1.046 SG
Estimated Color: 9.8 EBC
Estimated IBU: 26.2 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 87.0 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.24 kg Joe White Traditional Ale (5.9 EBC) Grain 90.9 %
0.34 kg Joe White Wheat Malt (3.5 EBC) Grain 7.3 %
0.08 kg Joe White Crystal (141.8 EBC) Grain 1.8 %
14.13 gm Super Pride [14.00%] (60 min) Hops 17.9 IBU
16.63 gm Goldings, East Kent [6.90%] (20 min) Hops 6.3 IBU
16.63 gm Goldings, East Kent [6.90%] (5 min) Hops 2.1 IBU
0 Pkgs Safale American Ale (DCL Yeast #US-56) Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: 150L System - Medium Body
Total Grain Weight: 4.67 kg
Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Infusion Add 16.33 L of water at 72.6 C 66.5 C 60 min

Last runnings: 2 brix
@ 175L boil gravity: 11.5 brix (1.045)
5L excess from grant added for final boil volume of 180L
165L post boil volume (15L boil off)
I really enjoyed this beer Keith, it makes for the perfect after work refresher. I reckon it would make a good session beer too, very easy to drink. Cheers.

Thanks for the feedback Goatherder.

Thats what the beer was all about, nothing too flash; just a refreshing drink for a hot summers day.


Stusters American Rye

Pours brilliantly clear, pale golden in colour. Plenty of carbonation which throws a generous 2 finger head. I should have used my weizen glass...

There are some great aromas in this beer. There is a touch of banana at the start which ends up being a little like honey, even a little caramel. Very nice.

I've never had a rye beer before, but I guess this is what rye tastes like. Kind of like a grainy maltiness, very rounded, different to a wheat beer but still very pleasing. The bitterness is perfectly balanced - it lets you know it's there while handing the leading role to the yeast and the malt. The 5.9% is extremely well hidden whilst the beer is cold but as it warms up it becomes a bit more evident. It also got that impression as the bottle got emptier...

The carbonation is quite high which gives a real refreshing crispness to the beer. The mouthfeel is light enough to be very drinkable without becoming watery.

This is a top beer Stuster and a great example of a tasty quaffing ale. It's a style I've never tasted before so thanks for widening my beer horizons by putting it in the case.


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