VIC 2016 Xmas in July Case Swap - TASTING

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AJ80 said:
Sorry to hear that Grainer - you may have got a bung bottle as the others I've tried have not had this character.
**** happens
Grainer said:
Doh Martin.. Im missing this one :(

9. VP Brewing - Black IPA (102.75 in the MM specialty IPA comp. Bottled ages ago so hops have dropped off a bit so drink ASAP!)
Just checked - 'Dunno how I got one & you didn't - did you grab the right box?

We can do rock/paper/scissors for it next time we meet, or just let me know to bring it to CB & you can pick-up if you really want to try it.
#7 - DJ#$%^&'s Dampfbier:

Never had one before, so had to do a bit of reading-up on the style.

I'm drinking this from a weissbier glass & have taken some poetic licence by drinking it "mit-hefe" (as it was probably consumed historically).

This is weird! In a nice kind of way.

Phenolics from the yeast-perfectly fine. I was immediately expecting a weissbier from the nose, but once I got it in my gob, it was completely different.

There's no tart wheat character (derrr!), but instead, a mouth-filling maltiness that sticks-around for a while. THEN, it goes rapidly dry. Like, "off the edge of a cliff" dry. It doesn't strike me as a thirst-quencher.

The head-retention is perfectly fine (I'm almost at the end of the glass).

Dunno if I'd want to drink a lot of this in summer (compared to doing a lot of wheat-beer).

Nice go at an historical style. I just prefer weissbier.
JB said:
3. technobabble66 - Ol' Dirty Bastard. (Old Peculier clone, (= Old Ale), ready to drink ~1/8/16, better if left to ~1/10/16)
****, dammit, crapballs, crudstick. Fuckaduck, arse, feck, balls and tooheys.

Brought a heap of beers inside, meant to open AJ's oaty stout but somehow ended up pouring Stu's TOP without realising. Waaay to early for this lil one. Mouth-feel is beautiful, very well balanced low bittered beer, didn't taste sweet or too dry. Complex flavours of dried fruit, plum and something else that wasn't chocolaty or fruity but something in between... BUT very green on the nose, and spoiled what should have been a damn fine beer.

So shattered, was looking forward to this one in a few months time. Will retry AJ's tonight.

Oh dear, oh dear, Mofox.
That's a tragedy!
I was coincidently going to post yesterday that i tried one tuesday night, knowing it was at least a few months too young - but i'm too impatient with my own beers.
So i was going to write that i was much relieved to find it was not a cock-up, & was showing the early signs of some promise ... but definitely waaaaaaay too young.

So i guess it's good to hear a positive review i wasn't expecting for a few more months... So thanks!
But commiserations on cracking one that unfortunately won't be much chop for another 3+ months.

In the words of the great philosopher:
Labels, read. You should.
MartinOC said:
Just checked - 'Dunno how I got one & you didn't - did you grab the right box?

We can do rock/paper/scissors for it next time we meet, or just let me know to bring it to CB & you can pick-up if you really want to try it.
just describe the taste for me .. LOL
20. Mmmyummybeer Fleuku U clone
Again, flying blind. Pours dark, borderline black in colour. Not much carb and the head goes away quickly. On the nose it's hard to pick - some roast, maybe choc, like a stout but much milder. First sip was interesting (caveat: I'm getting over tonsillitis so taste buds could be thrown), as it wasn't overly dark tasting and finishes quite dry. Quite bitter but probably more from the dark malts than heavy hopping. Chocolate is the dark flavour that comes out the most, but I feel like it's a bit 'rough', as though there should be some sweetness to balance it out a bit. As it warmed up it got better but the fizz had gone by then.
Not a huge fan, but maybe this style isn't my kind of beer. My illness could also be meddling things so will wait a few days before the next tasting.
My first one:

#4 - AJ’s Oatmeal Stout
(aka Not #3, hey Mofox :p)

(The world’s tightest lid, by the way)
Almost no head. What’s there is tan-white.
Jet black

Earthy, peaty. A caramel element & a chocolatey element

Chocolate, with slight caramel & roasty elements.
Mild bitterness. No astringency.
Full mouthfeel, maybe a slight slickness from the oats?
Low carb - is good for this
Not really sweet nor dry - very good mid-level balance.

Excellent oatmeal stout, AJ!
All the main elements balance really well - nice mid-point between sweet & dry, which i’d basically interpret as dry-ish without having too much “bite”. Smooooooth, baby! No noticeable astringency - which i think is big win for a beer driven by so many dark malts. Mouthfeel and carb is bang on (what vol CO2 did you carb to?). Mild caramel & earthiness comes through nicely in the flavour - great for this style (Fuggles early, EKG late? Or just med crystal). Not getting a huge amount of roastiness, though that could be just my poor taste buds - not as a complaint, but just in case you intended them to be noticeably there. I think it’s great as it is. Definitely would love to see the recipe.

Bar set high.
technobabble66 said:
My first one:

#4 - AJ’s Oatmeal Stout
(aka Not #3, hey Mofox :p)

(The world’s tightest lid, by the way)
Almost no head. What’s there is tan-white.
Jet black

Earthy, peaty. A caramel element & a chocolatey element

Chocolate, with slight caramel & roasty elements.
Mild bitterness. No astringency.
Full mouthfeel, maybe a slight slickness from the oats?
Low carb - is good for this
Not really sweet nor dry - very good mid-level balance.

Excellent oatmeal stout, AJ!
All the main elements balance really well - nice mid-point between sweet & dry, which i’d basically interpret as dry-ish without having too much “bite”. Smooooooth, baby! No noticeable astringency - which i think is big win for a beer driven by so many dark malts. Mouthfeel and carb is bang on (what vol CO2 did you carb to?). Mild caramel & earthiness comes through nicely in the flavour - great for this style (Fuggles early, EKG late? Or just med crystal). Not getting a huge amount of roastiness, though that could be just my poor taste buds - not as a complaint, but just in case you intended them to be noticeably there. I think it’s great as it is. Definitely would love to see the recipe.

Bar set high.
Fark U .. mine was infected ! sooo much Green Apple it slapped you in the face
[emoji41] Totes not infected for mine!

Smooth, yummy & amazeballs, all the waaaaaaaaaay doooooowwwn to the bottom of the glass [emoji6]
Either that or I'm blessed/cursed with a nose that doesn't pick up green apples anymore (which sadly is actually possible - I do struggle to detect certain odours/flavours these days).

Commiserations on yours, though, John [emoji53]
technobabble66 said:
My first one:

#4 - AJ’s Oatmeal Stout
(aka Not #3, hey Mofox :p)


(The world’s tightest lid, by the way)

Almost no head. What’s there is tan-white.

Jet black


Earthy, peaty. A caramel element & a chocolatey element


Chocolate, with slight caramel & roasty elements.

Mild bitterness. No astringency.

Full mouthfeel, maybe a slight slickness from the oats?

Low carb - is good for this

Not really sweet nor dry - very good mid-level balance.


Excellent oatmeal stout, AJ!

All the main elements balance really well - nice mid-point between sweet & dry, which i’d basically interpret as dry-ish without having too much “bite”. Smooooooth, baby! No noticeable astringency - which i think is big win for a beer driven by so many dark malts. Mouthfeel and carb is bang on (what vol CO2 did you carb to?). Mild caramel & earthiness comes through nicely in the flavour - great for this style (Fuggles early, EKG late? Or just med crystal). Not getting a huge amount of roastiness, though that could be just my poor taste buds - not as a complaint, but just in case you intended them to be noticeably there. I think it’s great as it is. Definitely would love to see the recipe.

Bar set high.
Many thanks techno - really glad you enjoyed it. I had one last night too out of paranoid fear the whole batch was infected, but no, Grainer must have just got a bad bottle (sorry again for that). Yeah, the lids are on a touch tight...

Now for the recipe:
OG 1.052
FG 1.012
IBUs 39

69.5% Maris otter
9.5% flaked oats (porridge oats)
9.5% wheat malt
7.5% roast barley (next time I'll be upping the roast as I agree it could do with some more roastiness)
4% pale chocolate

Single infusion mash at 66C for 60 minutes

1.2 g/L horizon (11.2% alpha) @ 60 mins

60 minute boil and no chilled.

Fermented with WY1084 at 20C.

Edit: I know I should, but I'm not a fan of bulk priming and am too lazy to work out volumes of CO2. I just used the 500ml sugar scoop into a 750ml bottle and it works quite well for a low carb :)
Well, here we go. Please update when your beer is ready to drink if it has not already been marked...

1. whiteferret - Oatmeal Stout Bottled 30/6/16
3. technobabble66 - Ol' Dirty Bastard. (Old Peculier clone, (= Old Ale), ready to drink ~1/8/16, better if left to ~1/10/16)[/font]
4. AJ80 - oatmeal stout (ready to drink)
5. Grainer - Spare Parts Stout on Bourbon - Priming sugar added on 10th June.. give it at least a month before opening
7. DJ_L3THAL - Teninch Dampfbier (recipe courtesy of Les the Weizguy, minor hops tweak to what was in freezer) - Bottled 13/6, ready to drink once you have it. Fresh is best for this I believe. ABV 5.6%.
8. Mofox1 - ICBM (Inter Continental Bloody Muther) freakin' Stout. (Ready to drink? nah, give this baby some time. August/September)
9. VP Brewing - Black IPA (102.75 in the MM specialty IPA comp. Bottled ages ago so hops have dropped off a bit so drink ASAP!)
10. Grainer - Viennella Saison - Ready to drink
11. Reardo - My take on a Mountain Goat Summer Ale
12. heyhey
13. Masters Brewery-Belgian Double
15. Micbrew - 2 n from special bitter ...needs a few months
16. JB - Amber AIPA 6% 45ibu - ready to drink when you are
18. Curly79. Chocolate and Rum Oatmeal Stout. 6%. Ready to drink after 1st of September.
19. Midnight Brew (non attending) - Dry Irish Stout - going to carb this low, pump with syringe
20. mmmyummybeer
21. thearn
22. TheWiggman - Patersbier
24. NO SHOW? Kunfaced - Black Brett Bitters (100% Brett ferment) probably give it some time to age
1. whiteferret - Oatmeal Stout Bottled 30/6/16
3. technobabble66 - Ol' Dirty Bastard. (Old Peculier clone, (= Old Ale), ready to drink ~1/8/16, better if left to ~1/10/16)[/font]
4. AJ80 - oatmeal stout (ready to drink)
5. Grainer - Spare Parts Stout on Bourbon - Priming sugar added on 10th June.. give it at least a month before opening
7. DJ_L3THAL - Teninch Dampfbier (recipe courtesy of Les the Weizguy, minor hops tweak to what was in freezer) - Bottled 13/6, ready to drink once you have it. Fresh is best for this I believe. ABV 5.6%.
8. Mofox1 - ICBM (Inter Continental Bloody Muther) freakin' Stout. (Ready to drink? nah, give this baby some time. August/September)
9. VP Brewing - Black IPA (102.75 in the MM specialty IPA comp. Bottled ages ago so hops have dropped off a bit so drink ASAP!)
10. Grainer - Viennella Saison - Ready to drink
11. Reardo - My take on a Mountain Goat Summer Ale
12. heyhey - ESB - Ready to drink
13. Masters Brewery-Belgian Double
15. Micbrew - 2 n from special bitter ...needs a few months
16. JB - Amber AIPA 6% 45ibu - ready to drink when you are
18. Curly79. Chocolate and Rum Oatmeal Stout. 6%. Ready to drink after 1st of September.
19. Midnight Brew (non attending) - Dry Irish Stout - going to carb this low, pump with syringe
20. mmmyummybeer
21. thearn
22. TheWiggman - Patersbier
24. NO SHOW? Kunfaced - Black Brett Bitters (100% Brett ferment) probably give it some time to age
#4 AJ80's Oatmeal Stout

Holy ****! You actually carbed this one!!!

Absolutely NO acetaldehyde that I could detect, nor infection. For the record, Grainer reckons EVERYTHING is infected...but couldn't pick it in his own White IPA last swap.... :lol:

A bit on the light-side for an oatmeal stout. I would've expected a lot more body & depth/sweetness, but still has that silky oat character.

Nonetheless, I'm thoroughly enjoying this one & could happily down a few of them.
MartinOC said:
#4 AJ80's Oatmeal Stout

Holy ****! You actually carbed this one!!!

Absolutely NO acetaldehyde that I could detect, nor infection. For the record, Grainer reckons EVERYTHING is infected...but couldn't pick it in his own White IPA last swap.... :lol:

A bit on the light-side for an oatmeal stout. I would've expected a lot more body & depth/sweetness, but still has that silky oat character.

Nonetheless, I'm thoroughly enjoying this one & could happily down a few of them.
Wifey and friend even Picked it.. it was full of it to the point it went down the sink.. my White IPA was 100% clean BTW - had heaps of people taste it including commercial brewers with only good reviews! .. I call it as it is.. not about to blow wind up someones arse if it aint good....maybe just an unlucky bottle...?

Gladly drink anyone elses Oatmeal stout!.....
MartinOC said:
#4 AJ80's Oatmeal Stout

Holy ****! You actually carbed this one!!!

Absolutely NO acetaldehyde that I could detect, nor infection. For the record, Grainer reckons EVERYTHING is infected...but couldn't pick it in his own White IPA last swap.... :lol:

A bit on the light-side for an oatmeal stout. I would've expected a lot more body & depth/sweetness, but still has that silky oat character.

Nonetheless, I'm thoroughly enjoying this one & could happily down a few of them.
Cheers Martin - glad you're enjoying it.
Must have been a bad bottle. Mine was the perfect accompaniment to 9hr ribs in the slow cooker with veg and HB choc stout.
Now laying on the floor. Might get up later. Possibly.View attachment 89948
I call it as I see it. The White IPA bottles I had (every one of them bar one) was definitely infected - gushers with a ring of confidence.

Let's move on, eh?
16. JB - AIPA 6% 45ibu - ready to drink when you are

Fan-friggen-tastic mate. Awesome burnished copper colour and an awesome fruity aroma expected of an AIPA. Smooth bitterness with more of those fruity hops we all love! Sure the carb is low, but a few pumps of the poor man's beer engine (read kids panadol syringe) and it's like a real ale crossed with an IPA - which is great in my books. I now have a stupidly dense slightly tan head which is not going anywhere fast! Really loving this beer JB.

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