2023 Vic Spring Case swap

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Victoria Australia
Hey all keen to get some new people involved along with the regular crew, for those that haven't attended before these events are an opportunity to get together with like minded brewers to:

Drink beer (normally multiple jockey boxes/eskys with plutos/taps) last event we had 12 taps and 20+kegs (along with multiple bottles) feel free to bring your kits and kegs to share etc

Eat good food, and talk all things brewing

Swap 750ml pet bottle (cans/glass is accepted if you don't have other options) with other brewers

Option to join in with the collaboration brew and take home a cube or two of wort. Last couple of times we've brewed 400L plus. We split the costs of the brew based on the cost per cube.

Feel free to volunteer to help brew it or even organise the recipe. Previous brews have been Rocheford 10 clone, Pliney the Elder clone etc

Last couple of swaps a few of us have brought samples of the last swap colab brew to compare how our different processes impact the end product.

Have heard at some of the previous swaps 1000L has been brewed!

Can come for the:
Whole weekend
Friday night, Saturday
Saturday day trip
Saturday and stay the night etc

5 months out but want to get something in the calendar.

So we have time to brew something to swap and debate who is brewing/what recipe

I've organised my mates place in Gisbourne (Bullengarook) as the venue. Its 120acres off grid but we have access to tank water, solar/battery/generator to cover the brewing pumps and basic power requirements.

Gas is used to brew so normally just run bottles for that.

I am orginizing food this time round and will source stuff from the local butcher/bakery etc

No one goes hungry, for anyone new its normally chip in for your share of food based on what days/meals you come for.

Frifay night is normally pizza

Couple of bathroom options at my mates. However Curly had the right idea at the last swap so will get a portaloo in for this one (again shared costs)

Date: September Friday 15th - Sunday 17th

Location: Clickerals mate Tony's place in Gisborne (Bullengarook)

120acres off grid (solar/battery/generator for pumps & tank water for the brew)
Huskies (6)
Other Australian wild life

Plenty of space to camp/park and its pretty remote but close to central gisbourne, kids/family welcome and dogs just need to check with my mate Tony

Head Brewer: TBC feel free to volunteer (Chooses recipe and organises ingredients)

Assistant Brewer:TBC feel free to volunteer (normally someone who has used the kit before, but we all lend a hand as needed )

Food Boss: Clickeral


1. Clickeral
2. Clickeral's Partner and Daughter


1. Clickeral
2. Bottle for the Kit (idzy)
3. Bottle for the Kit (maltjunkie)
4. Bottle for the host


1. Clickeral

Any questions feel free to ask :)

To join just copy the list and add your name to the spots your keen on being involved in
Last edited:
Date: September Friday 15th - Sunday 17th

Location: Clickerals mate Tony's place in Gisborne (Bullengarook)

120acres off grid (solar/battery/generator for pumps & tank water for the brew)
Huskies (6)
Other Australian wild life

Plenty of space to camp/park and its pretty remote, kids/family welcome and dogs just need to check with my mate Tony

Head Brewer:

Assistant Brewer:

Food Boss: Clickeral


1. Clickeral
2. Clickeral's Partner and Daughter
3. djl3thal
4. Simon (DJ’s mate)

Swappers (include 3x extras for equipment providers and host)

1. Clickeral
2. djl3thal


1. Clickeral
2. djl3thal
3 Simon (DJ’s mate)
if enough interest/attendees we can potentially get the “BFK” as the kettle which can push 1000L of cubes out off the same mash setup. Still all gas fired.

I’m happy to be backup assistant brewer as I was head brewer last swap for continuity. But keeping opportunity open for anyone keen. I will say don’t be afraid on giving head brewer a go, there’s plenty of experience around at these things and you never get caught out. So dive in and have fun, I loved it and highly recommend. It can only improve your knowledge and brewing skill.

Looking forward to it!!! Now gotta work out what to enter as my swap brew…
Bumping this thread as we should at least commence recipe discussion. Any takers for head brewer? One of the perks is you get to make the key decisions like what recipe etc…

Also an update to the list;

Date: September Friday 15th - Sunday 17th

Location: Clickerals mate Tony's place in Gisborne (Bullengarook)

120acres off grid (solar/battery/generator for pumps & tank water for the brew)
Huskies (6)
Other Australian wild life

Plenty of space to camp/park and its pretty remote, kids/family welcome and dogs just need to check with my mate Tony

Head Brewer:

Assistant Brewer:

Food Boss: Clickeral


1. Clickeral
2. Clickeral's Partner and Daughter
3. djl3thal
4. Simon (DJ’s mate)
5. GrumpyPaul
6. Curly

Swappers (include 3x extras for equipment providers and host)

1. Clickeral
2. djl3thal
3. GrumpyPaul
4. Curly


1. Clickeral
2. djl3thal
3 Simon (DJ’s mate)
4. GrumpyPaul
5. Curly
Update this got moved to the weekend after the Melbourne cup so now 10th to 12th November should be good weather

Date: November Friday 10th - Sunday 12th

Location: Clickerals mate Tony's place in Gisborne (Bullengarook) details to be sent out closer to the time

120acres off grid (solar/battery/generator for pumps & tank water for the brew)
Huskies (6)
Other Australian wild life

Plenty of space to camp/park and its pretty remote, kids/family welcome and dogs just need to check with my mate Tony

Head Brewer:
Assistant Brewer: DCB

Food Boss: Clickeral


1. Clickeral + family
2. djl3thal
3. Simon (DJ’s mate)
4. Curly
5. Technobabble
6. DCB

Swappers (include 3x extras for equipment providers and host)

1. Clickeral
2. djl3thal
3. Curly
4. DCB


1. Clickeral
2. djl3thal
3 Simon (DJ’s mate)
4. Curly
5. Technobabble
6. DCB

Have a couple of others waiting to confirm as well, open to anyone in VIC (interstate welcome as well)
Be nice to have some new faces from here. If you have just started out, don't be shy. These days are the best learning you can get. Bring a beer you're not sure about and get considered and polite feedback/tips. Bring your best beer and demonstrate your skills. Bring some bottles to enter into the "swap" and take home the same amount of other brewers amazing and creative beer. Anything goes, although pants are mandatory.

We're going to brew a Dr Smurto's Golden Ale (Rye version). Put your name down for a cube and take home a "fresh wort" kit of the brew :cool:

PS. Not certain how much traffic the meetup threads get as they don't appear in the "new posts" area from what I can see?
Swap is on this weekend in Bullengarook, all 18cubes are spoken for out of the collab brew.

Last count was 10-12 people attending

Great opportunity to help out with a large brew and learn from some experienced brewers, if you want to try your hand at all grain, want to talk water chem etc this is a great time to do it

Currently have 6 people swapping beer and potentially 14 taps on. Think we may have around 16kegs this time round.

Also sure there will be plenty of bottles being shared, one person is doing a blind macro beer tasting with the group as well

A little disappointed no one from here has been keen to get involved, brew day is Saturday and a few people are just coming for a day trip so still the option to get involved, bring some of your finest beer to share and get constructive feedback on

Welcome to bring a keg to be rotated into the tap lineup

Quite a few of the people attending have placed in Comp/Released commercial beer/Judged

Weather is looking perfect so don't feel afraid to PM for details
Few weekends ago now but a few pics of the swap


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