VIC 2016 Xmas in July Case Swap - TASTING

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Wiggmans Patersbier

Pours clear straw, tight white persistent head, no lacing but could be my glass of course.
Slight Belgian aroma clean with nice phenolics.
Classic Belgian yeast flavours, perfect carbonic bite. Subtle non-lingering aftertaste.

Dunno what else to say, well brewed, lives up to the style (based on a Google search). Could easily be a Leffe Blonde Patersbier! Thanks I enjoyed after my lamb vindaloo indeed.
AJ80 said:
9. VP's Black IPA

. I disagree with the style guidlines on black IPAs and I quite enjoy noticeable roast in them.
Absolutely. I have a real problem with making beers of a different colour that taste like the base style. Why? ****. Can I have some of the crack the BJCP folks are smoking?

Yes, I am a bit polemical in this regard.
Totally agree. (I was gonna call you racist, but seriousness prevailed [emoji185][emoji1]).
It's seems silly that anyone would bother trying to colour a beer a different colour just for the sake of it, let alone the BJCP guidelines might class it as a defined style. For the novelty of it, sure, knock yourself out. But really?! You can just use food dye to achieve this (or sinimar coloring agent etc) - it seems totally pointless as an actual style.

Having said all of that, I'd point out my discovery upon actually reading the BJCP guidelines for black IPA, that subtle roasty elements are legitimately within style. They're not necessary, which seems stupid in my mind, but acceptable if they're there at a mild level.
Maybe the others are similar?
So maybe my little rant above is actually pointless and just reflects a misconception of what the guidelines actually are [emoji57][emoji1]
We should brew a Black Roast IPA in defiance to BJCP at the next case swap!!!
21. thearn - American Stout

Sorry mate I didn't take notes and had already have 'some' brews.

I did really enjoy it, haven't looked at the BJCP description but it might have been a tad sweet? Hope we're nice in it but if hop character is needed maybe a touch more late hops would have brought it from good to great!

Anyways thanks for sharing, here's some motivation for your next crack at this recipe [emoji1]
12. heyhey - ESB
Mine was definitely carb. On opening though it had a strong vinegar aroma which was quite offensive. Taste backed it up - infected :(
Was looking forward to it. On the upside the colour and clarity were good :D
DJ_L3ThAL said:
We should brew a Black Roast IPA in defiance to BJCP at the next case swap!!!
Something like Bridge Road B2 Mach 6.0? Had it last weekend at the brewery and it was unreal. Not overly roasty. Imperial Black Belgian Ipa. 10% ABV. I read somewhere that it has 12 malts and 11 hops though so no idea what they are.
#8 Mofox stout. Said August / September well today is August just, and we had a craving for something on the Dark side.
Bloody hell this is exactly what we were after. Carb is perfect. Nice dark coloured creamy head, pours great looks great and taste great. Nothing really stands out individually flavour wise but super balanced and smooth as. No high alcohols, no harsh bitterness. Best beer so far probable until the next one, but am thinking new swap rule that if beer is this good then it should be packaged in 2L bottles. This one just didn't last long enough and unfortunately I had to share.

mmmyummybeer said:
#8 Mofox stout. Said August / September well today is August just, and we had a craving for something on the Dark side.
Bloody hell this is exactly what we were after. Carb is perfect. Nice dark coloured creamy head, pours great looks great and taste great. Nothing really stands out individually flavour wise but super balanced and smooth as. No high alcohols, no harsh bitterness. Best beer so far probable until the next one, but am thinking new swap rule that if beer is this good then it should be packaged in 2L bottles. This one just didn't last long enough and unfortunately I had to share.
Cheers guys, follow up with thean's for more dark goodness. Tis my fav so far!

21. thearn - American Stout
Extremely (dangerously) drinkable. Firm bitterness, starts slightly sweet but finishes dry. No noticeable hop aroma remaining, but there is the hint of something dank flavour-wise. Very similar to my own offering - I'm sure Tracey and Bruce will enjoy this as round two.

Should probably report on the others I've guzzled :)

1. whiteferret - Oatmeal Stout Bottled 30/6/16
Nice roasty flavour/aromas, however... to my own detriment I think I had psyched myself up for a thick oaty stout, whereas this was intended to be a dry stout? Got over that and enjoyed the beer. Cheers!

7. DJ_L3THAL - Teninch Dampfbier
Consumed after a couple of others, I wasn't sure what to make of this... phenolics or esters confusing the senses. Agree with Curly about this being dry! Don't drink this one after thearns... :/

11. Reardo - My take on a Mountain Goat Summer Ale
Sessionable brew. Would be good on a hot day in the hammock... bitterness was a touch low though, by the end of the glass it had started to taste a bit sweet.

12. heyhey - ESB - Ready to drink
I'm thinking inspired by Hargreaves Hill ESB?... Fruity/berry hops on the nose, mosaic late or dry hopped? Didn't really get this one, but appreciated having the chance!

16. JB - Amber AIPA 6% 45ibu - ready to drink when you are
I think I got a bum bottle... lots of age sweetness coming thru, no hops :(

19. Midnight Brew Dry Irish Stout - Drink at End of August going to carb this low, pump with syringe
yes, Yes, YES! I just couldn't wait... and damn yeah! I cheated with this one, and used a carb cap to boost the (very) low carb to a low/medium carb. I'm looking forlornly at the recently emptied glass right now... Pleasing hop and roast bitterness, slightly (welcome) astringency. I've discovered Tracey's problem, the bottle was too small ('cept I wasn't sharing!).

22. TheWiggman - Patersbier
A week or so ago now... but if this was a true small beer then I want the big brother as well! Very nice, totally not suited for a cold ****** winter night. :D
Incredibly light body but packed with flavour, was very easy to drink and looked superb... seriously clear as, very pale straw colour. Interesting nose. I assume it was the yeast choice but not sure. It did finish *slightly* sour, the low body messing wit' me or was there some/too much acidulated?

Err, I think that's it. Crate is getting a tad empty. :chug:

Edit: nope forgot this one:
9. VP Brewing - Black IPA
Nice touch of roast but was definitely over the hill... hops had dropped off and was tasting a touch sweet.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that I've had AJ's too.. but it may have come after dj's.
Yeast choice had a lot to do with it. I used Trappist High Gravity 3787 and straight Bestmalz pils. The pils malt lends just the right flavour (or lack thereof) to sit in the background and let the yeast shine. I think if I did it with JW it would end up a little dirty. No acidulated malt (I have an aversion to it at present) but some salts in the mash and a touch of lactic acid in the sparge. I can't pick any sourness, but I'm finding the varieties of beer hard to judge because they're all so different and throw the tastebuds out. Like JB's amber IPA, I wasn't sold on it straight away but the more other beers I have the more I think about it and appreciate how decent it was.
Maybe a big brother is in order for the Christmas case swap?
Well, here we go. Please update when your beer is ready to drink if it has not already been marked...

1. whiteferret - Oatmeal Stout Bottled 30/6/16
3. technobabble66 - Ol' Dirty Bastard. (Old Peculier clone, (= Old Ale), ready to drink ~1/8/16, better if left to ~1/10/16)
4. AJ80 - oatmeal stout (ready to drink)
5. Grainer - Spare Parts Stout on Bourbon - Priming sugar added on 10th June.. give it at least a month before opening
7. DJ_L3THAL - Teninch Dampfbier (recipe courtesy of Les the Weizguy, minor hops tweak to what was in freezer) - Bottled 13/6, ready to drink once you have it. Fresh is best for this I believe. ABV 5.6%.
8. Mofox1 - ICBM (Inter Continental Bloody Muther) freakin' Stout. (Ready to drink? nah, give this baby some time. August/September)
9. VP Brewing - Black IPA (102.75 in the MM specialty IPA comp. Bottled ages ago so hops have dropped off a bit so drink ASAP!)
10. Grainer - Viennella Saison - Ready to drink
11. Reardo - My take on a Mountain Goat Summer Ale
12. heyhey
13. Masters Brewery-Belgian Double RTD and good for a few more months of aging up to you.
15. Micbrew - 2 n from special bitter ...needs a few months
16. JB - Amber AIPA 6% 45ibu - ready to drink when you are
18. Curly79. Chocolate and Rum Oatmeal Stout. 6%. Ready to drink after 1st of September.
19. Midnight Brew (non attending) - Dry Irish Stout - going to carb this low, pump with syringe
20. mmmyummybeer
21. thearn
22. TheWiggman - Patersbier
24. NO SHOW? Kunfaced - Black Brett Bitters (100% Brett ferment) probably give it some time to age

Thought I'd already posted
16 JB's amber Aipa

Aroma was mild but dank, carb was a little low but top off with a carb cap. Head was low even after the extra carb but laced the glass right to the bottom. Beautiful hop/malt balance the only issue having just finished it was:
a) the bottle was too small
b) I only got one bottle

Way too drinkable!!
19. Midnight Brew - Dry Irish Stout.
Stout: tick.
Dry: TICK.
Irish: blow me down, tick.
I poured it before looking it up and judged it on its merits. It had bitter roast, has a watery character and is oh so dry. Most remarkably, there's a sourness that I thought was either a stuff up or skilful brewing. After a few sips I knew which it was. It genuinely has a Guinness character about it that separates the classic stout from the other offerings. It has ****-all carb (as declared) but a hit of the syringe and the head hung around until the glass was empty. This cat can brew.
Wiggmans patersbier.
This is my favorite so far. Really light and every sip just makes you want to tip you head back and smash the whole glass in one gulp. Beautiful Belgian yeast taste. Would be sensational on a 35 degree day. Great beer mate. Have we hit you up for the recipe yet?
Curly79 said:
Wiggmans patersbier.
This is my favorite so far. Really light and every sip just makes you want to tip you head back and smash the whole glass in one gulp. Beautiful Belgian yeast taste. Would be sensational on a 35 degree day. Great beer mate. Have we hit you up for the recipe yet?
Couldn't agree more! Picked my parents up from Tullamarine on Thursday after a 5 week trip to Holland and Belgium and they brought back some Passchendael blonde bottles. Had the patersbier and the blonde in succession. Exact same yeast in my opinion and to my untrained taste buds it was just as good a beer.
I find it somewhat ironic, that for a collective bunch of juice-junkies, the highest praise so far has been for a "light" beer. :super:
Was sitting next to Paul and I also agree, a cracking beer. Great job Wigman ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1470552258.869886.jpg
Don't know what to say gents, humbled by the response and is much appreciated. I think I might do a Costanza and walk out, never to swap a beer again. When I started I never expected I would punch out a decent beer.
Righto Curly, recipe below. Note that this recipe was from the book Home Brew Beer by Greg Hughes which I strongly recommend. 100 recipes across many different styles. I'm giving it the plug because I'm posting the recipe.

BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout -
Recipe: Patersbier
Brewer: Greg Hughes
Asst Brewer:
Style: Belgian Specialty Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 27.84 l
Post Boil Volume: 25.48 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 23.00 l
Bottling Volume: 22.25 l
Estimated OG: 1.047 SG
Estimated Color: 5.7 EBC
Estimated IBU: 18.0 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 85.2 %
Boil Time: 75 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
40.00 g Saaz [3.60 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 4 16.0 IBUs
10.00 g Hallertauer Mittelfrueh [4.80 %] - Boil Hop 5 1.9 IBUs
1.0 pkg Trappist High Gravity (Wyeast Labs #3787 Yeast 7 -
0.50 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10.0 mins) Other 6 -
2.10 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins Water Agent 2 -
3.50 g Epsom Salt (MgSO4) (Mash 60.0 mins) Water Agent 1 -
4.360 kg Pilsner - Best Malz (3.5 EBC) Grain 3 100.0 %

Mash Schedule: Temperature Mash, 1 Step, Medium Body
Total Grain Weight: 4.360 kg
Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
Saccharification Add 16.08 l of water at 69. 65.0 C 60 min
Mash Out Heat to 78.0 C over 15 min 78.0 C 15 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 19.13 l water at 75.6 C
ABV 4.7%, OG 1.046, FG 1.010
16.4 IBU, 5.7 EBC

Created with BeerSmith 2 -
That's it, one malt and 2 hop additions. As for my process -
  • 3V setup with HERMs
  • RO water used. I really think this is a must for these types of beers
  • I generally mash in at 56°C, allow to sit for 5 mins, then slowly introduce flow to sacc rest temp
  • 0.5ml of lactic acid in the sparge water (I only ever do this for pale beers if I remember, and add all salts to mash. Otherwise I split them between mash and sparge)
  • Yeast was started with 1l on a stir plate, decanted prior to pitching
  • Hit of 02 for when pitching yeast
  • Pitch at 20°C, fermented at 22°C. Secret touch could be accidentally allowing it to rise to 24°C on day 2 by forgetting to plug fridge into the controller
  • Cold 'crashed' to 3°C over 4 days after 7 days in primary
  • Bulk primed with 160g dextrose so ABV is probably about 5%
Simple and stellar beer that will have a regular place in my brew cycle. The yeast apparently is used by Leffe, and I intend to have a crack at a Leffe Radieuse in the near future. Maybe for the Christmas swap?
And on that note, I have to go pitch Urquell 2001 into my Aussie lager waiting in the fridge...
21. tharn - American Stout
I cracked this open, took a whiff and was struck by the diacetyl fairy. Roast character was trying to bust through. I actually have an American stout kegged - my first go at one- so for interest's sake compared the two. Thearn's on the right.
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Glorious coffee coloured head, very alluring. Head rises then flattens, but persists. Blacker than Charlie Murphy. To taste though it's hard to ignore the diacetyl. VERY roasty and bitter, I'd say more from the malt than hops. Almost acrid - think charcoal-roasted coffee. What separates it with mine is the absence of US hops, almost certainly a result of the diacetyl. A shame because I love really roasty stouts and this has the calling cards for it. Sadly gotta battle through it, a lesser beer I would not give such a gesture.
1. whiteferret - Oatmeal Stout Bottled
For those of us lucky enough to try Yob's RIS on hand pump at the swap, picture that with 2/5 the alcoholic content + oats. Very enjoyable beer and would love to know the recipe. Clean, smooth, creamy in texture and little to fault. Lingering fullness lasting well after a sip. Would pay cash.

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