Qld Xmas in July in June2014 case swap * tasting thread *

  • Thread starter bradsbrew
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angus_grant said:
Hmmm, wonder what the abv on old ale and Belgium are? Feeling a bit pissy. :)
weeeee, school night.
Noticed the same thing after sampling Aydos' stout the other night, I'd guess its north of 7%.
angus_grant said:
Not an edit: #13 old ale
I actually had to read bjcp styles to find the style. Talk about ambiguous.
"Medium to full body, except if aged then it might be light body"
"Balance is often malty-sweet, but may be well hopped"
"finish may vary from dry to somewhat sweet"
What's not ambiguous is I like the beer. As perry mentioned reminds me of an English IPA. Earthy hops hanging around for quite a while in the after taste.
Slight fruit on the nose but I can't pick a particular smell.
Don't know if I could session this but could certainly knock a few back on a cold night.
Cheers angus and snow - I would tend to agree it would be more suited to an English ipa - late additions of zythos and chinook bumped it up to 99.9ibu plus the real and pale cans with a steep of caramunich 3
7) Liam_snorkel - cherrywood rauch dunkelweizen

Light smokiness on the nose, backed up by a medium smoky flavour and dark fruits. I really enjoyed this one :)
The amount of smoked beers I've had and liked, suggests I should look into smoking some grain myself :D

8 ) lukiferj - Reign in Blood Red IPA

Clear red ale. I thought this was a very well balanced beer. Went down waaaaayyy too quick :)
It did have a bit less bitterness/hops aroma than I expected with an IPA, perhaps I'm thinking more of the American styled beers though.

9) Parks - Single hop Amarillo IPA

My oh my, I love Amarillo, and this was a great example of that hop. I really enjoyed this beer with a well balanced bitterness to fruity aroma from the hops.
(good head's up regarding the pour, as foam was actually coming out the top of the bottle LOL pun intended)
Cheers mate. I have made versions with a truck load of hops in it but trying to get the balance right now.

FYI everyone else. I have had 3 bottles of this over the last two nights. Couldn't pick up any of the oxidisation that Snow noticed but they were all well carbed so pour carefully.
Keep in mind lukiferj - Snow has a very good nose for oxidation.

I haven't had a drink since Saturday so tonight's the night to get stuck in - yours has been randomly selected in a very non random way to be first ;)
lukiferj said:
Cheers mate. I have made versions with a truck load of hops in it but trying to get the balance right now.

FYI everyone else. I have had 3 bottles of this over the last two nights. Couldn't pick up any of the oxidisation that Snow noticed but they were all well carbed so pour carefully.
I had you're beer when I got home mate, well carbed is a good description, the carbonic bite was the only thing I could pick up in the flavour at first, by the time I finished Parks' IPA it had settled down and was quite tasty, I'm glad I gave it the time to settle, not much in depth feedback for you, was just a solid IPA.

Parks, your IPA was very nice, shared it with a friend who thoroughly enjoyed it too. Amarillo is hard not to like when used late.
Wow I haven't been on here for a while, work has been pretty hectic this week.

Thanks for comments on the beer guys, much appreciated. I'm just about to get stuck onto the first three tonight, hopefully I'll still manage to comment while I'm drinking!

Just a heads up, my beer sits at 8.4% so that would definitely be a contribution to the pissy feeling you might have felt while drinking it! ;-)
Right, feedback time!

Angus - drunken weasel

Some light clove and banana phonelics as well as a light, toasty malt aroma. Medium carbonation so slightly lower than style guidelines. A nice wheat tartness and not overpowered by the sweeter, caramel malts. Possibly a touch thin for style but still very enjoyable. Overall, a very enjoyable beer!

Aydos - Blueberry and Black peppercorn Belgian stout.

Distinct blueberry and malt aroma present with some slight esters present. Taste is quite full on, there's a complex array of malt, esters and of course blueberry. I haven't tried too many beers where the fruit simply blends so naturally yet with complex flavours. Balance is towards the malt with a full body. The alcohol content is certainly detectable yet not solvent like or harsh. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, any chance you want to share a recipe? :D

I hope you've saved a few bottles of this to enter into comps, personally it's one of the best specialty beers I've had in a while.
#8 lukifers red IPA
Getting some good hop aroma of this one. I don't know what to look for with regards to oxidation so can't help there.
Nice lingering hop after taste and I'm getting nice sticky after taste. I'm liking it. I feel like there is something missing or not quite in balance but I don't know enough to help out
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1404476097.698220.jpg
8 ) lukiferj - Reign in Blood Red IPA - READY

Hop flavour is subdued but pleasant distinct orange or mandarins notes are very interesting. Medium body maybe a touch full. Ever so slightly overcarbed but also good. Orange and grape fruit hop flavour are sweet. Bitterness could be upped a little. I get a little of the oxidation in the form of papery mouthfeel but not in aroma or something overpowering.
18) leahy268 - Cascade and Galaxy pale ale

Mate, what can I say? Australian Pale Ale doesn't give me uber confidence...

This was a thoroughly enjoyable beer. Lovely fruit hop character, medium bitterness, medium body (definitely seems higher than 1.008).

Great beer mate!

23) Seehuusen - Blueberry Hefeweizen - Should be ready, but can sit for a little while if you prefer. I like my hefeweizen fresh.

I just started pouring this without checking what it was. I thought saison-type beer but then remembered what beer it was.

It was fairly over carbonated which didn't allow the aromas and flavours to work. The mouthfeel was all spritzy carbonation. So I gave my glass a good swirl and came back to it.

Wow, a different beer. The blueberry and banana notes I was getting really worked. It was quite refreshing after a few other beers. I didn't take too much other note other than how enjoyable it became after losing the extra carbonation.
Liam's rauche!!
Gobs and gobs of smokey BBQ sauce. I need some bacon to marinate with this beer.

Just yum. As with aydos' beer, let it warm up. And then pour it on a pie.

Actually a liamRauche pie sounds the goods.

Last night I had:
5) Bradsbrew - Hazelnut Mild Ale
Rich & malty, you wouldn't pick it for being a mild. Mountains of hazelnut, almost to the point of tasting other nuts in there. Mixed nuts? Ate some Cadbury choc hazelnut and some cherry ripe with it, was delicious.

14) TheCarbinator - Belgian Golden Strong Ale
Plenty of Belgian yeast character, clear, malty, carried the booze well. More body than expected and a little less carbonation. Incredibly tasty though, I think I might prefer this take on the style.
LOL Angus, I wish I had done the same with my bottle :D

Parks, thanks for the feedback, appreciated!
I'll watch carbonation next time. I did a bulk prime, and calculated the sugar amount online based on the style. I'll lower the level for the next batch I brew. :chug:

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