Qld Xmas case Swap 2014- 6 Dec *tasting thread*

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2. Beersuit - Bretted Farmhouse IPA Drink in 2 weeks. Pour gently

Mate this is a delightful beer! Being a young fella, my Brett experience is quite limited but I found this beer quite balanced. On the nose, it was like fruity, maybe sweet brettish character? Tastewise I find the hoppy character to be dominating the start and a nice balanced Brett character to the finish. Can't say it easy drinking but I really do enjoy it! Definitely makes my quiet Saturday night better!

Sidenote: Have loved these bretted beers from the swap, well done guys!
Inspirational isn't it! Reckon I'll be swapping something bretty for the winter swap.
BenKen's rauche saison
A beer fight in my mouth. All rauche in aroma and initial front taste.
But then it switches to saison half way through.
2 beers in one glass. Intriguing, well done Ben.
Lukifer copped all the yeast in the second pour.
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Hey Angus, that was a bretted IPA not a saison....

#2. Beersuit - Bretted Farmhouse IPA

Had this sitting at ambient until a few hours ago. Lively but not a gusher. Funky brett aroma, over ripe fruit hop juicy flavour, still plenty of body with some caramel sweetness. I reckon this one could be left for a good while longer to dry out and funk right up! Very tasty and enjoyable. My wife says it tastes like the residual fluid from when there is rotting fruit & veg in the bottom of the fridge that you don't know about until you have to clean it. Haha

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19. Eagleburger- Five Elements

Fruity hop aroma, juicy caramel malt flavour with reasonably full body. Nice drinking, I guess you were aiming for an American amber/red ale? Very nice not unlike S&W jasper ale. Nice flavoursome beer.

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9. Seehuusen - Aussie Summer Saison

Cold out of the fridge so had to wait until it warmed up.

Now warmed up, getting some off lemon flavours in mid-taste and a little sour in the after-taste.

Bro not quite enjoying it as the saisons I have done are normally 20-21 degrees so not as much yeast flavour.

Good saison. I have to ramp up my temps on the next one.

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#1 earles saison

Getting saison aromas and a faint something.

I can see where people are saying ginger in the taste. Can feel a similar after taste like ginger. A slight burn.

More pronounced as it warms up. An intriguing beer.
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10. Winkle - hefeweizen

I gotta say I'm loving hefe's, weisse's and wits right now and this one was no disappointment!

A nice dry flavor, perfect on a muggy day like today - a clean crisp finish that doesn't linger too long on the palate with just a hint of clove IMO. A gorgeous straw colour and a fluffy white head that subsides at a moderate pace, lacing the glass. Very refreshing! My only wish was that there might have been a little banana in there, but I'm a bit mad for banana in a beer this summer.

I really liked this and wonder what yeast was used and if it is worth me trying to harvest it from the dregs of the bottle for my own first Hefe attempt :p

2. Beersuit - Bretted Farmhouse IPA

An awesome IPA Beersuit! It makes me wonder why I've always been so scared of Brett infections :p

A bit cloudy in appearance but a delicious golden hue. A very full mouthfeel with a hint of the alcohol coming through at the end of the taste, I'm guessing this is a 6%+ brew?

Nice and super hoppy, just the way I like my IPAs, also packed full of fruity aroma. If I could take a guess at the hops I might say there was Chinook, Simcoe and maybe Nelson in there? It's hard to separate them but either way I am loving it on a hot Friday afternoon straight after work...

Cheers and thanks for the beer sir. It was a real eye-opener.

- Meno

Thanks Meno. I couldn't tell you the dry hops. I used the dryhopping to clear out the freezer. I do think it was Chinook cascade mosaic simcoe Nelson and centennial.
#4 brads hazelnut porter

I'm getting swags of creaming soda. Big hit of hazelnut up front.

And then the creaming soda.

More hazelnut coming through as it warms up.

Certainly a few layers to this beer.
Nicely done brad.

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Ummmmm, just realised that I was eating a sultana and strawberry chocolate bar at the same time. Probably explains the creaming soda thing. Stupid ass!!!

Now it's warming up bags of hazelnut. No creaming soda.

As you were.
#16 whadUsayson

Getting slight white wine aroma but it's still too cold.
Warming up now and getting some more of the accustomed spice and zing of the saison. I don't know enough about the style to be critical.

What temp was this fermented at? Seems a little mild on the saison characteristics. But I'm not all that experienced on saisons.
Coin toss said that I should start drinking Martin Potter's RIS at 1:30am. Still got 1 hour on air America movie.
Getting big wiffs of alcohol and barrel aged goodness. Reminds me of founders backwoods bastard.
Oh man, such goodness.
Malty tick.
Alcoholic tick.
Tasty tick.
Can only get better as it warms up.
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angus_grant said:
#4 brads hazelnut porter
I'm getting swags of creaming soda. Big hit of hazelnut up front.
And then the creaming soda.
More hazelnut coming through as it warms up.
Certainly a few layers to this beer.
Nicely done brad.
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The vanilla, rose water and cherry probably contributed to the creaming soda.
Glad you liked it, how good is eating chocolate whilst drinking beer.
3. Liam_s - Schwarzbier

A really nice drop and that's coming from someone who doesn't generally drink too many dark beers.

It's kinda got the slight sweetness and hop flavour of a porter but the body and feel of a Schwarzbier. I like the toasted flavors and lightness (for a dark brew) of it even on a hot summer evening like today. A nice tan head that persists and persists with a burnt caramel aroma.

Very enjoyable sir, well done :chug:
