Qld Xmas Case Swap 2008

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Xmas in November Swap Dates - all saturdays

  • Saturday the 1st

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saturday the 8th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saturday the 15th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saturday the 22nd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saturday the 29th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't give a damn - I'm coming anyway!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sqyre, I reacon that your on the money. Bring a keg, eat, drink and talk ****.
I'm new to this wonderful world of AG brewing and I love the opportunity to get together and meet the brewhood and drink their wears, and maybe remember tips the next day.
And hey if you like the beer get the recipe and make the bastard yourself. :p
And I'm keen for the Sunny coast get together, maybe a Barby.

Well ok then Kegs it is, but let's decide now what type of keg, cos I don't want any more arguments over the type of container. I for one will only swap kegs with brewers who have Cornies, no Firestone's or Spartanbergs thanks, oh and none of those lids with the lever type relief valve :angry:

Woof :D
Late nite at the let n = B Xmas Swap

As Sqyre has a 2 storey shed, we can have the Glass men downstairs, and the Plastic men upstairs, with a locked electrified gate on the stairs.... :)
Here is an idea, how about we leave the swap to how it has been in the past and ignore the **** stiring. It would be a real shame to see it ruined by a couple of people.

As Sqyre has a 2 storey shed, we can have the Glass men downstairs, and the Plastic men upstairs, with a locked electrified gate on the stairs.... :)

That does it! If we're bottling now then it's glass for me, have a son who drinks like a plastic flower, not gonna be known as a "plastic man" :angry:
I wonder if the cheese makers forum has to deal with these kinds of situations.

I'm not sittin' next to that blue makin barstard......... :D

Time you guys got some Viagra eye drops an good hard look at yourselves

Kegs hey, ball lock or pin?????
I don't want none of them firestone ****** things either :p
This is not serious stuff,or is it? We make beer WE/I/ME like, end of story [or it just me? <_< ].
Keep the posts coming here, can't stop laughing.........No,Stop it I am getting a cramp :lol: .


Jay, you in the Sunny Coast "glass swap"? :party: P$ssing myself laughing.
Ok, I think I'm on top of it now...
the case swap is PET Bottles,
the rest for drinking purposes are kegs or glass bottles or crocks or sheeps bladders.
the kava circle will be in the goat enclosure, and the nude wrestling in the creek bed next to the bundy drinkers.
Mead drinkers will have to go out by the standing stones, and cider samplers will help lubricate the pig.
What the CaseSwap world needs is Glass bottle externally coated in a durable plastic coating so that in the event of a dropage or a detonation all the glass is contained within....
and maybe we could end this tragic war once and for all... :(

The early egyptians had the same idea and made this similar device but wrapped it in steel...
But they all decided it was much more fun to make big triangles out of stones....
so the idea was lost forever...

Untill i found it again on Ebay.... :unsure:

Sqyre... :huh:
PET bottles are fine - some Coke, some Fanta and some Coopers. :lol:
Well I have decided to bring my beer in a bucket, and then everyone can bring there own container, (glass/plastic/steel/ceramic) and I will use a ladel to fill the vessel.

The bucket will be enamaled steel so as not to offend either party. :)