Qld Ahb Xmas In July Case Consumption,

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My compliments to all. Loved all the beers I have tested so far. What a fermenter of talent we are.

Ross - Ruination APA2 "Honey, tonite, I'll just sleep in the shed" InCider
Browndog - Indian Pale Ale "Babe, I like beers robust, firm and manly" Humphrey Bogart
Jye - Hopburst APA "Leave the plant in the bottle like a man!" Bob Marley
Pistol Patch - One stubby Austrlain Dark Ale "Dammit, smoked peat from smoked Pat. Smooth"
Pistal Patch - Australian Light Ale "Honey, it's called 'tart fuel'". InCiders wife
Monkale - Cherry popper AAA "Hurt less than when I lost my cherry baby". Brown Winger
bconnery - AWB - Bottled 14th May "AWB - more popular at my house than Downer's."

Still some more to go...

InCider and Monkale,

Great reviews, funny stuff, wondered where you had been Monkale, Tidal Pete has suffered the same fate. Think it's time for another little taste as you suggested InCider if you guys have banked up enough brownie points, think Bindi might have blown a few today.
InCider and Monkale,

Great reviews, funny stuff, wondered where you had been Monkale, Tidal Pete has suffered the same fate. Think it's time for another little taste as you suggested InCider if you guys have banked up enough brownie points, think Bindi might have blown a few today.

Thanks SC, I have a lazy 8 Brownshirts that I am proud enough to exhibit. :beerbang:

I'll bring some Cider as well, but the pectin is still an issue with the Cider and I feel that sticky-taping nurofen to the bottle is required. Pectin issues. :rolleyes:

Bindi, your fez is safe. I have a new hat for drinking. It has a tounge. Tops! B)

OK Lads,
Had a few mates around yesterday for a tasting and had a couple today, in fact I am sipping on Monkales American Amber as we speak.
Altstart's Zwiec Polish Golden Lager
This beer poured with no head to speak of though you could see bubbles rising from the slightly cloudy depths of the glass. Saaz hops combined with the malt to provide an interesting tweak to the tastebuds. I would have like to try this one with a bit more carbination.

Mothballs Aussie Pale Ale
The boys certainly liked this offering from Anthony, pouring with a medium head, a malty aroma was met by the nose followed by a malt driven taste that was well appreciated.

Insider's Munich Honey Lager
First off, I have to confess to being an ale lover and when it comes to lagers I'm out of my depth. Insiders lager poured beautifully into the glass with a lovely pale golden colour to it. I was expecting a hit of honey and being a bitter beer lover was happy to find it very muted. Nice drop Insider.

Mooshells AWB
I didn't know what to expect from this beer and was pleasantly surprised to see it pouring a nice amber colour with a good head. This beer was appreciated by all and was found to have a sweet malty taste that was very agreeable.

Batz Alt
This is the first time I've tried an Alt and I must say, it is a style that I can appreciate. Unlike others, I found my bottle to have the perfect level of carbination. Though I can't comment from experience on the style, the balance between hops and malt was perfect and the label on the bottle can be removed and stuck on beerfridges :D

Monkale's Cherry Popper American Amber Ale
Been sipping this beer as I write and must say for his first AG, Jeff has done well. Bindi's skill in American Ambers is evident. Pouring with a nice thick head, settling down to a thick film, a light citrus hop aroma and neither malt nor hops dominating the palate, this is a beer that I would enjoy a session on.


Time I checked and chucked a few case brews in the fridge.
My apologies about the label,it was to be an Alt label but time won,still as T.D. says..bung it on ya fridge

Paul Robinson has one there :blink:

Advertisement: If there's anyone else here like me who only looks at the latest threads box, you may have missed this thread Qld Ahb Visit To 152 Oxford Micro Sat 12th Aug Screwtops is trying to finalise numbers so anyone who can go should sign in there now.


Won't write much as I think these beers have already been either reviewed professionally or professionally frivolously. Had the pleasure of 3 beers on the weekend...

Batz's Witbier: Not quite what you'd expect in a wheat beer but hell I enjoyed it. Mine had great carbonation too. Great stuff!

InCider's Cider: I've never had a cider before. Please post recipe. Excellent effort especially for a first AG. Good on you.

TidalPete's Porter: Possibly the best kit beer I have ever had. Well done Pete.

Seriously though, thanks for the above beers, they were a very pleasant change for me from some of the monster beers before. Made me very happy drinking these beers as can be seen from any post I made on Saturday.

Top beers!
Enjoyed another two from the case this evening.

1: InCiders Munich Honey Lager Served @ 6c

Aroma, malt, very slight hint of sweetness, maybe honey, quite complex. A little tart fruitiness.

Appearance: Poured beautifully, great Light Amber colour, creamy white head, held well and laced well.

Flavour: Medium bitterness. Complex flavour, honey possibly, very good balance of sweetness and bittering.

Mouthfeel: Light/Medium body. Carbonation perfect.

Overall: I loved it, this has to be one of the best kit beers I have ever seen and tasted. An absolute winner Sean IMHO.

2: Monkale's Cherry Popper AAA Served @ 6c

Aroma, malt and hop aroma maybe typical more of an APA, complex.

Appearance: Beautiful Amber colour, creamy/rocky white head, held very well and laced to the bottom of the glass.

Flavour: Complex, medium bitterness, a little yeast tartness, maybe I drank it a bit early, balance to style.

Mouthfeel: Medium body. Carbonation perfect.

Overall: A great beer, wish I had left it for maybe another month. Better do that again Jeff.
Premature consumption of the InSpectors Pocket Brewery sample proved worhwhile indeed. :D

Without the skills, adjectives and observatory skills of my peers, I must say the Tick Hill Brown Ale is one of the most subtle and smooth beers I have yet to taste.

If this beer was to be a woman, it would be Selma Hayek, nudging her full, red, pouting lips to your earlobe and saying: "You put the 'Screw' into 'screwtop' Baaaby". :wub:

And then she would ask for more. And I would as for the floor.

Back on the medication Pat, OK!

Well maybe I'd better! For some reason I thought this was InCider's first bash at an AG and a fairly good one at that. Now I've learned it was a kit. Why no twang? I'm dumbstruck! Top job!

I hope Batz and Pete realised as well that I was just taking the piss. Both great beers for me. Yum!
Mooshells AWB
I didn't know what to expect from this beer and was pleasantly surprised to see it pouring a nice amber colour with a good head. This beer was appreciated by all and was found to have a sweet malty taste that was very agreeable.


I'd just like to say it again folks, ignore the label. This beer has no wheat! The often misnamed Safwheat yeast provides the only connection. It is all marketing...

So Bock malt bill, ale yeast. Recently lost marks at my local homebrew club comp, probably because of this. 18/30.

I would also say again that this is a beer best left in a cupboard for a while, although it is quite tasty now...
Back on the medication Pat, OK!

Well maybe I'd better! For some reason I thought this was InCider's first bash at an AG and a fairly good one at that. Now I've learned it was a kit. Why no twang? I'm dumbstruck! Top job!

I hope Batz and Pete realised as well that I was just taking the piss. Both great beers for me. Yum!

I'd just like to say it again folks, ignore the label. This beer has no wheat! The often misnamed Safwheat yeast provides the only connection. It is all marketing...

So Bock malt bill, ale yeast. Recently lost marks at my local homebrew club comp, probably because of this. 18/30.

I would also say again that this is a beer best left in a cupboard for a while, although it is quite tasty now...

Label has me scared :eek: :ph34r:

Have just returned after a few days in Hervey Bay. Before leaving went to bottle a few from a keg of Aus Bitter and OF COURSE! fsshhhh. So packed some bottles of previous kit crap from the shed, some bottles from the July swap and off we went. Thought, well, three bottles of AG will help the other stuff go down.

The jocky wheel on the van failed when unhitching and the drawbar speared into the ground, neighbour from the next van came to the rescue with jacks etc. so a bottle of my Tick Hill Brown Ale left with him. Opened a bottle of K&K but couldn't stuff it down so opened the other Tick Hill then off to bed.

Next evening tried another bottle of past history and just managed to choke it down. Looked in the car fridge and there was the answer, Bindi's APA.

Thanks Bindi, really enjoyed this beer. Carbonation was spot on and held a great head, bitterness was just right for my liking and the flavour and aroma hops were well evident and to style but not over the top. Colour was darkish for style but overall a great beer.

You really couldn't know how good this beer tasted in this situation, there were others who thought my shed offerings were good, but I really didn't enjoy them, couldn't wait to get home and get kegs carb'd and on tap.
Another advertisement: Anyone of you interested in coming to Indy, please check out Qld Lexmark Indy - Invite To All Ahb Brewers, October 19th-22nd 2006 We're mainly looking at Sat/Sat night but if anyone wants, like Rossco, to come down early to make sure the entertainment is up to standard, go for it - lol. Hope you enjoy the pics Als-World put into the thread.

Screwtop's Tick Hill Brown Ale: Great to have you back Screwtop. AHB entertainment level goes up another notch! I had your ale two weeks ago when I went to brew at Aussie-Claret's. We both absolutely loved it. I wrote some notes at the time and have been trying to find them since with no luck. I think Aussie stole them to try and copy my writing style :unsure: A top beer!

Mark, Joel and Mothballs: Had your beers at the same time and alas my notes have gone. I remember one was very good, another had a fair bit of kit twang and the other was somewhere in between. Sorry to offer so little feedback but my feedback is generally pretty useless anyway - lol.

Come on Pat, don't give us that "dog ate my homework spiel" and your feedback is valued and appreciated just as much as any others.

Pissed Newt German Lager
Gotta confess here, I know absolutely nothing about Lagers and am in no hurry at all to find out. So take this with a grain of salt. Poured golden amber with a nice head that died down to a thin film. A slightly malty aroma greeted the nose followed by light malt taste that was unhindered by late hops. This beer had excellent clarity and little mouthfeel. Well done Joel.

Biere by Brewers Drop
No info at all on the label aside from the above. This biere poured a light golden colour with a light white head that died down to a film, little aroma and a taste that was balanced between malt and hops gave a nice easy drinking beer that was a pleasant change from all the big beers I've been making lately.

Tick Hill Brown Ale
Poured with a nice offwhite head that died to a film (do I have a problem with my glasses?). Michael has blended hops and malt to create a great Brown Ale that I really enjoyed. THe second half of the bottle was consumed with a dinner of bacon and egg pie that had me imagining that my relatives in the north of England might do the same thing on a regular basis. Nice one Mike!

Bindi's AAA
Bindi I am assuming this was an AAA so if not please forgive. What I must say is being a big AAA fan that it was one of the beers from the swap I enjoyed the most, . Drinking this beer had me thinking it could be called Ruinations little brother Ruination Junior. There was definitely some similarities there for me. I am assuming that this was your "The Dreaming" recipe and if so, I'll have you know that I just put down this brew on friday arvo as from your posted recipe. Need I say more :beerbang:

That's it for the feed back from me, my case is done and dusted, waiting with anticipation for the next swap and hopefully a visit to that second story bar with the view down at Jimboomba.
Come of you slackers there are still plenty of reviews yet to be done here.


LOL on the, 'dog ate my homework,' Browndog!

Looks like no one's contributing to the thread anymore which is great because I can just write a heap of stufff with the great confidence that no one will read it. Also, justifying writing here instead of doing my tax BAS requires huge feats of mental agility and imagination which helps prevent Alzheimers.

I'm running a little behind with my tastings thanks to you Browndog, Jye and Ross. My doctor tasted your 3 beers and told me that tasting swap beers should only be done when half-cut to avoid a sudden, even final, taxation of the nervous system. This sounded pretty right to me ;)

Monkale - Cherry popper AAA

This was next on my list and was sitting in my fridge, at the back, for a very long time. I needed a bit of a break from swap beers.

Zizzle dropped in on Friday night though for a quick 4 hour session with his gorgeous girlfriend who, I hope now, is looking for a father figure because she has no older sisters. (Totally forgot to ask about her mother???) Anyway, with Zizzle there I thought, 'A problem shared is a problem halved,' and I cracked Monkale's AAA.

Big mistake. Finally I get a beer I really like and my palate has to share it with Zizzle and a zillion prior beers. Now, I can't even remeber what I liked about it so much. All I know is that it was a treat for me to have a well-made beer that wasn't over-poweringly bitter. This was a great beer and certainly well-brewed. Very dissapointed I didn't try this one on a clean palate with full sensory capabilities.

Donya Jeff!

P.S. Next in the fridge is Bindi's. If I do enough tax avoidance, I might even have it tonight ;)
Bindi's Didgeridoo Pale Ale

I left this one in the fridge for a long time. After all, BrownDog said it was a Ruination* Junior. The thought of even a fourth cousin to the Ruination I tasted scares me more than head spinnings in, 'The Exorcist.'

Anyway, let's have a taste...

Just had my first sip and had the biggest spew I've had in years.


Actually, I'm just joking.

Surprisingly, like Browndog, it's one of my favourites from the Swap. As I've said before, bitter beers are not my beer of choice but I can appreciate them. This is as good as any I've tasted and I hate to say that I'm actually really enjoying it.

Still got half a bottle to go. Excellent! Thanks Bindi! Top stuff!

That's my case done. Did I miss anyone?


* Despite my bottle review, Ross's Runination on tap has always been very good. All I can say is that I got a dud bottle???? I still wish you bastards would stop copying it - way too strong for me!

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