Qld Ahb Xmas In July Case Consumption,

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Screwtop (I am pretty certain it was. The night does get a little hazy) I can send you the recipe in it's current format a little sooner if you'd like.

Tell me if you enjoy it as much after less beers...

Yes Please!
Its been said before and Ill say it again great beer Batz :super: Id rate the rest but the cook says Im not to drink that much durring the week :angry: but friday night Ill knock the heads off a few so I might get on here and waffle on a bit ( just like PP maybe not that long :p )

Cheers Monkale
Ross - Ruination APA2

Love the label.
Open the bottle and smell honey and hops, what! Check recipe, no honey.
Colour is so red and it so clear :) .
. Taste; Still taste honey and hops ,fantastic, tastes like the very best Mead I have ever had, that was over two year ago, TRUE, but is at 2c.
I warm it up over the next 30min and WOW it is a fantastic beer at 5c, great at 8c getting better and at 10c I want more,12c malt, hops low carb..A1,perfect.
Not sessoin beer that's for sure, gave me a 'head spin' like some of my strong Belgians over 8% and close to 12%.
A great beer :D . Well done Ross, another winner.
14. monkale - Cherry popper AAA

I know I opened this one early, but he gave me 3 bottles to try :)

It is close to ready and it is fun :) , I know when you bottled it.
For you first AG you have"hit a six", sorry for an AAA "a home run" :D
Others who have done this for years will be jealous.
Not clear like some, but who cares? Not me, I am into taste, this will in a few weeks get better.
I hope mine is half as good.
Santa's Off Season APA

Lovely colour on the dark side of a pale ale.

Carbonation level suits the beer well. Nice laciness.

Hop aroma isn't strong but becomes more apparent as the beer warms.

Nice bitterness level and hop flavour.

I'd say this is a very good beer, and for me a good example of the style, with the hops not being overpowering as they can be in these at times, but still forming the main basis for the flavour of the beer.

I didn't get the cardboard taste Ross did but follow his and the brewer's recommendation and drink it sooner rather than later, if only because it's a great beer...
Browndog's IPA

Nice light caramely colour.
No strong aromas.

Malt flavour is fantastic, nice and rich. Nice creamy mouthfeel with a perfect level of carbonation. Head remains lacy right down the glass.
Bitterness level is spot on.

Ross is right. This is a great beer. So far vying with the Alt for mine, perhaps even the best so far.
As the saying goes, do yourself a favour and drink this beer.

And Tony, please do give us the recipe.
Incider's Munich Honey Lager.

Like Ross I am not a lager drinker, so again my my experience is a bit limited.
I have 3 bottles to try [love a good swap :) when they leave some] first one was ;
Lager, Ok, nice head and no hop or malt smell [which I find with most boring lagers] but wait, I smell it :p
I drink it and 'Suprise" not bad,and I taste it :blink: not the usual Lager.
This is the the style of lager to drtink when it is 40c in the shade and the lager it is 2-4c, tasted good at 10c also.
Two to go to convert me. :p

Can't spel/spell sphell edit
I know I opened this one early, but he gave me 3 bottles to try
Bindi he was probably feeling guilty after drinking all your belgian in that bucket of his :D
I will be doing some tasting on friday and saturday so should have some reviews up over the weekend. For the Lads asking for the IPA recipe, here it is. And thanks for the kind reviews, looks like I did AndrewQLD proud

BTW I buggered up with the Alc content of the IPA, the label should read 6% not 5%



edit: added comment re alc content
For the Lads asking for the IPA recipe, here it is. And thanks for the kind reviews, looks like I did AndrewQLD proud

I was under the impression this was you Dogfishhead IPA :huh: Now I am going to have to drink it tonight :chug:
Altstart - Zwiec Polish golden Pilsner

Darker in colour than I expected, up around 10 SRM and cloudy. Pours with nearly no head which is probably a result of the very low carbonation. Since it was force carbonated I think my bottle had a leak :(

Like a lot of the others Im not a big lager drinker but enjoy a nice pils and Alstart didnt let me down, great spicy aroma and taste, saaz? Medium body and a nice refreshing beer :beer:

PistolPatch - Australain Light Ale (PP2)

Pours with a dense low head but dies quickly to a fine covering and leaves some light lacing down the glass. Another one which was darker than I expected, about 12 SRM and cloudy.

Very little aroma, if anything there is a bit of malt. Drinking it I got a roasted flavour and toffee sweetness, this is followed up my malt and low bitterness, about 20 IBUs.

An interesting beer PP :D a few more IBUs and I wouldnt mine trying it again.

PistolPatch - Austrlain Dark Ale (PP1)

First up I enjoyed this beer :chug: was it a Schwarzbier?

Pours beautifully, black in colour, great offwhite head that dies to a low cover and leaves some nice lacing.

Roasty aroma followed up with a crisp roast / burnt taste. A nice clean beer and I very much enjoyed it.

Congratulations if this was your first AG beer.
Ok it was said that the last case did not get feedback from the cave.

Well like it or not here it comes,I am hard on my beers so you'll get my feeling on yours.


No aroma when first opened
Very little head , under carbonated
Almost no hop flavour
Very clean beer that did not suffer from any off tastes, and they would have showed,well brewed PP but IMO needs
more finishing hops and perhaps a little more robust.

I enjoyed it , very easy drinking summer ale.

Ross's Ruination IPA

Nice aroma, not over the top,smelled a little of honey to me
Light head,laces the glass well,I like a little more head myself :p
Hops jump out the glass to your tounge before you even have a sip !
Very nice,quite malty besides the hop flavour,it tastes a little sweet to me,IMO it could do with some early hop additions to kill the sweetness just a tad.
Or perhaps mash a little lower.
Very nice beer Ross,this recipe I will be having a crack at soon.

Cheers Batz
Petes "Hey Porter"

I have to say at the out set,this was a recipe I passed on too Pete

I loved it mate,I won't go into a big rave but this is brewed better than I have ever done this beer.
Pete, if you don't know him is a perfectionist in anything he does be it garden,his house or what ever.
This shows in this Porter,well done Pete.
Enter it in the Mash Paddle please.

OK Here we go:

Batz Alt: Enjoyed last night

Aroma: Malt driven possibly some carafa and a familiar yeast

Head: Cream head, laced the glass

Carbonation: Great at 8c and lasted, not over carb'd

Colour: dark red-brown

Flavour: Really well balanced malt and bitterness. Dryish but not too dry.

Overall: A great drinker, satisfying, not a complex flavour profile, and especially no particular element flying in your face. Not as dry as some of your beers Batz but on the dry side, very nice.

Browndog's IPA: Enjoyed tonight

Aroma: A great malt aroma with some graininess maybe a small amount of choc or crafa.

Head: Cream head, moderate lacing

Carbonation: Great for the temp and glass I was using, held well.

Colour: Dark amber, on style.

Flavour: Malt is not to the fore, do-nut rounded palet with hop bitterness. Fantastic and right on style.

A great beer, not prepared to rank it at this stage but one of the best so far.
Tidal Pete's Hey Porter

After taking a moment to appreciate the label I got down to the serious business, the beer.
Excellent colour. Dark. Head was a good light tan colour.

At first I kept thinking it was missing something but then I realised I was looking for more roastiness, which of course shouldn't really be there.
Mouthfeel was good.
I have to confess to more just drinking this beer while doing other things, so that is what probably led to me still feeling I was looking for something more in it. Perhaps more in your face chocolate? But probably not.

I was at the bottom of the glass before I realised though, and in many ways there is no greater compliment than that...
Browndog's IPA

Like everyone else I couldnt fault this beer except for the slight clarity problem.

This will be going on the list of things to brew :beer:
Petes "Hey Porter"

I have to say at the out set,this was a recipe I passed on too Pete

I loved it mate,I won't go into a big rave but this is brewed better than I have ever done this beer.
Pete, if you don't know him is a perfectionist in anything he does be it garden,his house or what ever.
This shows in this Porter,well done Pete.
Enter it in the Mash Paddle please.


Ditto, I will keep it simple, I kept tasting it to work out what it was I liked about this porter,
but by then the bottle was empty :( another good porter. Did you post the recipe? Just a hint, I know you have not....Please :p
Browndogs IPA

Yum :excl:
Love this beer
Little if no aroma.
IMO needs a bit more carbonation
Malt/hops balanced nicely,quite bitter the way it should be.
I wonder if just a small addition of hops at flame out to open the beer up a little.

Really enjoyed this brew Browndog,I would be pleased to have this on tap at the cave.
Another few enjoyed tonight.

PistolPatch's PP1

Thought this was going to be good by the sound when the cap was removed.

Aroma, roast grain, some malt crystal and maybe munich.

Head: Good dark head, held well a good Schwarz.

Carbonation: Moderate, not overly active in the glass used, but didn't felt flat in the mouth.

Colour: DarkBrown, on style.

Flavour: Malt to the fore, dryish finish, medium body, little hop bitterness.

A nice ale version, good on you PP, I liked it.

PistolPatch's PP2

Aroma, malty, cidery.

Head: Lacking in my glass, cream colour.

Carbonation: Low.

Colour: Light amber.

Flavour: Malt to the fore, medium body, moderate bitterness, some diacetyl.

Personally, didn't enjoy this one Pat but that was on top of your PP1.

Tidal Pete's Hey Porter

Aroma: Malty, some roastiness or crystal aroma.

Head: Dark head, laced the glass well.

Carbonation: medium.

Colour: Brown/BrownRed. On style for Porter.

Flavour: Malt to the fore, light body, moderate bitterness, well balanced.

Batz said in an earlier Post, he had supplied the recipe Pete, I reckon you cloned it personally. Really enjoyed this one.

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