Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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      dough reacted to MrSmith76's post in the thread Intro with Like Like.
      G'day to everyone on here. I have just signed up, I guess looking for like-minded people to talk about beer with! I've been brewing for...
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      dough replied to the thread Coopers Ales.
      Hi siiren, Thanks for getting back to us. <snip> That has to be a good sign :) It's nice when you hit your targets, but I don't think...
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      dough reacted to philrob's post in the thread Coopers Ales with Like Like.
      As far as I know Cooper's use the same yeast in all their beers.
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      dough replied to the thread Coopers Ales.
      Hi siiren, Great to hear your trying Tony Wheeler's recipe and following his recommendations. His instruction came through for me so...
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      dough reacted to siiren's post in the thread Coopers Ales with Like Like.
      I made the Coopers Sparkling ale yesterday mainly based on your byo link Dough. I adjusted the recipe for coopers ale malt as the base...
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      dough replied to the thread Coopers Ales.
      Of the Coopers beers I purchase, I've cultured starters from Coopers Sparkling, and Coopers Stout and found the resulting beer ferment...
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      dough replied to the thread Coopers Ales.
      Hi Siiren, Thanks, I'll remember that next time I get a funny look when I ask the bar-person if I can pour my own, to ensure the yeast...
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      dough replied to the thread Coopers Ales.
      Hi Siiren, "Philrob" and "wide eyed and legless" are right on the money, with BYO. Both their references seem to based on an earlier...
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