Qld Ahb Xmas In July Case Consumption,

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I sampled Browndog's IPA last night. Deep amber colour with some cloudiness. Lightly carbonated with a thin head and slight lacing that lasted to the bottom of the glass. Slightly sweet at the start with an assertive bitterness at the finish. I thought the IPA's of Ross and Jye that I tried on the swap weekend had similarities to this beer but it was like they were on steroids. To my taste this was a much more enjoyable drop that I could drink a couple of pints of. Well done Browndog.

I am totally surprised at what I'm tasting now as this beer was way too bitter for me when I tasted it as we, 'fuelled up,' on our way to the Swap.

Hey PP, The case beer is not the same beer that went through the randall... everyone who was afraid of the randall dont be afraid of this beer :p

P.S Ya big girl pat :D

LOL Jye. I did have a taste of it at Ross's before you put it through that lethal machine of yours and it was still a bit too bitter a style for me. As you say though, people shouldn't be scared of it. I seriously would have enjoyed more. Thanks mate.

As for Ross's Runiation - be afraid. Be very afraid. I've actually had this beer as well before at Ross's but last night it really blew me away. I was, very reluctantly, going to have another sip today but was doing a boil and opening that ******* within within 50 feet of a naked flame seemd like a pretty stupid idea to me. From what Batz said, I'm just thankful I wasn't around 4 years ago.

P.S. LOL MVZoom and Thommo: A thimble-full of Ross's beer would wipe those smiles right off your faces :blink:
Gooday everyone
I have been haveing a love affair with a 45 ltr keg of oatmeal stout but tonight it blew town. Fortunately I had taken the precaution of putting some of my case in the fridge. To console myself I poured a pint of Browndogs IPA malty hoppy every thing an IPA should be a bewdy of a beer. Congratulations Browndog top effort. What next I ask myself.
:chug: Cheers Altstart
Altstart - Zwiec Polish golden Pilsner

Shared my bottle of this with Altstart this afternoon. Again I'm not a lager man, so comments brief.
Bottle opened without a hiss & consequently poured with little to no head; not sure if mine had been poorly sealed, since it was well under carbonated for a lager. Taste was malty with a nice hoppy zing from the Saaz hops, but really needed the extra carbonation I feel to bring this one to life. I drank this from the keg a few weeks back & it was really good - I hope this was a rouge bottle...

cheers Ross
My patience ran out and I opened Batz Alt last night.

I've already put forward that I find this to be one of the beers of the swap and last night's tasting didn't do anything to dispel this.

The beer was certainly well carbonated, it came out in a rush upon opening, but soon settled.

This is now after the fact so this is about all you get review wise:

Body, bitterness, mouthfeel all excellent.

Still for me a tie between Browndog's and Batz for my favourite.
My patience ran out and I opened Batz Alt last night.

The beer was certainly well carbonated, it came out in a rush upon opening, but soon settled.

Anyone else had this?

I also drank it last night and it foamed up to the mouth of the bottle but didnt overflow.

Apart from a little over carbonated it was a very good beer :chug:
I also drank it last night and it foamed up to the mouth of the bottle but didnt overflow.

Apart from a little over carbonated it was a very good beer :chug:

Sounds like everyone better drink this beer now,or wait till tonight perhaps

monkale - Cherry popper AAA

Good amber colour. Decent head when poured which was maintained fairly well throughout.

Decent enough malty taste. For me a little underhopped, was expecting something more.

Being an extract & partial brewer I can't comment on whether this was a good all grain attempt but it was certainly a very drinkable beer so I guess that is the answer!

Bindi seemed to feel this was better than his but I don't know that I'd agree, I think Bindi has the amber ale style going pretty well.

As I said, this was a very drinkable beer though so thumbs up!
monkale - Cherry popper AAA

Good amber colour. Decent head when poured which was maintained fairly well throughout.

Decent enough malty taste. For me a little underhopped, was expecting something more.

Being an extract & partial brewer I can't comment on whether this was a good all grain attempt but it was certainly a very drinkable beer so I guess that is the answer!

Bindi seemed to feel this was better than his but I don't know that I'd agree, I think Bindi has the amber ale style going pretty well.

As I said, this was a very drinkable beer though so thumbs up!

I drank it early like you, given time it will be winner, give mine time like I should have given Monkales :( his is very good for a first AG.
TidalPete - 'Hey Porter' Porter

Since my keg of porter ran out I have been dying for another and this one hit the spot :chug:

Sorry Pete, but I didnt take any notes since I'd just had a long day and want to sit down with a beer, all I remember is it was beautiful. Will you or Batz be posting the recipe?

Cheers :beer:
TidalPete - 'Hey Porter' Porter

Since my keg of porter ran out I have been dying for another and this one hit the spot :chug:

Sorry Pete, but I didnt take any notes since I'd just had a long day and want to sit down with a beer, all I remember is it was beautiful. Will you or Batz be posting the recipe?

Cheers :beer:

Feel free to post the recipe Pete

Batz Altbier is now in the recipe section
Color does not show correct for some reason

As Im not a big ale man I was really looking forward to trying Jim's beer and cracked it on Friday night. I was a bit disappointed but put this down to trying it on a palate that had been slathered in commercial light beer (flame me) and so I put the lid back on. (Those with Topic Reply Notification will have seen the live review I wrote at the time which I quickly deleted Sat. morning as it was blatantly obvious that old Pat was flying with way too much fuel on board!)

Having another go now

Altstarts Zweic Polish Golden Lager

I had the same problem as Ross with under-carbonation so Im guessing Jim had as much trouble as I did bottling from the keg. Pretty cloudy but that is unimportant to me. Taste-wise, its tasting better than it did on Friday night but Im finding it too reminiscent of my PP2. All the flavours have been tasting, separate, to me Becoming a little more cohesive now as I get to the end but its still not the lager style that Im chasing.

My expectations of this beer may well have affected my judgement here as I had the pleasure of having a few of Jims beers straight from the keg a few months ago. These, both ales, were nothing short of superb and Im not a big ale man.

By the way, just because Im not a big ale man does not mean Im a little lager girl.

Rosss Ruination Second Attempt

My posts to AHB have been way too long this week so I thought Id punish myself by having another crack at the Ruination. Wish me luck

Toffee aroma today nice, something interesting. Still bloody nervous though. Would really like to close my eyes and block my nose for the first sip which I have been delaying for about 5 minutes already. Here we go

For &%$#!&^%!!! sake Ross!

My life just flashed before my eyes! You hear that people who get struck by lightning develop an electrical resistance but immunity actually drops upon the second attack from this chemical weapon its far more assaulting. Couldnt even swallow this time!

This is a bit weird as Ive had the Ruination on tap and thought it was actually a very good beer.

Can't even talk now so I'll just sign off - no way the Runiantion gets a third try from me. I'm not as thinkll as youll drunlk I amll

TidalPete - 'Hey Porter' Porter

Since my keg of porter ran out I have been dying for another and this one hit the spot :chug:

Sorry Pete, but I didnt take any notes since I'd just had a long day and want to sit down with a beer, all I remember is it was beautiful. Will you or Batz be posting the recipe?

Cheers :beer:

Feel free to post the recipe Pete



My computer's motherboard has given up the ghost so you will have to wait a little while for Batz's Porter recipe. I am currently sneaking a quick look at the forum whilst using a library computer. Will post the recipe as soon as I can.

Hey Batz, it does not show what yeast you used

It would be Nottingham wouldn't it? ;)

Sorry I thought that it was there,otherwise I am sure I told everyone at bindi's it was Nottingham.
I don't want to push this yeast.....just try it :blink:

Hi all
Well after 2 weeks of being off line due to crappy computer meltdown :angry: its all good now so I can post a few comments on the great beers one has had the joy to sample. I might not sound like a beer critic but I no what I like, and Im not very smart but I can lift heavy beers
Browndogs IPA hey browndog I liked your beer a lot mate getting stuck right into it then the bottle ran out doh Id like a keg full of that one easy drinking beer the head held up well and was left making comments like mmmmmmmmmmbeer

Santas off season APA go jye this was a great beer like the first beer I had of yours at the case swap before your mate randel got stuck into it :p nice and hoppy not over the top the way randel likes it :p but I could drink this a good head that held up well nice work .

TDs Hey porter wow Pete I must say this beer was the bomb every tast brought me closer to the end of the bottle bugger could have drank that all night, it is right up there on the to do list a great beer all round Pete.

Ruination APA Ross this beer scared me Iv only just got a few sences back like taste,smell, sight and motor skills are still a bit slow, what a big brute of a beer it is, ruination ruined every thing, I think jys mate randel has met this beer :p the big hop flavor smacks you straight in the face, a few times Id thought I might not finish it but I got there in the end but I did not say bugger when the bottle was empty it was more like thankyou lord
anyway still got a lot of good beers to try so ill post back on them as I drink them , I dont know all the right jargen to put to these beers so I dont sound like a total tossa I just say what I think

Cheers all Monkale

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