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InCider - Munich Honey Lager

Pale golden colour. Good head when poured.
Little aroma. Decent enough body with a light flavour.

Very easy to drink with the honey lending a sweetness without overpowering.
A good example of hwo to use honey without it dominating the beer.

This is a nice beer now but I would say this would be a perfect spring beer. Then it could be served slightly chilled, but not too cold so the flavours can come through.
PistolPatch's PP1[/b]

Thought this was going to be good by the sound when the cap was removed.

Aroma, roast grain, some malt crystal and maybe munich.

Head: Good dark head, held well a good Schwarz.

Carbonation: Moderate, not overly active in the glass used, but didn't felt flat in the mouth.

Colour: DarkBrown, on style.

Flavour: Malt to the fore, dryish finish, medium body, little hop bitterness.

A nice ale version, good on you PP, I liked it.

can I just interject here and say... Bugger bugger bugger, I missed a great day, and the beers all sound great quality, beers being judged like this by a group of peers who know what they are taliking about is one sure way to improve you brewing practices, well down all.

Evening Guys!

Just a quick thanks for taking the time to review my beers. All the reviews here are really well-written and I am in no way capable of offering such detail. Pretty new to all this swap stuff and the best I might be able to offer here is if I tast a beer and really like it.*

Personally on the beers that I offered, I was really dissapointed. They were my 2nd and 3rd attempts at AG - both were stuck ferments. And, you should have seen me trying to get them from the keg into the bottle using that stupid $120 bottle filler - lol!

PP1 was Ross's Schwartz (spot on Jye) brewed with US-56 and a stuck ferment. Dissapointing to me as the brew that Ross supervised and didn't get stuck was superb. My one was really flat (one-dimensional) to me. OK for one or two beers though.

PP2 was an attempt at brewing a fresh, hoppy European lager using an ale yeast. The result was nothing like I intended!!!! Sorry you guys ended up with it but this and the above were all I had to offer. I found this beer personally unquaffable. Actually took the keg to site today so the boys would empty it and I would free up 1 of my 2 kegs. This beer actually gets worse the more you drink of it. Not too bad to start but it actually has the 'twang' after about 4. Yuck!

Anyway, the reviews above have been really polite but don't hold back on your criticism. Any advice would be really appreciated by me. I'm here to learn. After all, my aim is to one day be able to brew as well as I belly-dance!


*Haven't even started tasting the beers yet. I'm thinking that each beer should be tasted on a clean palate but my new off-sider makes me work 12 hour days and then buy beers on the way home. Was going to sack him but he's starting to show an interest in AG. Shafted.
Browndog's IPA
I liked this beer,a little low in carbonation,little aroma but great taste.
Good balance of hops and malt.
Good beer.
Just a side line to this, took a few bottles of the swap to band rehearsal last and had my fellow musicians [The three other males, bloody drunks <_< ] try a few, well Browndogs IPA was given straight back to me with comments like, "too much hops" "why is so bitter" etc more for me to drink :D .'

Then they tried my swap beer even though it is still flat [and will be for weeks] they said 'yum and 'nice smell 'and 'not bitter', but the scary thing is the women liked it :( OH NO, I have made a dud :( , when I tasted it it was more malt then hops and a little sweet even though it is 6.38%, OG 1.065 FG 1.015 and plenty of hops I thought.
What have I done wrong? The women like it.
OK Gents here is my first batch of reviews, I'm not much of a beer taster or a wordsmith but here goes.

Ross's Ruination IPA
Pouring this golden amber nectar brought hops to the nose that stood like a roadsign to the tastebuds that said lookout danger ahead. No girly cascade passionfruit here folks but robust hops from the big end of town melding with malt and alcohol to produce a mans beer and a beer to be respected. Excellent job Ross, this will be on my todo list.

I made the mistake of sampling this beer yesterday while boiling a SNPA clone, what a mistake, by the time the bottle was empty and I realised that I had just consumed 4 standard drinks in 15min, it was too late. Trying to brew when you are confused is difficult. I kept wondering what I had to do next and forgot to sanitize my chiller and had to reheat the wort. Added 40 min to my brew day.


This scwartz by Pistol Patch poured nice and dark from the bottle with very little head. Little aroma met the nose upon tasting where malt flavours tapdanced across the tongue unimpeded by bitterness. This beer found me wishing it had more carbination so that I might enjoy it as the brewer intended. Well done Pat.

Upon pouring a golden honey ale was presented with little head to get in the way of tasting. A mild malty aroma greeted the nose and with little carbination to hinder the lightly bittered malt profile from dominating the tastebuds. An easy drinking beer that would not offend the non homebrew drinker.


Santa's Off Season APA
Upon reaching for the bottle Jye presented for the swap I was preparing myself for a cascade overload (though nothing like the randal) and was pleasantly surprised by the aroma that told the nose, "there is no cascade here". This brilliantly clear beer has the burnt golden colour that I love and tells me there is some crystal flavours to be admired. The 43 IBUs are a bulls eye for the beers that I like to make and I'll definitely have a crack at this one. Well done Jye.



Edit: spelin
Mothballs Aust pale

I have been suprised by some beers from this swap and this is one, I thought partial mash <_< [extract twang] but no twang and nice.
after being 'bombarded' by hops all week it was a pleasure to drink somthing no as hoppy,and not so "in your face" I had forgotten how good a well made partial mash could could be.
I liked it :) .


I missed out on PP1, did not get one :( . I enjoyed PP2,an easy drinking beer I am sure all my mates would love and would not believe it is a home brew, I could do a session on this, like watching the rugby tonight. Nice beer.
two sips and it was gone :( .
Tonight: Jye's Santa's Off Season APA

Thanks Jye for great big macho APA
I cringed when opening it remembering your beer through the Randall, Joel says that beer should be named "Touretts Bitter" tends to bring on uncontrollable spasms of swearing "f()#@, sh!T, f()#@, Sh!t,f()#@, sh!T, BITTER!!"

Had been working today (for a change), came home thirsty at 5.30 so the palate was primed and ready, decided it was your turn . Hope the situation did not weight the judgement.

Served @ 8c

Aroma, hops and malt, what else, well balanced. No fruitiness or Diacetyl.

Appearance: Dark Amber to Copper colour, creamy white head, held to the bottom of the glass.

Flavour: Medium to high bitterness. Crystal malt and hop flavour. Balance, hops slightly overpowes the malt.

Mouthfeel: Medium body. Carbonation moderate.

Overall: I loved it, moves to the top at this stage. Not a session beer for me and not sure about being on style, but a great beer Jye.
I'm not much of a beer taster or a wordsmith but here goes.

Tony with sentences like, "Pouring this golden amber nectar brought hops to the nose that stood like a roadsign to the tastebuds that said lookout danger ahead," your comment above is highly debateable!

Yours is the first beer of the Swap and I'm drinking it right now on a palate untouched by beer since Friday.

I am totally unqualified to write a review to any of the above standards, especially on bitter ales. All I can say is that it reminds me of what I know was an extremely well-brewed ale put out in very limited amounts by Matilda Bay when it first started. Think it was branded as Real Ale.

I find any beer of this or similiar style (a man's beer?) way too bitter for me when I first taste them. It's not until now, on the third glass, that I can taste any of the underlying characteristics and these I do like. Really nice balance and body there now. Head and laciness same as Screwtop. Carbonation level didn't worry me and in fact, probably makes this beer quicker to appreciate for someone of my tastes.

Last swig: Starting to want more now! For me, this beer tasted better with each sip. I'm sure that this will be the same for me for any of the bitter ales in the swap. And, of course, really well-brewed Tony.

As I'm not a big fan of hugely bitter ales, I put Jye's and Ross' in the fridge last night to get them over and done with as it were. I actually prepared myself for tasting Jyes, 'Tourettes Terror,' tonight by drinking 3 very hoppy European lagers first. I am totally surprised at what I'm tasting now as this beer was way too bitter for me when I tasted it as we, 'fuelled up,' on our way to the Swap.

Jye's Santa's Off Season APA: For me, I'm tasting an overwhelming passionfruit-like flavour and aroma which, personally, is a lot more enjoyable to me than bitterness. (Am sure there has been something bad written about passionfruit in this thread and so just having a look... Oh no! Tony has described passionfruit as, 'girly!') I actually really like whatever that flavour is.

Carbonation, while it had a louder crack than Tony's on opening, seemed a little less. On such powerful beers, for me, less carbonation is an advantage. Lacing again, a little less than Tony's.

Just finishing the beer now and am finding even more I like about it. I obviously have a lot to learn about the merits of these powerful beers. Certainly couldn't drink them all night but there's a lot in there. Now wish this Swap had been 2 or 3 longnecks of the same beer so I could taste them under different circumstances. Seriously Jye, I was ready to have a half glass of this and ditch it. Now I want more.

Psychological Effects of Tourettes Terror through a Randall : When I drank this 9.3% ABVbeer through a Randall at the Swap I found the beer, upon drinking, offered a lot of promise but in the end, ultimately could not deliver. What I mean is, I felt really confident about belly-dancing and chatting those 2 girls up at the Surf Club but in both instances I was a total failure. ;)
Jye's, 'Tourettes Terror,' put me over the edge so I thought I might as well try Ross's Ruination. What a mistake - well, so far. Like my other reviews, my one for Ross is written live...

Ross's Ruination IPA: Just had the first sip and F.F.S., I can hardly breathe. After the pleasant surprise of Jye's beer, I thought yours would be the same. Still lost for words and have just pressed 000 on my phone so if I stop breathing (a real possibility) all I have to do is press one button.

This is a struggle. What is wrong with you guys? Can't believe you guys actually like this stuff....

Screwtop, Jye's is an easy-drinking 'girly' beer compared to this. Ross's should be the Tourettes Terror 'cos all I can think of now is swearing. What I'd give now for another taste of Jye's! My screen has gone blurry from the tears in my eyes....

Knowing that Ross brews excellent beers is the only reason I'm persisting here..... I'm going for a shower...

... Finished shower. I sort of took this beer as a personal challenge and so a lot of questioning was going on in there. Should I continue? Should I not?

Congratulations Ross! You win! This has got to be the most overpowering/whelming beer I have ever tasted. Such a beer could be used in warfare. I drank down to just below the top of the label, (half a glass?), and I have already surrendered. Call me a girl or whatever. I don't care as long as I don't have to drink any more of your Ruination tonight!

P.S. Being the dedicated brewer I am, I actually re-capped the ******* and will attempt to have another go in the next few days (probably wouldn't matter if I left it a few years F.F.S.). There were a few nice flavours coming through between hyper-ventilations though.

P.P.S. The P.S. above was actually bullsh*t. Have only saved the remainder of Ross's Runiation so it can be used as evidence in the assault charges I am about to bring against him.

P.P.S. The P.S. above was actually bullsh*t. Have only saved the remainder of Ross's Runiation so it can be used as evidence in the assault charges I am about to bring against him.


LMAO :D :chug:
You might be 'LMAO' off now Ross but I'm writting writing your assault summmons up now before I get all conf mucked up. Send $100 of free Craftbrewer gear to Southport tomorrow or you are gon gone. (Send $20 to Coodgee as well cos he sounds funny.)
Jye's, 'Tourettes Terror,' put me over the edge so I thought I might as well try Ross's Ruination. What a mistake - well, so far. Like my other reviews, my one for Ross is written live...

Ross's Ruination IPA: Just had the first sip and F.F.S., I can hardly breathe. After the pleasant surprise of Jye's beer, I thought yours would be the same. Still lost for words and have just pressed 000 on my phone so if I stop breathing (a real possibility) all I have to do is press one button.

This is a struggle. What is wrong with you guys? Can't believe you guys actually like this stuff....

Screwtop, Jye's is an easy-drinking 'girly' beer compared to this. Ross's should be the Tourettes Terror 'cos all I can think of now is swearing. What I'd give now for another taste of Jye's! My screen has gone blurry from the tears in my eyes....

Knowing that Ross brews excellent beers is the only reason I'm persisting here..... I'm going for a shower...

... Finished shower. I sort of took this beer as a personal challenge and so a lot of questioning was going on in there. Should I continue? Should I not?

Congratulations Ross! You win! This has got to be the most overpowering/whelming beer I have ever tasted. Such a beer could be used in warfare. I drank down to just below the top of the label, (half a glass?), and I have already surrendered. Call me a girl or whatever. I don't care as long as I don't have to drink any more of your Ruination tonight!

P.S. Being the dedicated brewer I am, I actually re-capped the ******* and will attempt to have another go in the next few days (probably wouldn't matter if I left it a few years F.F.S.). There were a few nice flavours coming through between hyper-ventilations though.

P.P.S. The P.S. above was actually bullsh*t. Have only saved the remainder of Ross's Runiation so it can be used as evidence in the assault charges I am about to bring against him.


This beer reminds me of beers Jayse was brewing around 4 years ago,it did get out of control a little ;)

I am totally surprised at what I'm tasting now as this beer was way too bitter for me when I tasted it as we, 'fuelled up,' on our way to the Swap.

Hey PP, The case beer is not the same beer that went through the randall... everyone who was afraid of the randall dont be afraid of this beer :p

P.S Ya big girl pat :D
Oh my, oh my - PP's review of that IPA is the single most entertaining piece of work I've read on AHB to date. Awesome, PP.

Cheers - Mike :beerbang:
That has go to be the funniest review on this forum of all time. I was toying with the idea of brewing this one when I read it in the recipes section. PP, you're making me have second thoughts. :unsure:

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