2008 Hag Xmas Case Swap - Tasting Notes

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Hi Dave,

Co-incidently I tasted this beer the same night as you posted and fully agree with your findings.

Except the hopping. I have drunk a few fresh bottles of SNPA over in the US and I think you have it about right. Aussie APA's tend to be too hoppy - the US versions have the nice balance that you acheived. They leave the big hopping to the IPA's.

You mentioned the finishing 'sweetness' and I think that this is the only thing that you could improve. Lowering the body a bit would make it much more drinkable. For your next batch try swapping some of the malt for 10% sugar or mashing a few degrees hotter.

Thanks for a great beer.

Dave, is that a few degrees cooler?
15 Peve - Coriander Porter (revised)

Well I've tried mine. It's carbed and ready to go.
ABV 5.8% approx

I'm retracting my previous comments about the missing coriander.
It seems to have picked up extra bitterness and maybe some astringency from the coriander addition at flame out (but then again I may be talking from my a%^% and it's a result of problems during fermentation) .
I think I'll revert to dry hopping the coriander next time anyway.

Anyway best of luck with it. Hopefully I'll get to try somebody else's tonight

#11 Offline's WILD MILD

I Have to agree with Dave a bit and say it is more along hte lines of a brown porter, but that is a kinda good thing, as a mild is basically a low alcohol brown porter.
THere is a definite chocolate and coffee malt aroma to the beer, and a mild astringent aroma, which is fine in a mild.
The appearance is beautiful, dark copper in colour, clear with a long lasting low, but dense, off white head.
Flavour is pretty good too, kinda like a brown porter, but the typical mild astringency is there - for my tastes a little too dominant, but it is probably fine for style. Med-low mouthfeel, moderate bitterness, moderate maltiness, astringency thins it out a bit and makes it easy to drink. At your own admission, it is a little big, but otherwise it is a well brewed and very enjoyable beer. Glad to get the chance to try it.
All the best
9. Rurik - Mild -5.2% (I think have to find the brew note book) - Bottled two weeks, drink from now to mid January.

Tried this one while cooking fish on the bbq which probably wasn't the best move for aroma sensitivity. This beer I thought was initially to sweet. Was concerned about getting through it but as i drank it I got quite accustomed to it and like the beer.

This one should be left a bit longer in the bottle (just a heads up for those who haven't had it yet) as it is undercarbed and some of that residuale sweetness might continue to be eaten by the yeast.

Nice grainy aroma to this one and nutty flavours, caramels and as previously mentioned malty sweetness were evident. Probably to sweet to make it a easy sessionable beer but still I enjoyed it all the same. Clarity wasn't the best but thats probably my fault because this one only hit the fridge 2 days ago. Looking forward to trying the other stubby in a month to see how it changes with time.

Thanks for the beer

Tried this one last night, I cant add much to what has already been said but it had a very strong/sweet aroma initially that settled down quickly and was not present in the second glass (or I got use to it). Very drinkable I could definitely see this being a quaffing beer on a hot day. I have 2 bottles of this so I will leave one and see how it ages.
Well-brewed thanks Dave

#11 Offline's WILD MILD/Brown Porter

Tried mine again tonight because Im not 100% sure whos beers are ready ti drink.
Good call guys it definitely has that roast aroma and flavour, now that you mention it I can see the similarities to my porter of which it has around 2% of in it anyway.
It is ready to drink and quite approachable but it is not mild.


in fact i might change the description to brown porter
#16 Head's ALTBIER

Head, I have a funny feeling that this puppy has, at 1014, either not finished fermenting, or picked up a bug of some description, cause it is very highly carbed.
Pours a beautiful, though quite cloudy, orange/amber colour, with a very thick headstand (I got a bit over half the glass of beer, the rest was foam). The aroma is of German malts, obviously some munich in there, but there is a moderate tartness in the aroma, that I will go out on a limb here and suggest may be the beginnings of a lactic infection. I have been wrong about this kind of thing before (much to my embarrasment) so please dont take this as gospel - just calling it as my nose sees it!
The flavour is again, of german malts, with a moderately tart finish, tasting to me, again, lactic in origin. And, again, I COULD BE WRONG!!!
Bitterness if fairly firm, and malt balances it, just like the style should be. The carbonation settles down to med-high, again, as the style demands. The malt, to my palate, takes a bit of a back seat to the moderate tartness, that I am fairly sure wasnt intended. To be honest (as if I havent already been!) I think there is some kind of lactic taint in here, but otherwise, the beer loos like it was going to be a cracker of an altbier. The beer itself seems to be right, the colour is great, the malt is there, but for mine it is masked, and the bitterness to malt balance is beautiful.
I hope that I am wrong, or it is just my bottle, but if indeed the beer IS tainted, brew the exact same recipe again, and you will be on a winner.
I would suggest to anyone else wanting to try this beer to put it into the fridge soon, as it was fairly highly carbed when I opened it - it didnt gush, but there was a loud "pffff", and a fairly foamy pour. If there is some lacto in there, it will probably get more carbonated.
And if there is only one dodgy bottle, I hope that this is it.
All the best
PS This isnt intended to embarrass or shame, I just call the beers as honest as I can, and I expect the same in return.
Wow, tonight is SUCKING for me!

Just cracked #22 Michael Mosely's HEFEWEIZEN

It smells great, plenty lemony spritziness, and come medium levels of clove. I cannot get any banana out of it, but that could be through my tears of disppoinment - THE WHOLE NECK SHATTERED AS I TRIED TO PRISE THE LID OFF :(
Sadly, there are small shards of glass all over the top, so I dare not have even a small mouthfull. Lovely pale straw colour, little to no head retention, but I SO wish I could try this one.
Someone else is going to have to describe it for me - sorry michael, and that is more sorry for myself that for you!
All the best
Trent (off to have one of his own boring creations, cause I have no more swap beers cold....)

thanks for the sympathy, i was quite distressed, but all is goo dnow, will pick up my case from marks this weekend. thanks for the notes, def used 3944, 20% torrefied (same as oats im led to believe) but mashed very low in the hope of a very dry summer finish.

if you havent as yet i suggest drinking #7 ASAP!!!!!!!! it has been in the bottle for about 5 weeks, and in my experience will go downhill after about 6. hope to hear some more feedback and cant wait to pick up my case

thanks again trent

Well, I see I am not the first one to try a beer from the list!
Anyway, after being stuck ata party last night far far away from my stash, I am only tonight getting to try my first beer from the swap. After reading balcony brewers distress on the other thread about not being on the swap list anymore, I figured I had better allay his fears, and let him know that I had indeed received his .....

Aroma is a real wheatiness, quite bready, low citrus and coriander, with a slightly tart aroma, very similar to my saisons. Actually smells a little "thin", but that is just my nose. Appearance is great, very pale gold, cloudy and a firm moussy head.
Flavour is very similar to the aroma, bready, wheaty, moderate citrus and coriander phenols, along with a lingering dryness and tartness that is not off, but pleasant, and reminds me again of my saisons. What yeast did you use? Doesnt taste like 3944, but again, that is just me, and I am often wrong. Moderate bitterness, that could be just a little higher than I would brew...
The mouthfeel is decidedly thin, which is the only negative for an otherwise very enjoyable beer. I love the dry, tart finish, but would like to see a bit more creaminess to the mouthfeel. If you are a mash brewer, put in about 10% rolled oats into the mash. If this was extract or kit, then it is very very well done, and you will need to ask mark for advice on getting more creamy mouthfeel into that kind of beer, as I am pretty clueless when it comes to extract/kits!
Overall, great beer, well brewed, no faults that I can pick up (providing that dry tart finish was intentional), I can only hope that my beer is even half as well brewed as this.
Thanks for sharing.
# 20 Bigfridge Koelsch

As it has recently become the custom I have reviewd my own case contribution ;)

As I was expecting from the recipe it is a bigger version of the style and is fully carbed and ready to go. But I would hate for any weaker bottles to give way so it would be good if you could pop it in the fridge. This should smooth the carbonation and condition the flavour a bit.

I am yet to try my contribution, but I thought I would just say that it has been in the bottle for over a month now, so the hops are probably on their way out - I would drink #18 AIPA sooner rather than later.
7. balconybrewer - Witbier

This one has a lovely straw colour and clarity was quite superb for a wit, poured with violent carbonation which subsided after a couple of minutes to hold a long lasting head that left traces of lacing lal the way down after the turbulance subsided. The aroma was of wheat and the classic belgian wit with hints of more lemon than orange and I missed corriander all together. Others might pick it up though...

Has a great clean finish to it with dry end which make it great as a summer session beer. Again in the mouth i get lemon in moderation which is well balanced by the small but dry malt flavour. This beer is very refreshing, which from memory is a very desirable characteristic in a wit. I liked this well crafted beer. It has been made well and is very much in balance. I've had a few wits before where people were heavy handed on zest and corriander and it overtakes the beer rather than be complementary to it. This beer I finished the 2nd glass because it was that refreshing.

i think you have just inspired me to brew another wit. its been a while.

My only comment is there was a little twang at the end, I wouldn't say infection but maybe tartness is a better word but again it is very very mild and its probably only now that Im noticing it that I'm searching for more of its presence. Might be from the citrus adjunct used? Anyway don't let this be the take home message of this feedback. That was a very well made beer and I'd like more of it. Great quaffer for summer. Thanks I really liked this contribution
14 - Loftboy's American Wheat

I'll set the scene. I spent all day in the sun assembling a swing set with a well rounded hangover. This was the perfect beer to end this day with. I didn't take notes because I was too busy enjoying it. The hops were excellent, not over the top and the wheaty malt flavour came in as it warmed up. The beer looked great and was so balanced and drinkable. Awesome beer thanks Loftboy.
15 Peve - Porter (revised coriander )
Cracked this one tonight, since its a bit cooler thought something dark would hit the spot. I remember this same beer from the last swap and actually want to go seaching through the reviews to see what I wrote last time. Seem to remember not getting much corriander.

Anyway as for this beer Poured a lovely dark brown. Would of loved to have the sun about for a bit to see what the highlights looked like around the edges. Love a bit of red ruby in there. Anyway it was initially over carbonated but settled quickly and never had a climbing head stand. Obviously a brown porter rather than robust and the malt is very evident on the nose. I couldn't pick up and corriander in the aroma but that would be hard with such a malty bodied beer. Upon further sniffing after the old sniff the sleave trick I get a fair bit of sweet caramel through. Mmm looking good.

When tasting I go very little roast malt qualities but the subtle toasted grains. A little caramel, toffee and grainyness. Perhaps a hint of the corriander also.

I liked this beer. Well crafted and not too sweet. Thanks for your contribution well balanced porter that didn't have that astringency from the roast grains of a robust porter, thats what I made and imperialised it so this was a nice easy drinker.

Thanks Peve!
Well, it looks like there arent too many reviews coming in (are people drinking and not posting their thoughts?!?), so I figured I would review my own, and just re-iterate that it is best to drink it soon, as I feel it is on its way past its prime....
Pours muddy as hell, which I havent had in one of my beer in a REAL long time, so I was a bit worried for infection or similar. Murky, deep amber colour, with a really thick white head that lasts and bloody lasts. Slightly oxidised malt and "old" citrus hops on the nose, quite pleasant, if ya ask me, but as I said, it was drinking better a few weeks ago.
Thick, chewy, slightly honeylike malt, balanced by a fairly firm bitterness, and plenty of citrus-y hops. Finishes fairly dry, but is also malty and chewy enough to taste med-full body. Actually, it kinda tastes a little more like a small barleywine rather than an AIPA. I was shooting for a more balanced beer, so it is only 45IBU (1066OG) so maybe next time I will head for 50IBU. FG was 1010, so the maltiness is all from a lower bitterness that usual in one of these beers.
Mouthfeel is med-high, finish is malt, long bitterness, and hops. Next time I will use gelatine to clear it and help bring the hops to the forefront, cause they cannot compete with all the malt and murkiness!
Overall, a very enjoyable beer, that isnt a great AIPA (though for some reason it WAS a few weeks ago!). At 7.6%, think of it as a miniature American Barleywine, and drink it bloody soon. And any reviews, positive or negative, I am happy to have em aired on the forum, cause god knows I dont give anyone else the option!
All the best
Trent (off to make some sushi and do the final rise on my sourdough bagels... Oh, and finish my beer.)
7. balconybrewer - Witbier

This one has a lovely straw colour and clarity was quite superb for a wit, poured with violent carbonation which subsided after a couple of minutes to hold a long lasting head that left traces of lacing lal the way down after the turbulance subsided. The aroma was of wheat and the classic belgian wit with hints of more lemon than orange and I missed corriander all together. Others might pick it up though...

Has a great clean finish to it with dry end which make it great as a summer session beer. Again in the mouth i get lemon in moderation which is well balanced by the small but dry malt flavour. This beer is very refreshing, which from memory is a very desirable characteristic in a wit. I liked this well crafted beer. It has been made well and is very much in balance. I've had a few wits before where people were heavy handed on zest and corriander and it overtakes the beer rather than be complementary to it. This beer I finished the 2nd glass because it was that refreshing.

i think you have just inspired me to brew another wit. its been a while.

My only comment is there was a little twang at the end, I wouldn't say infection but maybe tartness is a better word but again it is very very mild and its probably only now that Im noticing it that I'm searching for more of its presence. Might be from the citrus adjunct used? Anyway don't let this be the take home message of this feedback. That was a very well made beer and I'd like more of it. Great quaffer for summer. Thanks I really liked this contribution

I tried BB's # 7 Witbier and agree with Lee that it is a great wit, but I must have been lucky as mine was perfectly carbonated - no sign of infection.

While I really enjoyed it I didn't get much orange or coriander either. I am a bit biased as I have only ever used Wyeast, but I find that this yeast provides a fair amount of the wit character.

What yeast did you use BB ?

BB, thanks for sharing this delicious beer.

I am yet to try my contribution, but I thought I would just say that it has been in the bottle for over a month now, so the hops are probably on their way out - I would drink #18 AIPA sooner rather than later.

Well, who am I to disobey your instructions Trent, so I tried your fine contribution last night.

Very nice (as is to be expected) - lots of US 'C' (Cascade/Centenial/Colmbus etc) hop character with balancing malt. If I could be critical about anything it would be that the hops were probably at a lower level than the typical US version but it is very hard to get these levels without dry hopping with a lot of fresh hops.

Another winner from the HAG swap.

18 - Trent - AIPA - 7.6% so dont go driving afterwards.

Poured a very cloudy copper colour with a medium sized head that lasted throughout the entire beer. Wonderful piney aroma with hints of citrus blossoms.
The flavour was exactly as was suggested by the aroma. Lots of hops that provide great flavours and bitteress which is tempered by a rich underlying maltiness. I think i noticed a some caramel in the finish. The medium-high bitterness leaves a pleasant dryness in the the mouth.

I really enjoyed this Trent!!! My first tasting for the swap and it was sensational.
A terrific way to wind down from work.
Thanks heaps!!!

25. Loftboy/MauriceOz - Winding Creek APA (SNPA style APA). Bottled 25/11/08, 4.5% ABV, US-05

This one poured a lovely pale copper with absolutely perfect carbonation. Was this bulk primed or individual? I bottle so infrequently, twice a year for these swaps I'm looking for the best option. This was perfect and had a head that lasted the entire glass, with lacing all the way. Clarity was great.

Aroma is nice with grainyness up from and some lovely cascade resins coming through. I love the smell of cascade in a apa. At this stage I was itching to taste it. Smelt good looked great.

In the mouth had a great malt character. I love apa's to have a good amount of crystal in there and this one gives those slightly more complex malt flavours. A little creaminess and caramel just to entice and make that body all the more exciting. IMO too many newish apa's are on the lighter end of the spectrum much like the trend in AIPA is to stay light dog fish head style. I think it works well in the big beers but I like my APA's just like this. Complexity built into the malt to balance the hops well. You mentioned this was a little sweet at the end. I didn't find it at all. If you wanted it to be a huge session beer maybe but I found it a lovely flavour that I finished the longneck of and enjoyed the flavours lingering on the palate.

Love the malt v hop balance you have created in this one. Not a hop assault but a well rounded flavour that fills the mouth.

Thanks for the beer, hope the feedback is both encouraging and helpful

So far I've had 4 or so and most have been great. I'm thinking best swap yet... Some have been really poor quality but so far very impressed.

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