Sorry all, I lost track of the thread. Thanks Matt for the heads-up! Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. My good mate has set his bucks party for that same weekend (yes, I'm helping him out with a couple of kegs

) anyway, I've taken my name off the reserve list. Over to you Robv to claim your spot!
1) Winkle - maybe a historic IPA
2) Liam - maybe a porter
3) Peege - smoked porter
4) Nickxb - TBA
5) pcqypcqy - tba
6) rokaxe - maybe a beer
7) benken25 - applewood rauchbier
8) crowmanz - beer?
9) madpierre06 - not a historic Black Rye IPA
10) Meddo - deffo a beer
11) Fitzlp:- Red Rye IPA
12) Fattox - cherrywood foreign extra now with more yeast character (Wyeast Thames Valley II)
13) Earle
14) Aydos
15) Bradsbrew- Barrel aged strong stout de garde
17) Time01
18) giatuprs - dunno but I shall call it Dickbutt and it will have Dickbutt on the label
19) evoo4u - Irish Red Ale
20) Parks - Imperial Manuka Smoked Porter (secretly adding Peat to **** with BenKen)
21) Adr0
22) HBHB - Either a traditional Rauchbier or a RIS
23) Zorco - 12 month aged American Barleywine
24) Ciderman
25) Lukifer
26) Cummy
1) Robv
2) landyjg
3) Bribie G - Toucan headbanger stout
4) Angus
5) Seehuusen
6) Matplat - Brown Porter
Swap beer updated