Uh, Detective Parson, madam.
That's what the Kin Kin crew were going to do.
With a happy ending??? <_<
Today's to-do list when I get home from work
1. get bottles
2. Bottle swap beer
3. ???
4. Panic!!
That's what the Kin Kin crew were going to do.
:wub: Naaawww... I still luv ya Ned! The swap's not going to be the same without you. But I will get more sleep :lol:
Cheers - Snow
I'm driving & pub's within spitting distance of the Swap. Pub for me!
OK you've talked me into it.
(Whinging from SWMBO may have helped).
ETA a bit after 1pm for a Pims No.7 and water-cress sandwiches, hurrah! :icon_cheers:
You may be out of luck, bakers holiday tomorow in Kin Kin :lol:
Dash it all!
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So I figure I better start brewing something ready for tomorrow.
It will be beer or something similar.
Anyone worked out how many bottles do I need to brew yet?
Make sure the airlock is bubbling!![]()
Oh frig ... I knew i'd forgotten something.
Do you think it will work without the airlock? Is there anything we can do to save it?
Add dextrose and salt water like the Brisbane brewers do. And use an electric blanket of the fermenter. :icon_chickcheers:
Well i've been crying into the fermenter, so that's got the saltwater covered ...
where do I get dextrose from? :blink:
I have loads of these - will they work?
Man, severe lack of Goat porn here....
Those in the swap
1. TidalPete .... Yellow Peril CIPA.
2. BribieG - Yorkshire Red - allow to condition 3 weeks. - Florian picking up
3. Scruffy. ...Scruffy is going to make his normal brew, so keg of 9% hop syrup.
4. Bradsbrew - Jamaican Rummy Oak Oatmeal Stout
5. scoundrel_rogue - Punk in Drublic strong Xmas Cider
6. <<< FREE SPOT >>>>>>
7. DKS - Alt
8. Winkle - Tin Tin Dark Belgian Strong ~ 9%, ho, ho f*cking hos.
9. Stillscottish - Hopfen-Weisse. Strong and green, like well-formed snot.
10. geoff_tewierik - Might continue down the Doppelbock path, this one will have age on it.
11. Nick B - Probably a Pils....Maybe
12. <<< FREE SPOT >>>>>>
13. Snow - Stone and Wood Draught clone.
14. Screwtop - De Nutters Coconut Porter
15.Savy - Savys lanlord
16.Clean Brewer - Fermented Semen of Incider
17. Florian - Dortmunder Export
18. Shed101 - You can't ******* stop me Porter
Those Attending but not part of the swap
2. AndrewQld
3. QldKev
4. InCider
5. Fasty73??
7.Bonj (Status upgraded to: Highly Likely)
Food & Drinks
Winkle - pizzas and a keg of something - probably Smoked Robust Porter
NickB - Pizzas + Chilli Con Carne - keg of something, and self respect (to be left afterward)
TidalPete - Keg of Hercule Poirot Belgian Pale
Scoundrel_rogue - pizza, sea scollops to share, keg of something(???)
Batz - Julie's famous Vindaloo and a couple of pizzas
InCider - rellenos, condoms and keg lube + keg of Cider.
Screwy - Keg of something plus Paul Mercurios Goat Ragu
Scruffy, an almighty curry... good luck folks!
AndrewQLD - Mixed berry baked cheesecake with a Raspberry Coulis
QldKev - Nibbles and **** that can sit out late at night, eg potato chips, duck nuts, what other crap I find in the shop
Bonj - Not much left, so I'll say "Some salty snacks"
Stillscottish - Mmmm, Pizza!!
Snow - Ummm... something yummy
Shed101 - Do you like peas? Do you like cheese? If so, you'll love cheezypeas! and some Pissi Beer
Bradsbrew - Snacks like chips, kabana, cheese and a keg of something infected that I need to get rid of.
Florian - Pasta bake, home made beef jerky and a couple of dips and crackers
Sav - Guacamolie Dip and a keg
Winkle - bacon + mushrooms
NickB - Hash Browns
TidalPete - Lots tomatoes & bread ATM
Batz - I'll see what the chooks come up with.
Scruffy - same curry...
Stillscottish - a forken knife
InCider - toilet paper
Fasty73 Bacon, bread, cheese.???
Snow - some eggs, sausages and mushrooms
DKS - Large coffee and milk (for the survivors)
Shed101 - Yuletide Cheezypeas
Florian - 2 glasses of Rollmpse
'sif! Go the wobblies!Shame you're not going to make it BG ... I was looking forward to having some pommie support when we trounce the Wallabies tomorrow night :icon_cheers: