Qld Xmas 2013 case swap * tasting thread *

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14. Earle. Roggenbier
Pours magnificently, persistent creamy head, light spicy aromatics, middlish malty flavors that are quickly dominated by the rye, slight tanginess and lingering slickness as per style, this beer just hums rye all over!
Tried my hand at one of these recently and it was not a patch on Earle's, a really thorough job and quite enjoyable, well done.
20. BPH87 - All Day Session IPA
A heap of interesting character going on in this beer, starts brisk with tropical fruity pine aromas, big whack of similar flavors along with a grapefruit wedge, malt is understated but hardly surprising in a lower- ABV variant. Well suited to the All Day moniker, perhaps an aggressive 'American Mild'(?), turning the style on its head to good effect- nice work!
15. Snow - Red Rye ESB
Pours well, carbonation and retention fine, a bit hazy but nothing outrageous. Subtle late hops and mellow fruity English yeast aromatics with maltiness peeking through, then in tasting the thicker malt and toasty specialty grain flavours, surprisingly full body but quite dry while the Rye chimes in with predominant spicy slickness and then tending towards robust bitterness in the finish. Interesting beer Snow and quite a decent job, can see why you feel it is more of a straight ESB, there's some minor Rye character, I guess its somewhat of an enigmatic grain where too much is barely enough!
So I got stuck in and merry over xmas and am currently finishing off my last bottle. Here is a summation of my remaining beers. Sorry if it's not too in-depth, I was in the enjoying and not analysing mood :)

7. Tazman1967 - American Farmhouse Saison (bottled)
At first this tasted very much like a Belgian Wit but it did show some extra depth there. Very nice and easy drinking. Probably what I would think is a suitable beer to introduce farmhouse beers to someone.

10. BenKen25 - spiced pumpkin ale
Didn't get much pumpkin, or that much spices but this was a really well made and balanced beer. This is one of those that may be marked down in the specialty class for "not tasting pumpkin" etc but you've done a great job of keeping all the spices contributing without detecting any one in particular.

12. Robv - Golden Ale
Just finishing this now. Beautiful clear golden amber beer. Showcases the hop nicely. Good carb. I kept thinking I wanted some more bitterness or something but I think you've probably nailed it for the style. Good work mate.

13. NickB - Liquid Lunch IPA
Yummy Nick. Definitely a low level IPA but still had some good aroma and flavour there. A fair percent of crystal in there? Kinda in the style of little creatures IMO with being a sweetish malt IPA as opposed to an all base malt one.

15. Snow - Red Rye ESB
7:30am Xmas morning I cracked this and I wasn't disappointed. I don't have much experience with rye so couldn't really pick it per se, but geez it was good.

17. HBHB cascade Pale Ale (will need a few weeks and some fridge time)
I didn't detect the infection issues others said but it was about my 5th swap bottle of the day (morning? :D). I need to go back to basics and make a few smash APAs again :)

This seemed perfectly on the money for me HBHB.

19. TidalPete - Poirot's Revenge Belgian Dubbel
Xmas night I found myself alone with the rest of the family going to bed. What better time to hit up a Belgian Dubbel from Tidal Pete! Another style I'm not that familiar with but it was very nice Pete. I thought there may be more Belgian yeast character. I suspect actually this one is very well done and hit the alcohol well.

20. BPH87 - All Day Session IPA
My only negative to this one BPH87 is that the carbonation took over the mouth feel. It certainly is a great hop delivery device, this beer. I picked the amarillo but thought there may be galaxy in there.

Nice one.

Good job all. Once again there has been a good selection of beers. I really hope to see you TooSOBA guys down in Brisbane for the next one - know thy enemy and all that :D
Yep, Parks, from memory about 10% med crystal in mine.

HBHB- Pale Ale, Initial look at the bottle was scary with a bulged lid and white ring inside at the top of the beer.

Aroma was quite fruity but not much in the malt department. This beer was huge on grapefruit, well balanced with malt and bitterness but a bit overcarbed in the mouthfeel, was not a gusher by any means, just overcarbed. No head retention.

Reminds me of a better version of fat yak. The high carbonation has let it down. Would love to try this on tap!
20. BPH87 - All Day Session IPA enjoyed this today will tucking into my first attempt at pulled pork :icon_drool2: the beer pours well nice thick head citrus fruit and pine on the nose. this beer has a good malt backbone and not as bitter as i thought it would definitely lives up to its name as being a session beer
19. TidalPete - Poirot's Revenge Belgian Dubbel great colour smells of raisins ans slightly spicy flavour. been sipping it for a while now and i dont get much alcohol warmth as the beer warms. nice work TidalPete i would love the recipe
16. Parks - Smoked Robust Porter - drink now now now!

overgassed so I let it calm down a bit. Aroma of roast and maybe caramel, solid/big but not sweet malt body and flavour... smoke is hidden maybe just adds some depth to the roasty caramel 'porter' flavour. Yeah, I'm bad at describing flavours. Colour is very dark but not black, with some red/brown coming through. Head is a faded mocha, not much lacing but hangs around (due at least partly to the high carbonation and etched glass). I would love this through a hand pump. It had warmed up a fair bit by the time I finished (+30deg out on the veranda) and still enjoyed the flavour at just 'cool' temp.

No pic sorry
12. Robv - Golden Ale ,only bottled the day of the swap - needs 2 weeks

2.5 weeks, gee I've let the ball drop could have had this days ago ;). Good waft of fruity hops when I cracked the lid. Low end of medium carbonation, sexy amber colour with slight yeast or hop haze. Taste is pleasant fruity hops with a surprising caramel note. Yum. Kath loves it. Head settles to a thin layer and lacing like a mofo. Nice one Rob!

10. BenKen25 - spiced pumpkin ale - ready to drink

Enjoyed this at the swap, but didn't really 'get' the pumpkin or notice the light spiciness at the time. But there it is on the nose a sweet dense unmistakable roast pumpkin aroma, flavour follows with a mellow maltiness. Not sure how much spice you were aiming for, or
What you used, but it melds with / enhances the pumpkin flavour. Golden/brown/orange colour with white head which settles to a ring and laces a bit. Interest is piqued.

19. TidalPete - Poirot's Revenge Belgian Dubbel -- Ready to drink -- 2 months old now but will smooth out more if left to age.

I've been looking forward to this one. Pours crystal clear, deep amber, blood red (shark attack?) when held up to the sky. Phwoar, spicy belgo fruitiness on the nose. Dense but thin head which eventually dissipates to nothing. Tastes like red velvet cake. Almost a port-like barrel aged thing going on as well but that could be my imagination. This one warrants two photos, look at that colour, it's on fire!


13. NickB liquid lunch IPA

What a fantastic beer. Rich malt flavour a a great round bitterness. Good colour and head retention. I'd be very happy to make an IPA like this. Is the recipe up anywhere Nick?
12. Robv - Golden Ale going down well nice hop aroma not overly bitter and its going down a treat while i cook this bbq. i would burn your shed down for another one :ph34r: :lol:
10. Benken25 spiced pumpkin ale. Very nice beer mate. I was hesitant cracking this one as I'm not a huge fan of spiced beers but alas I was wrong. Is has a malty nose and a slight slickness on the pallet. Not over the top which I like. Very nice session beer.
No. 1. 1. Winkle/ Rowy/ Florian/ RdeV Collaboration: Barrel- Aged Belgian Imperial Chocolate Stout,
Possibly the best , most interesting swap beer I have experienced. Fantastic specialty beer of commercial quality.
4. Bradsbrew - Raspberry Stout
Holy dooley, whoa, now here's some mad fruit character that is pretty amazing and very welcome for once in a stout! Really interesting beer Bradsbrew, certainly meets both the descriptors and isn't a bad pairing at all. I may have left it longer than desired (sorry- my snafu), but it still packs some cranking rasp punch! :super:
Glad you enjoyed it Ralph. How was the carbonation, I only filled them using the perlick growler filler attachment?
Carbonation was adequate for stout styling Brad, so just fine IMO.
FWIW, I filled #1 in pretty much the same way, seems to work OK for short term storage with low-ish carbed beers. Not sure how it goes at the other end of the fizz spectrum, but heck- its a lot less faffing about than some other methods!
Yes the #1 beer was low on carb, which totally suited, but its small creamy velvety head did not diminish at all and thoroughly laced the glass. I was mesmerized by it. Drinking that beer through that head made it for me.