So I got stuck in and merry over xmas and am currently finishing off my last bottle. Here is a summation of my remaining beers. Sorry if it's not too in-depth, I was in the enjoying and not analysing mood
7. Tazman1967 - American Farmhouse Saison (bottled)
At first this tasted very much like a Belgian Wit but it did show some extra depth there. Very nice and easy drinking. Probably what I would think is a suitable beer to introduce farmhouse beers to someone.
10. BenKen25 - spiced pumpkin ale
Didn't get much pumpkin, or that much spices but this was a really well made and balanced beer. This is one of those that may be marked down in the specialty class for "not tasting pumpkin" etc but you've done a great job of keeping all the spices contributing without detecting any one in particular.
12. Robv - Golden Ale
Just finishing this now. Beautiful clear golden amber beer. Showcases the hop nicely. Good carb. I kept thinking I wanted some more bitterness or something but I think you've probably nailed it for the style. Good work mate.
13. NickB - Liquid Lunch IPA
Yummy Nick. Definitely a low level IPA but still had some good aroma and flavour there. A fair percent of crystal in there? Kinda in the style of little creatures IMO with being a sweetish malt IPA as opposed to an all base malt one.
15. Snow - Red Rye ESB
7:30am Xmas morning I cracked this and I wasn't disappointed. I don't have much experience with rye so couldn't really pick it per se, but geez it was good.
17. HBHB cascade Pale Ale (will need a few weeks and some fridge time)
I didn't detect the infection issues others said but it was about my 5th swap bottle of the day (morning?
). I need to go back to basics and make a few smash APAs again
This seemed perfectly on the money for me HBHB.
19. TidalPete - Poirot's Revenge Belgian Dubbel
Xmas night I found myself alone with the rest of the family going to bed. What better time to hit up a Belgian Dubbel from Tidal Pete! Another style I'm not that familiar with but it was very nice Pete. I thought there may be more Belgian yeast character. I suspect actually this one is very well done and hit the alcohol well.
20. BPH87 - All Day Session IPA
My only negative to this one BPH87 is that the carbonation took over the mouth feel. It certainly is a great hop delivery device, this beer. I picked the amarillo but thought there may be galaxy in there.
Nice one.
Good job all. Once again there has been a good selection of beers. I really hope to see you TooSOBA guys down in Brisbane for the next one - know thy enemy and all that