Qld 2007 Xmas Swap - Case Consumption

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I'll never miss another swap again. I was a bit time poor for brewing, and to add insult to injury I had to toss a batch (of beer :lol: ) out as the yeast from THE HOMBREW SHOP AT BEERWAH was just out of date by 14 months and didn't fire. Then it occurred to me that he keeps his yeast in the sunlight all year in Queensland. More fool me! :p


But the good news is that I have filled my first keg! I remember at Bindi's Xmas in July swap being told to go kegs and I knew it would be good. I was!
11.Troy - Pimpin belgian wit

Bottle rolled on bench before pouring. Initial pour generated a nice white fluffy head. Hazy golden colour. I cannot detect any real aroma, but that could be because I've just shaved. Head disappeared after a few minutes.

Appears to be well carbonated. Nice wheaty flavour. I can sort of detect a coriander taste but not any orange. Very slight bitter finish after each mouthful. Another refreshing beer on another warm day. I think I'll head back out the veranda to finish this off.

Thanks Troy.
Very poor at proper reviews but here goes
Wolf Creek IPA - My favourite so far. Strong hops and malt, really well balanced. Beautiful colour. Superb beer.
Not Real Bright Ale - Great summer beer. Left me wanting more. Nice and clear, good carbonation. Great fruity flavour.
Very refreshing. Yum Yum.
Old ******* Vienna - I little too sweet for my liking but still well balanced. Lovely malt flavour. Great colour. One to
put on my to do list.
Jye's APA - Intense hop flavour. A little too over the top for my delicate taste buds. Still a very good beer none the less.
Starting to get a taste for APA's more and more now and this would surely be a hop heads drink af choice.
BConnery's Pale Ale - I think I will have to reserve judgement for now. Is cloudy like a wheat, smell's like a wheat, tastes
like a wheat. Are my taste buds playing up on me. Maybe the botlle was incorrectly labelled?
Acerola Pale - Slight cherry flavour and aroma. Not a big cherry fan but was a nice thirst quencher.
Frogman's APA - Not bad, but needed more hop flavour for me.


Can you please update the list at post 1. I think it's complete now.

1. Screwtop - Newcastle Brown Ale 1/1/2008
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen NOW
3. Bonj - Not Real Bright Ale, filled from keg, ready to consume now
4. NickB - AAA Ready in 2008 (probably by xmas in reality)
5. Browndog - Wolf Creek IPA NOW
6. Jye - APA ASAP (If you have a bottle with an 'N' it is the same beer I entered in the AABC)
7. BConnery - English Pale Ale Drink Now or soonish
8. Frogman - APA NOW
9. Steelbreese - (Mixed bag) - Mine is a mixed bag of...2, both of which are labelled and ready to drink.
10.Winkle - Acerola Pale NOW
11.Troy - Pimpin belgian wit NOW

12. (16) Matt O'B (Mobrien) - IPA 25/12/07 (renumbered due to lack of number... you forced our hand Matt tongue.gif )

14.Kiwi_Greg - Steinlager Clone Ready to drink
15.StillScottish - Scottish Strong Ale....Any time after Auld Year's Nicht.

17.Wrenny - Wrenny's Armadillo Blond Ale Drink from the 15th December.
18.Tyred - Porter 01/01/2008

22.Mothballs - Vienna ASAP
23.One scooter - B and D Lager NOW
24.WildaYeast - AG Dry Stout, OK to drink now, but better to wait until xmas
25.Zizzle - English Pale Ale drink now if you like a low carbonation eng. ale
26.DucatiBoy Stu - Red Ale 1/1/2008
Pimpin Belgium Wit - I have not been a Hoegarden fan, so I wasn't looking forward to this one. But what a surprise packet
Probably not quite to style, couldn't really get any wit flavours but very clean and the botlle is going
well quickly. Overall, I am enjoying this a lot. Is in my top five.

Sorry for the short reviews. I really should have taken notes during the drinking.

3 - Not Real Bright Ale

Nice refreshing drop. Almost a honey sweetness too it, but enough hops to bring back the balance a bit.

5 - Wolf Creek IPA,

More bitter than my ex missus after I shagged her little sister. That is one bitter beer. I suppose I'm not used to the style. I could detect a nice flavour, but the hops certainly dominated. Good beer. Certainly cleansed the pallet.
5 Wolf Creek IPA
Shared this around at the brew club Xmas party. Well received by all. Great colour and a fantastic American hop hit backed by a nice maltiness.

Jye's APA
A very drinkable beer. I don't know if it was age, or something else, but to me there was just a little staleness in the hop flavour coming through.
Great colour, clarity and everything, but just something stopping short of being the great APAs I normally get. Maybe sheer weight of expectation...
I believe Jye said those with an N were the batch that he submitted to the nationals in which case this beer was most certainly no longer the amazing beer I tasted at Ross's a month ago...
Still very drinkable and a nice flavour but fading.
BConnery's Pale Ale - I think I will have to reserve judgement for now. Is cloudy like a wheat, smell's like a wheat, tastes
like a wheat. Are my taste buds playing up on me. Maybe the botlle was incorrectly labelled?
Clarity is non existent with this beer. I've worked on the issue since but this beer will be cloudy :(
Flavour does sound a little odd, unless you've had a bottle infection.
The last ones I tasted did have the fruityish English hop flavour coming through so, and I don't want to sound mean, but I hope you did have an odd bottle, rather than the whole batch being out...
OK - time to start drinking these!

3 - I liked this one! A little undercarbonated for my liking, but then it was from a keg. I found it kinda funny - it certainly wasn't crystal clear, but after the octoberfest, begians, stouts and wheat beers I have been brewing lately, it made me remember how nice it is to have a "see through" (or almost!) beer. Its got me planning a few bright beers now! I like the hops, and it does have a sweetness that I wasn't expecting. Good job!

#22 - Vienna Lager

From the pour this is a sexy beer. Dark copper colour, nice bit of head (although it died quickly, again I know its a keg to bottle beer so expect it). The malty aroma is great, and from the first sip I know this is one I will look further into - certainly on my to brew list. This strikes me as the perfect autumn beer - getting ready for the stouts and octoberfests, but still refreshing enough for a hot afternoon. The malty backbone lingers well after the sip - I love this beer! Well done!

I have to ask - did you filter? The clarity/colour is superb. Makes me doubly want to brew some bright beers and setup that filter I bought in the initial bulk buy before Ross setup... yeah, its been sitting there that long unused!

3. Bonj - Not Real Bright Ale

Very clear beer. Standard pour generated an inch of head, which is slowly going down. I can't pick what the aroma is - some sort of fruit ?

Very nice taste. To my taste neither hops or malt are in the fore. No bitterness in the aftertaste as well. I'm assuming the same sort of 'fruity' flavour as the aroma. Appears to feel 'thin' ? after a few more mouthfuls. Very easy to drink. Perhaps too easy as the glass appears to have magically emptied itself.

Thanks for this.
23.One scooter - B and D Lager

I wasn't sure what to expect with this one... as previously stated im not a massive lager fan.
It poured hazy honey colored with a massive head (probably my pouring) that died back to a thin ring. Nice flavour, went really well with some spicy tacos!
Good job!
6 - Jye - APA (N bottle)

Very nice drop - really like the hop profile - well balanced and refreshing. Great colour and I like the passionfruit/citrus mix - Another one I'll be looking at the recipe of to... um... borrow.

As an aside, I read that a couple of people find this brew very "hoppy".... I shudder to think what they will make of my offering!

5. Browndog - Wolf Creek IPA

Deep golden colour. I got an inch of head which has settled down to be a little under a centimeter. Passionfruit aroma very evident. Perhaps something else as well but it's hard to pick from the passionfruit.

Strong passionfruit flavour as well. Doesn't seem too bitter to me. Malt undertones which are pretty well buried by the passionfruit. It doesn't seem to hold the bitterness afterwards either. My mouth feels pretty clear afterwards.

I don't think I've ever tried an IPA before. I didn't realize that they were so nice. Thanks for introducing me this style.
Apologies to case swap brewers: Took some swap beers to Gladstone for a weekend family get together (ever wanted to intro your cousins to REAL BEER). A lot of time was spent trying to explain what they should be experiencing with each style. The high side is that they all thought the beers were good. My apologies for tryin them out on family, but thanks also for the excellent beers. Tasting was a little difficult, but I'll try to provide pretty much the comments of the rellies.

6 - Jye - APA

All enjoyed this, really well balanced and slightly dry with good body. Nice hop arrangement Jye (would like the recipe) a bit like a toned down LCPA.

23.One scooter - B and D Lager

This is a little APA'ish with a lager profile, nice balance but a little lacking in body
6 - Jye APA

Absolutely loved this beer. Perfect bitterness for my tounge. Lovely balanced beer. And an awesome hit of hop flavour. A real pleasure to drink. Thanks Jye.
Hey Screwy and Wrenny,

Did you guys get a bottle with a 'N' on the lid? Im assuming not since you didnt mention it but just want to be sure so I know what you got. Ill chuck both recipes up tonight.
10.Winkle - Acerola Pale

Nice pink colour, not a fruity as i had expected but a nice aroma and flavour, had the inlaws over and the mother in law was quite partial to it!
I enjoyed this it was an intereting change!

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