Qld 2007 Xmas Swap - Case Consumption

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4. NickB - AAA

Light chocolate brown in colour. Perhaps hazy as well. Very little head. Faint aroma but I can't pick of what.

Nice hop bitterness up front. Malty flavour comes through after. It seems a little thin (?). The flavour is all there, but the body seems a little light. It's leaving nice lacing on the glass.

Another very nice beer. A pint glass doesn't last long enough. Thanks, NickB.
#17 Wrenny's Armadillo Blonde Ale

Lovely beer Wrenny. I would love to see a recipe if you wouldn't mind.
SWMBO likes this one too.
Just got out of a 2 day work conference where mega swill was the beer du jour. Slipped out early to enjoy the entire weekend with the fam and sample a beer from the Xmas case swap.

Troydos Pimpin Belgian Wit

Appearance- Pours a cloudy lemon yellow liquid that has a head that would make cumulous clouds look like marshmallows.

Aroma- is bone dry with lemony overtones and slight citrus organics coming through (I want more though)

Taste- tart with a refreshing zeal without to much bitterness.

Overall- A beer that was very refreshing and made me want to try and brew this style


Down to the last handful of caseswap beers now. Only 2 left.

#4 NickB - AAA

Initial aroma of granny smith apples. Possibly due to the temperature, but as it warmed, that subdued quite a bit, but is still present. Flavour is a little tart, but not uncomfortably so. Not the clearest, but I haven't had many terribly clear beers in the swap, which I put down to a combination of bottle conditioned beers and my pouring style, which isn't the most careful. The clearest seem to be the bottled from keg beers.

Carbonation is on the low side, but not too low. Certainly not the bottle bomb that I accused Nick of earlier (sorry!).

This is a tasty beer, Nick. Thanks for giving us the opportunity of tasting it.

I would have to disagree with Tyred about the mouthfeel. Body seems perfectly suited to an amber ale to me. Lacing is non-existent, however it isn't the first beer of the afternoon for this glass. Incidently, it follows up an LCPA quite nicely. Nicely balanced beer, that in my opinion would benefit from a slightly higher carbonation level, but lovely as it is.

Thanks again for a lovely beer.

edit: shocking spelling
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Have a keg of this waiting for me atm. Just have to move into the new place, set up a kegerator, source a Reg for my gas, and drink. Simple..... (Anyone in the Springfield area of Brisneyland need a "quality control supervisor"....ahem...)

I'm running really low atm, and it's pissing me off. At least I had a chance to drop into First Choice for a couple of pints to try.

Fullers ESB - Damn impressive beer and Deuchards IPA - Damn disappointing. Not really an IPA at all at only 4.4% and light as a Pilsener.....

OK, back on-topic everyone....c'mon, chop chop.... Sheesh!!!


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