Qld 2007 Xmas Swap - Case Consumption

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3. Bonj - Not Real Bright Ale

Ahh i was looking forward to this one.. mostly for those who don't know because my bright ale (same recipe) turned out like a glass of butterscotch with a 600kg batch of bittering hops..

Poured a little hazy, not as clear as i had expected, beautiful aroma (just like mine but less sweet)
Tasted well balanced if just a tad sweet for my tastes..

All in all it was GREAT! just how i wanted my brightale :D

The very interesting part for me was tasting it in comparison to my bright ale, all of the same flavors and smells were there mine just had the wrong percentage of flavors..

Thanks bonj not only was it tasty but a very interesting learning experience too!

Went great with a "red hot" vindaloo
6. Jye - APA

(no 'N' on bottle)

Small head but I did a gentle pour. It has gone to a ring of fine bubbles around the top. Wonderful hop smell - citrusy ? Looks a little hazy as well.

Hops (flavour) to the front on initial taste. Light bitterness afterwards but I only started to notice it after half a pint. I can't pick any malt flavours but they would be buried under the hops somewhere.

A very nice beer. I think my appreciation of hoppy beers is improving. Thanks for this one Jye.
5. Browndog - Wolf Creek IPA

WOW this is great! as i cracked the bottle i was instantly hit by passion fruit, Poured a beautiful deep amber colour with a large head that settled down to a small rim. i first tasted this cautiously expecting it to be extremely bitter but was happily surprised at the bitterness level. I really like this one, beautiful!
As someone else said, not a sessional, but one id love to have a few bottles of for those nights when i really want something special or something to shock the pants off a megaswiller

Thanks BD!
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen

Nice dark colour on the pour, massive head! nice flavor but as said previously missing the banana aroma.. i really liked it was tasty!

Thanks Chad!
23 - OneScooter- B + D Lager

A touch of yeast haze but poured a pretty clear burnished gold colour complete with a medium head and high levels of carbonation.
Decent NZ hop nose, full of passionfruit and apricot. Aroma is reflected in the flavour profile with fruit flavours alyered over a slightly sweet malty backbone, citrus flavour lingers right up to the lite bitter finish.
Oddly there seems to be a touch of lingering sweetness in the finish which is the only complain I'd have. Maybe mash a bit lower? Good beer anyway, thanks.
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen

Very dark brown in colour. Generated a large head when poured. Head appears to be lasting well. Clove aroma is muted.Something else in there as well. Slightly sweet - caramel ? Maybe just a touch of banana

Clove taste most noticeable. Chocolate and maybe a touch of roast in the taste as well. Very clean taste with no noticeable bitterness afterwards.

All up, very nice. I still miss the slight hint of banana that I'm used to with weizens, but that appears to be a limitation of the dry yeast. I like dunkelweizens very much and this had reminded me that I don't have any to have. Now that the bottle is empty doublely so.
A couple of updates from my tasting notes from the bar over the last couple of days...
24 Wildayeast Dry Stout
Great dark colour. Very little head that faded very quickly.
A little lacking in body for me. This could be that I like my stouts thick and roasty but I felt this was a little thin. It had reasonable roast flavours but not enough to back those up for mine.

3 Bonj Bright Ale
Lovely pale colour. Clarity was very good. Head faded quickly but was good. Nice hint of citrus aroma. Very nice citrus hop flavour. A balanced beer all round. At 5.6% this was a bloody dangerously drinkable beer!

11 Troy's Ho'Garden
Good pale colour. Not 'white' as is ideal but nice and light. Head faded very fast but the glass has had some use today testing the summer stocks :)
Clarity is good, with a slight haze, again, not quite to the ideal of the style but doesn't detract much to me.
Nice flavour with a hint of tartness. I would like to see a little more of that raw wheat 'bite' but it is a good stab at the style.
The belgian wheat listed, is that as in malted? If so, I would consider dropping that down a bit more, maybe even to half a kilo or below, in favour of more pilsner and raw wheat.
All in all a very tasty beer, and a decent stab at the style.
Certainly a great hot weather beer, I'm enjoying this one as I type...
Doing these a little from memory as I can't be arsed to go downstairs to the bar and get my notes...

8 Frogman's APA.
Another reason why Frogman is the K&K king (Best not to have made a TLA out of the statement :) )
Nice pale colour, good clarity. Good hop flavour throughout. This one was perhaps just a little lacking in body compared to previous efforts to me. Perhaps the hop schedule didn't hide this as well as other ones have, the July case swap one in particular which was one of the best kit beers I have tasted...
All in all though, a very drinkable APA.

23 B&D Lager, onescooter
Great carbonation, the beer wanted to, but didn't quite, climb out of the glass.
Good clarity, perhaps a slight haze but this could also have been it having shared a glass with a weizen beforehand, rinsed or not...
Nice malty flavour with a good bitterness to back it. A hint of malty sweetness to it that lingers a little but not by much.
22.Mothballs - Vienna

Light amber colour. Looks very clear. Small tight head which is holding at the moment. Smells divine. Malty aroma mingled with honey. I can't pick any hops up from smelling.

Nice and malty up front with a touch of honey almost hiding in there. Hops balance appears to be very good as it isn't sweet.

Another very nice beer. Easy to drink and enjoy. Thanks for this one, Mothballs.
8 - Frogman - Sterling APA

Poured a nice hazy gold with a smallish diminishing head. Grapefruit and passionfruit nose, the fruit salad theme continues through-out the flavour department with enough malt stickiness to keep it interesting - ends with a slightly sweet fruity finish.
Head retention is the only problem I could mention. Just keep doing what you are doing - stay away from AG mate we don't need extra competition :p

BTW I 'm reviewing the beers the way I'd be doing it on ratebeer without posting up the scoring- if anyone doesn't want that type of feedback please PM me. :)
23.One scooter - B and D Lager

From a gentle pour I got over an inch of white head. A little hazy to look through. Slight citrusy/passionfruity aroma. Head appears to be holding well.

Bitterness is there but not overpowering. Light malt flavour but it is pretty much overpowered by the hops. Carbonation appears to be quite high. Head has sunk down to about a centimeter and is quite tight. It doesn't appear to have any lingering bitterness either.

Another very nice, easy drinking beer. Thanks for this one.
14 - Kiwi Greg - Steinlager clone

Absolutely huge rocky head, bright clear gold colour and very active carbonation. Aroma seems rather light on - grassy hops and a touch of malt. Flavour was good - smooth sweet malt with hop notes. Good clean finish as well, over carbonated for sure and lacking in aroma but very enjoyable to drink with a very hot pie. :) A surprise packet.

7 - Bconnery - EPA

Yeast causing the haze Ben? Vigerous pour produced a small, quickly diminishing head. Aroma was lightly earthy. Flavour was earthy again (earthy hops ie fuggles), with butter, malt and a faint hint of cider. Finish ends with a pleasing maltiness. Quite enjoyable just seems to lack some "sparkle".
7 - Bconnery - EPA

Yeast causing the haze Ben? Vigerous pour produced a small, quickly diminishing head. Aroma was lightly earthy. Flavour was earthy again (earthy hops ie fuggles), with butter, malt and a faint hint of cider. Finish ends with a pleasing maltiness. Quite enjoyable just seems to lack some "sparkle".

Poor method causing the haze. I had been fiddling a little with technique and produced some hazy beers due to lack of finings and proper whirlpooling or any filtering. Yeast will be a factor.

I would pretty much agree totally with the last comment, which is a little dissapointing...

The good news for me, but not those tasting that beer, is that I have resolved the issues and now have beers clearer than I ever have before...
Poor method causing the haze. I had been fiddling a little with technique and produced some hazy beers due to lack of finings and proper whirlpooling or any filtering. Yeast will be a factor.

I would pretty much agree totally with the last comment, which is a little dissapointing...

The good news for me, but not those tasting that beer, is that I have resolved the issues and now have beers clearer than I ever have before...

Good to hear mate, you should give the recipe another go, I reckon it'll turn out a goodun.
Good to hear mate, you should give the recipe another go, I reckon it'll turn out a goodun.
I'll do something similar. I won't bitter with the same hop as it was mainly as I was short on others.
The Northdown/goldings combination is still a possibility though...
The good news for me, but not those tasting that beer, is that I have resolved the issues and now have beers clearer than I ever have before...

What turn out to be the problem?
What turn out to be the problem?

Technique. I had decided that the finings weren't working, so I dropped them, but didn't compensate with other methods.
Now I am kettle fining, with a proper wait after the whirlpooling, chilling prior to transfer to drop the yeast and using gelatine.
I was also worried about the amounts I was leaving in the kettle with the trub, so I was sometimes bringing some of it across, and then not properly getting rid of it later, but I have gotten to know my system better now, so I know pretty much how much to put in to leave behind the trub and still have enough for the fermenter...
My three brew weekend really let me get to know my system, and has produced three top notch beers, so it has been a resounding success on all levels...
It was just too late for the swap...
7 - Bconnery - EPA

as said hazy colour, nice subtle flavours, nothing too over the top, not sure what the back ground flavour/body is.. but i like it makes it feel substantial..

i quite like this one, was the perfect come home and relax after work beer!

Ned called last night & he's got his beers just in time for Christmas...one very happy camper :icon_chickcheers:
He's got very limited internet access, so asked me to pass on his thanks.

Hope you enjoy Ned...

cheers Ross

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