Qld 2007 Xmas Swap - Case Consumption

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Chad - Dunkelweizen

Appearance - Great dark brown colour. A slow double pour produces a large, dense meringue head that lasts for ever.

Aroma - Very much clove which is what Ive come to expect from wb06, missing the banana to balance it out. Some caramel/crystal from the darker grains.

Mouth feel - The high carbonation detracts slightly but once warmed up this dissipates. Soft mouth feel that dies away to finish clean.

Flavour - Clove dominated with some banana and caramel coming through. Grainy finish from the wheat and a lingering hop presence from the tettnang, a bit to much for style. Nice low level bitterness which allows the wheat to come through.

Overall - Missing the banana factor which appear to be a problem with wb06 and remove the late hop addition or greatly reduce it. Overall an easy drink flavorsome beer.

Chad - Dunkelweizen

Appearance - Great dark brown colour. A slow double pour produces a large, dense meringue head that lasts for ever.

Aroma - Very much clove which is what Ive come to expect from wb06, missing the banana to balance it out. Some caramel/crystal from the darker grains.

Mouth feel - The high carbonation detracts slightly but once warmed up this dissipates. Soft mouth feel that dies away to finish clean.

Flavour - Clove dominated with some banana and caramel coming through. Grainy finish from the wheat and a lingering hop presence from the tettnang, a bit to much for style. Nice low level bitterness which allows the wheat to come through.

Overall - Missing the banana factor which appear to be a problem with wb06 and remove the late hop addition or greatly reduce it. Overall an easy drink flavorsome beer.

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I was about to review this beer and found that Jye had said pretty much what I wanted to say.
Definitely let this beer warm up a little. Colder it had almost an astrigency for mine. But the second half that was all gone.
It definitely needs some more banana for me, but perhaps that is just what I like about this style normally, the mingling of those classic hefe flavours with a dark grain background...
Numa 3 - Bonj - Not Real Bright Ale

Presents well Bonj, a clear pale straw displaying a medium tight head and light carbonation as expected with a bottled-from-keg beer. A quite enticing tropical fruit aroma - very nice in fact. Slight sprtiz on the tounge, flavour is lychee/apricot/passionfruit but throttled back compaired to the aroma. Palate is slightly watery and the finish is lightly bitter with fruit. This would be a good sessional mate. Feel free to drop around with a few more ;)

edit spelking
2 - Chad - Dunkleweizen

From Bottle to jug to Holsten glass.
Pours a deep mahogany with a slightly off-white head. Aroma - cloves, lite vanilla, chocolate and (presumably) tettnanger hops.
Allowed to warm slightly...
Tart wheat notes with tett hops up front followed by cloves, chocolate, wheat and vanilla as it warms. Pity about the hop notes upfront as they distract from a good beer that lurkes behind. Much better than the bottle of red that followed :(
23 Mothballs ******* Vienna Lager
Fantastic light amber with brilliant clarity. A great beer to look at in the glass.
Carbonation level very good. Head faded quickly.

Malty sweetness but backed by good enough level of bittering.

Having read the recipe the only thing I'd say is I'd love to taste this beer done with a super clean lager yeast but mainly because I've read the recipe. It stands on its own that's for sure.

I've been thinking about making one of this style for a long time and this one would certainly be a good start!
11.Troy - Ho Garden Wit.


Malt: low to style

Hops: Very low to style

Other: No spice, citrus or corriander detected


Colour: To style, nice pale colour

Clarity: To style, light cloudiness

Head: Good white fine head, low for style, did not hold


Balance: Good Balance, lacking in spice, corriander and citrus.

Mouth Feel

Body: A little light for style

Carbonation: Reasonable


Troy, this was a cracker of a beer for a novice. A great drinking beer, difficult style to nail, well done.

5. Browndog - Wolf Creek IPA


Malt: Good malt but difficult to discern due to hop aroma

Hops: American style to the fore, citrus and passionfruit, big aroma hops,


Colour: To style, dark amber

Clarity: Crystal clear, perfect clarity.

Head: Low to medium, faded, low for style.


Malt: Good malt balance, just a little cloying.

Hops: On the high side of the style, tending toward American IPA

Mouth Feel

Body: To Style, maybe a touch high

Carbonation: Reasonable


What a great beer, not a sessional, certainly not it's intended use. Tony you are responsible for raising my wife's appreciation and tollerance for hops. She likes this beer, in the same way as the Magnum Pale Ale last year, pretty brave of her to front up for a second. She now asks for JS IPA at the liquor store, fantastic.
Thanks screwy, I feel the same way about it... a nice quaffer, but not what i was aiming for... was only 20gm of orange and 20gms of corriander so i will bump that up next time..

as for head retention i just don't know how to make it keep a head all my beers seem low head...
This is my first beer review so im not sure how to do it so im just writing what i thought..

Jye - APA

The aroma was fantastic! that hit me straight away, (my hop knowledge is still low so if you could tell me what hop or hops that was that would be great!)
The head poured large(probably due to my pouring) but settled down to a fine white line, carbonation was how i like it, not too high not too low
Tasted really nice, not quite as bitter as i expected, but really nice.. I was a little disappointed when the bottle was empty
1. Screwtop - Newcastle Brown Ale 1/1/2008
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen NOW
3. Bonj - Not Real Bright Ale, filled from keg, ready to consume now
4. NickB - AAA Ready in 2008 (probably by xmas in reality)
5. Browndog - Wolf Creek IPA NOW
6. Jye - APA ASAP (If you have a bottle with an 'N' it is the same beer I entered in the AABC)
7. BConnery - English Pale Ale Drink Now or soonish
8. Frogman - APA NOW
9. Steelbreese - (Mixed bag)
10.Winkle - Acerola Pale NOW
11.Troy - Pimpin belgian wit NOW
12. (16) Matt O'B (Mobrien) - IPA 25/12/07 (renumbered due to lack of number... you forced our hand Matt tongue.gif )

14.Kiwi_Greg - Steinlager Clone Ready to drink
15.StillScottish - Scottish Strong Ale, along the lines of Old Jock Ale

17.Wrenny - Wrenny's Armadillo Blond Ale Drink from the 15th December.
18.Tyred - Porter

22.Mothballs - Vienna ASAP
23.One scooter - B and D Lager NOW
24.WildaYeast - AG Dry Stout
25.Zizzle - English Pale Ale drink now if you like a low carbonation eng. ale
26.DucatiBoy Stu - Red Ale 1/1/2008
1. Screwtop - Newcastle Brown Ale 1/1/2008
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen NOW
3. Bonj - Not Real Bright Ale, filled from keg, ready to consume now
4. NickB - AAA Ready in 2008 (probably by xmas in reality)
5. Browndog - Wolf Creek IPA NOW
6. Jye - APA ASAP (If you have a bottle with an 'N' it is the same beer I entered in the AABC)
7. BConnery - English Pale Ale Drink Now or soonish
8. Frogman - APA NOW
9. Steelbreese - (Mixed bag)
10.Winkle - Acerola Pale NOW
11.Troy - Pimpin belgian wit NOW
12. (16) Matt O'B (Mobrien) - IPA 25/12/07 (renumbered due to lack of number... you forced our hand Matt tongue.gif )

14.Kiwi_Greg - Steinlager Clone Ready to drink
15.StillScottish - Scottish Strong Ale....Any time after Auld Year's Nicht.
17.Wrenny - Wrenny's Armadillo Blond Ale Drink from the 15th December.
18.Tyred - Porter

22.Mothballs - Vienna ASAP
23.One scooter - B and D Lager NOW
24.WildaYeast - AG Dry Stout
25.Zizzle - English Pale Ale drink now if you like a low carbonation eng. ale
26.DucatiBoy Stu - Red Ale 1/1/2008
22 - Mothballs - ******* Vienna

I'm starting to expect good things from Mothballs, this one poured a brilliant deep copper colour with a smallish vanishing tightly packed head and good lasting carbonation.
Slight honeyed malt aroma that wraps into the flavour - sweet malt with honeyed notes, slightly sticky mouthfeel and a pretty quick clean finish. Nice beer, another one to add to the to-do list.

6 - Jye - APA

Poured a hazy gold colour with a medium rocky head exibiting some lacing. The big passionfruit/lychee and citrus nose is very enticing leading you to a good passionfruit dominated flavour with a lingering bitter finish. I may have picked up a slightly soured note in the finish - but that could equally be my jaded palate suffering from a big week. A good beer anyway - I wouldn't be in a hurry to change much here mate, cheers!
22. Mothballs - ******* Vienna

Malt: Good to style

Hops: Low

Appearance: Poured well and nice head which dissapeared quickly

Colour: Mid to dark copper

Clarity: Good

Head: Good white head, did not hold

Flavour: Malt to the fore, slight honey note

Balance: Malty reasonable balance

Mouth Feel: High carbonation, low/med body

Body: A little light

Carbonation: Good

Overall: Malty and slightly cloying.
22. Mothballs - ******* Vienna

Well ive never had a Vienna before, and as a general rule im an ale man not a lager they are a little "bland" for me... HOWEVER... this was beautiful, nice malty flavor I am super impressed! SWMBO liked it too!

Note to self, tomorrow at work research Vienna lager!

I love the case swap!
11 - Troydo - Ho'Garden

Natural winner of the label comp cause he had TITS on the front, there in ends the lesson for the rest of us.
Presents well - hazy, burnished gold with a tightly packed medium-sized head. Wheaty aroma with no noticable spice. Flavour is pleasantly wheaty, but not spritzy and only faintly detectably corriander & citrus followed by a dry finish. Quite refreshing, but I'd prefered more of the botanicals (- where the seeds crushed?) and I'm thinking that the oats level might have masked a otherwise tarter wheat presence (again my preference). After saying all that it was bloody good on a hot afternoon. Really does need the sediment excited.
Hi all,

Edited list below for mine (#24). Had one the other day. Carbonation seems a bit low and no head -- which is a problem that's been plaguing me. I left it a bit long in the fermenter, so maybe give the yeast another week or two to finish up the bottle conditioning. This is the third stout I've brewed, tweaking the recipie each time. This was a 70:20:10, maris otter, flaked barley, roasted barley. Others were 80:10:10. Interested to hear what folks think. This has a bit more body than the last two -- which I like -- but I think the extra flaked barley took it closer to an Old, whereas before it was closer to guiness to my mouth. Not so happy about that. Might try 75:15:10 next time around...

Cheers, Brian

1. Screwtop - Newcastle Brown Ale 1/1/2008
2. Chad - Dunkelweizen NOW
3. Bonj - Not Real Bright Ale, filled from keg, ready to consume now
4. NickB - AAA Ready in 2008 (probably by xmas in reality)
5. Browndog - Wolf Creek IPA NOW
6. Jye - APA ASAP (If you have a bottle with an 'N' it is the same beer I entered in the AABC)
7. BConnery - English Pale Ale Drink Now or soonish
8. Frogman - APA NOW
9. Steelbreese - (Mixed bag)
10.Winkle - Acerola Pale NOW
11.Troy - Pimpin belgian wit NOW
12. (16) Matt O'B (Mobrien) - IPA 25/12/07 (renumbered due to lack of number... you forced our hand Matt tongue.gif )

14.Kiwi_Greg - Steinlager Clone Ready to drink
15.StillScottish - Scottish Strong Ale....Any time after Auld Year's Nicht.
17.Wrenny - Wrenny's Armadillo Blond Ale Drink from the 15th December.
18.Tyred - Porter

22.Mothballs - Vienna ASAP
23.One scooter - B and D Lager NOW
24.WildaYeast - AG Dry Stout, OK to drink now, but better to wait until xmas
25.Zizzle - English Pale Ale drink now if you like a low carbonation eng. ale
26.DucatiBoy Stu - Red Ale 1/1/2008
10.Winkle - Acerola Pale

Light pink tinge to colour of beer. Slight aroma that vaguely reminds me of raspberries (well at least of the raspberry mead I made a while ago). Small head that has dissipated leave a ring around top of glass.

Carbonation appears to be medium and there is a tartness to the initial taste. There's a slight cherry taste and perhaps a little bitterness (that may be the tartness). It appears to be very well balanced, and I cannot find any malt sweetness in it.

Interestingly, I'm finding it rather refreshing even tho it's 30 degrees Celsius. I might go and finish the rest of this on the veranda.

All up very nice beer and very refreshing. Thanks for this one.
Mine is a mixed bag of...2, both of which are labelled and ready to drink.

You either received an ale based on the Coopers Vintage Ale - its a bit stronger than I intended but it is the first beer I've ever made.

Or you received a beer based on the Mexican Dos Equis (xx) - it has a strong chocolate flavour but grew on me after a few sips

Enjoy everyone that received one or the other - I'm sure going to enjoy trying yours...

From my own experimentation and the reviews appearing here, You'd want to drink the Acerola Pale PDQ as sencondary fermentation is scrubbing out most of the flavour - I'll keg condition next time ;)

5 - Browndog - Wolf Creek
Cracked this at my sons 18th birthday party and share it with Megaswill drinkers.
"OMG my tastebuds are Farked" seemed to be the normal reaction.
I loved it - Totally OTT and wonderful (sorry can't give it a decent review but I was/am FU)
No reviews or anything from me, but a +1 for Mothballs ******* Vienna. Top beer mate!

#11 Troy's garden of skanky ho's.

Lovely. I must have more delicate tastebuds than those above because I picked the coriander and the bitter orange. You probably could get away with more, and I guess it depends on those drinking it, but this is very nice Troy. (much better than your bright... dunno what you did to that :/ )

Cheers :icon_chickcheers:

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