Perth Brewday @ The Junctyard

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Which day suits you best?

  • Saturday the 3rd of March

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sunday the 4th of March (Monday is a public holiday)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hey PP,

i was going to offer to pick you up...

Many thanks Rob,

I'm a fair way out of your way so couldn't get you to do that. If no one else bites, I will bribe my nephew, who's just got his licence, with beer to get me (and anyone else) there etc.

I won't know either until Saturday whether I'll bring a keg as I had an under-supply of hoses on Friday's brew so developed a chilling problem. An over-supply of beer on Sunday caused a drinking problem - my longest brew day ever :rolleyes: so God knows what these beers will taste like. Also had to use T58 on the first and I don't like the taste so far of this one at all. Second one seems fine. Fingers crossed.

Thanks again Rob and look forward to seeing you Sunday :beer:
Hey PP,
If you are on the train at fremantle at 11.10AM, you'll be at Vic Park at 11.53AM and the ten minute walk will do you good.

Hey Pat,

Trains are good. :beerbang:
One of these + octopus straps + shanks pony will get you to your destination no probs. If anyone accosts you just start talking. they'll soon p*ss off. :p

If you're paying for the cab can you collect me?
Have a good one.

If anyone accosts you just start talking. they'll soon p*ss off. :p

Oh Pete! I think you, Ned and InCider dropping in here gives the Perth guys a good idea of why the Qld Brew Day threads are ten times longer than the Perth ones :rolleyes: Anyway, I'll pick you up on Thursday. Write that down and don't keep me waiting :angry:
So who needs a lift? I've convinced SWMBO to provide vehicular assistance one way, and am hoping somebody else will come to the party.

Goat? ausdb? GL?
Thanks Barfy - I'm up for a lift one way.

Can probably arrange a lift the other way, but with the white noise generator, there's probably only room for two others in the car. If that counts me out of the loop that's cool - I'll wait at the back of the line on this one...
I think I am doing a solo arrival and departure since with the wheelie keg plus Mrs GL driving I cant get anyone else in the car, and I have to leave at a reasonable hour in a reasonable state to go to Little Britain that night, so I wont be doing the carpool from Bayswater thing this time.
Chillamacgilla you live in Lesmurdie don't ya?
Interested in car pooling?
I can get the misses to drop us off and we might be able to share a taxi back up the hill.
Let us know,
I was all in a tizz and convinced the brewday was tomorrow (Saturday, cos it's always a Saturday, right GL?). I missed the last brewday Vlad held due to me being an idiot and forgetting it's always on a Saturday.

So I planned accordingly, and had a large argument with the wife. But now I realise it's Sunday, and did I mention I was an idiot?

I think I need to go and do some kissing and making up. So this means if you would like a lift there it can be arranged, if you don't mind sharing a car with an idiot.
Looks like I'm tied up 'til fourish when I put my sister back on the plane to Bulgaria. With a bit of luck I may be able to detour on the way home and scrounge a quick sup from the tree of knowledge.
Whoooo up there TonyM , did you mention SISTER ??

Forget the airport take her to the brewday..

Pat is on the look out for someones / anyones Sister..
Well said Bunyip! (Obviously you did start tasting those beers at 9am like you said you would ;))

Been flat out trying to find myself an understanding wife before tomorrow. In a last desperate attempt tonight I went to Doogie's who was mashing in at 7pm - my goodness! Sure he had beer on tap and an exquisite HERMS system. But, I really went, just in case, he'd seen your post and had done the right thing and invited his sisters over. I got there to find - what? NO sisters. Just the beer on tap, exquisite HERMS brewery and great company. Lucky I stopped on the way there because I think I met my future wife - oh yum!

Thanks for a great evening and company Doogie. Bloody good of you and I'll fill my fridge asap to return the favour.

Well at least someone's sister came through - mine. She'll be driving us to your place Asher with a keg or so about 1pm. Look forward to seeing you then.

Thanks Asher for a wonderful brew day. It was really interesting to finally go to a brew day where there aren't mash tuns leaping to their death or pieces of the brewery still be fabricated as the brew is boiling. In fact it was so relaxed that it became more of a beers on the lawn event.

The number and quality of portable keg setups continues to expand. I'm going to have to build my own or risk being left behind in the tide. Unfortunately I spent a bit more time drinking beer and admiring the brew system than taking photo's this time round, so no pics sorry.

I arrived a bit later in the piece (though not as late as least I think it was Pat and not Tidal Pete ? :huh: ) so the specifics of the system weren't clearly explained to me.
From what I could figure out, you think hard about the kinda beer you want to produce, walk up to the control cabinet, and after flicking a couple of switches the system some how reads your mind and works out what beer you want to make.

And then, this lovely bit of scuplture fire's up by itself and makes beer for you !

And I mean fires up by itselft, couple of people got a nasty suprise when they leaned in for a closer look and the burners self ignited.

And the next Photo shows Asher at about the busiest I saw him all day.

The Beer tree proved to be very popular also.

Thanks again Asher, see you at the next one ! :party:
Very well done Asher and Lou, easily wins the most relaxed brewday award. Some great beers brought along, along with some great hand crafted sausages. That beer tree is amazing, even now that I have seen it up close, I still don't know how it works.
yep the beer tree was a hit. the beer seemed so much fresher, must be something to do with the way it's plumbed in..... :unsure:

as for the brew, the setup is fantastic, i was particularly impressed with the 100L fermenter and the way everything was done with minimal effort - it's a very well planned setup asher!

the beers were great even though i only dragged some coopers pale along (it was short notice) i tried each of the beers on tap, being the nelson sauvin summer ale, juniper blonde (favourite), APA and forbidden fruit.

all in all, very mellow day, even though i was only there for an hour or so, it resembled more of a sunday session than a frantic brewday. i think we all learned how much easier things are when you have the proper gear :D
The old, "Where's your wheelie bin?" joke is never going to be the same ;)

Thanks for a top day/night Mr and Mrs Asher! Brilliant backyard, brewery :blink: , beer and food. Some powerful beverages there as well (all delicious) which created some challenges...

(This was the only photo I could find that made sense in my camera. The ones I took in the taxi on the way home are particularly frightening :huh: )

The palm tree tap had me stumped! Been wondering for ages how the hell that could possibly work. What a top idea! And Guest's wheelie bin - how good is that? Pretty sure he must have dreamed that up after having several Forbidden Fruits.

Also great to meet yet more of the Perth brewers and I'm certainly looking forward to putting down some brews with you.

Many thanks again,

P.S. Ned: Not even one brewer brought their sister :angry:
Here's Cheers to the Gold Standard in Homebrewing,
revoltingly sophisticated and casually efficient.

That Juniper Blonde was a revelation!
Well done Ahser & Lou great day. Good to finally see the system even if it has been going a couple of years now it still looks nice and shiny! Very nice indeed and the beers were all great.

Look forward to the next one when I am back in town.
Cheers to both Asher and Lou for a great brewday!

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