Perth Brewday @ The Junctyard

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Which day suits you best?

  • Saturday the 3rd of March

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sunday the 4th of March (Monday is a public holiday)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sunday is looking the best for me as we have a wedding on the Saturday (not mine!) The new wheely esky might even make it's maiden appearance at a brewday as well. (note to self brew some beer quickly!!)
House full of Rellies that weekend as son James is getting married the folowing weekend. If I can sneak away at all, it will be only for a couple of hours (famous last words!)

Comeon Tony, the beer wont taste the same without a hint of pipe smoke, and who will do the chicken wings? When you get back, you can tell the rellies you found a mystical tree that pours beer!
Excellent Asher. Either day is fine for me.

I hope you are going to be filling that conical :p
Brewday @ The Junctyard

Poll closed - Looks like Sunday the 4th of March is the winner.

Attendees: Just post in this thread if you'd like to be added - (mainly for catering purposes)

Partners and family are also more than welcome to drop in.

Guest Lurker
Pbrosnan (maybe depending on traffic)
Vlad The Pale Aler (not sure about Sunday?)
Tipsy_McStagger (Barfridge - don't forget the usual initiation equipment)
Recharge (maybe depending on airtrafic)
Simon W
Tony M (maybe depending on rellies)
Ausdb (probably hungover)

The Plan:
I'll be brewing something simple like a Northern German Pilsner - A single infusion mash with a mash out using the HERMS. Weyermann Bohemian Pills malt probably with a little flaked maize. Saaz B & Halertau for hopping. Recipe available on the day.

Doughing in at 12:00 - You are welcome anytime from 11:00 onwards. I'll be tinkering round the brewery from then crushing grain, heating water and polishing the beer tree brasserie etc.
This should see 50 or so litres of Pilsner in the fermenter by 4:00 if all goes well. probably more like 5:00 though.

I'll have my chest freezer at chilling temps for some beer storage.
A couple of beers on tap too.

Lunch - This will be the usual sausage -fest and happen sometime in the early arvo.

What you need to bring:
Your favourite Beer Snack
A favourite glass if you have it - I have a couple of dozen beer glasses. I just wouldn't want anyone to have to drink out of plastic cups if I run out...
Some beer for sampling. Craftbrewed or otherwise.... For people new to brewdays. Beers on tap are pretty well considered public domain. So feel free to help yourself to anyone's (may be polite to introduce yourself fist though). There is also usually a good supply of bottles emerging from peoples eskys. So by no means think you have to drink only what you came with. Share it around...

What I need you to bring:
Can a couple of people please bring some jugs for decanting bottles into. I only have 1... and its plastic

Brewday @ The Junctyard

Tipsy_McStagger (Barfridge - don't forget the usual initiation equipment)

Sounds great Asher, I'll be there.

Actually Barfridge, I think the electric intrusive tickler got left at my place after a brew day, so I will bring it along, and a connection to run it off the 12 V power supply on my wheelie keg.
Looking good Asher. As it turns out SWMBO sprung the "Remember we have my cousins engagement party on the 3rd of March" routine. Fortunatley for me(& the cousin in laws :D ) the brewday is Sunday.

As discussed with the brewday host at the Moon n 6p last Friday, I will crank out a couple of kilos of bratwurst for the day.

GL & Barfridge - I think we should push the envelope for this brewday initiation. What do ya reckon we rig up a couple of car batteries and see how the electric intrusive tickler performs with a 24V power supply?
Just give it a quick rinse before you bring it GL ...
Can PistolPatch come? He is sad that because he is not able to be a member of the The Brewerhood due to his big ride in the van. I accept full responsibilty for his actions. :blink:


InCider. :D
InCider: no problems, but I reserve the right to use the ball gag I'll be bringing along.
As discussed with the brewday host at the Moon n 6p last Friday, I will crank out a couple of kilos of bratwurst for the day.
Chilla, I'm up for some more sausagemaking tips if you need a helper.

GL & Barfridge - I think we should push the envelope for this brewday initiation. What do ya reckon we rig up a couple of car batteries and see how the electric intrusive tickler performs with a 24V power supply?
I'll remember to throw a set of jumper leads into the wheely esky, maybe we can commandeer the batteries from everyones cars in the interests of safety and stopping any errant drink drivers :ph34r:

Asher the Pretzel war is on, I will endeavor to crank out a batch hangover or no hangover!!
InCider: no problems, but I reserve the right to use the ball gag I'll be bringing along.

No worrries Barfridge. You have my full cooperation on this matter. 2" diameter is the preferred size. :p
Think it may be a good thing I'm maybe not coming to this one :unsure:

Though apparently the missus is working that weekend which may hinder the trip South...that being the case, I may be dropping in... Keep a couple of snags left over just in case :party:
Asher said:
What I need you to bring:
Can a couple of people please bring some jugs for decanting bottles into. I only have 1... and its plastic

I have some vintage glass jugs that my granddad must have stumbled home with over the years. Will three be enough?

Sounds Great!

But I can't make it. We're headed down to the Ranch to round up the steers for market.

If you notice that that beef steak tastes especially nice from April onward, it could be one of our boys! :D

Beer and Steer,

Brewday @ The Junctyard

Poll closed - Looks like Sunday the 4th of March is the winner.

Attendees: Just post in this thread if you'd like to be added - (mainly for catering purposes)

Partners and family are also more than welcome to drop in.

Guest Lurker
Pbrosnan (maybe depending on traffic)
Vlad The Pale Aler (not sure about Sunday?)
Tipsy_McStagger (Barfridge - don't forget the usual initiation equipment)
Recharge (maybe depending on airtrafic)
Simon W
Tony M (maybe depending on rellies)
Ausdb (probably hungover)
RandyRob (so close i'm going to pump the tyres on the pushy and ride! yeehaa :)

The Plan:
I'll be brewing something simple like a Northern German Pilsner - A single infusion mash with a mash out using the HERMS. Weyermann Bohemian Pills malt probably with a little flaked maize. Saaz B & Halertau for hopping. Recipe available on the day.

Doughing in at 12:00 - You are welcome anytime from 11:00 onwards. I'll be tinkering round the brewery from then crushing grain, heating water and polishing the beer tree brasserie etc.
This should see 50 or so litres of Pilsner in the fermenter by 4:00 if all goes well. probably more like 5:00 though.

I'll have my chest freezer at chilling temps for some beer storage.
A couple of beers on tap too.

Lunch - This will be the usual sausage -fest and happen sometime in the early arvo.

What you need to bring:
Your favourite Beer Snack
A favourite glass if you have it - I have a couple of dozen beer glasses. I just wouldn't want anyone to have to drink out of plastic cups if I run out...
Some beer for sampling. Craftbrewed or otherwise.... For people new to brewdays. Beers on tap are pretty well considered public domain. So feel free to help yourself to anyone's (may be polite to introduce yourself fist though). There is also usually a good supply of bottles emerging from peoples eskys. So by no means think you have to drink only what you came with. Share it around...

What I need you to bring:
Can a couple of people please bring some jugs for decanting bottles into. I only have 1... and its plastic

I am home and not working that weekend so count me in.



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