Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007 - Consumption

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I had Forkboy's beer tonight and was lucky enough to score his IPA.

I was going by the list and was expecting a porter, but when I cracked it and poured it, I was very surprised to see a nice reddish coloured beer. I checked the lid and saw that IPA was wriiten on it.

Anyway, it was a very nice beer, I really enjoyed it, thanks Forkboy.


KABOOBY'S VIENNA - Well, this one poured actually a fair bit lighter than I was expecting, at gold to amber, with a lovely dense white head, that departed very quickly, thanks to my not so clean glassware. The aroma was also a little bit of a surprise, slight caramel, and some fruitiness, maybe from hops? Smells like Hallertauer, but I am often wrong on these sorts of calls! :blink: The aroma is very clean, though, as is the flavour. Nice taste, with a moderate malt presence, slightly caramel like, firm enough bitterness to keep it balanced towards the hops. The fruitiness comes through in the taste too, and it is not unpleasant. The body is med-low, and medium carbonation. Very easy to drink, and just the kind of thing that I was looking for to sit down with (one of those days...) Nice and clear aswell.
Not quite as malty complex and dark as I was expecting out of it, but very enjoyable none the less, so thanks for sharing.
All the best
Tried a couple of nice ones yesterday,

Someone's complimentary Kolsch? Who's was this? Sorry, I forgot!
This was a really nice drink. Have only had a few of these before, so these are on the wish list now. Very light and easy to drink. Had a spicy tone to it as well.

That one was mine - cheers. It's pretty good in the bottle at the moment - was a bit green for about the first 4 weeks in the bottle, since going AG i've been used to drinking beers at 2 weeks after bottling.
That one was mine - cheers. It's pretty good in the bottle at the moment - was a bit green for about the first 4 weeks in the bottle, since going AG i've been used to drinking beers at 2 weeks after bottling.
THanks for that. It was beautiful. What was the other stubbie you brought? It's unlabelled.
Poured nice and black into the glass, with a nice thick off white head that promptly retreated in horror at my dirty glass (I just have to clean it). Actually, it took a while to dissipate, but it was definietely afraid of my glass :eek: Quite a roasty aroma, with some coffee/choc notes, and no hop aroma that I could smell.
Medium sweet in the mouth, quite a full body, and plenty of roasty flavours, though they are fairly "silky" for want of a better word, probably because of the oatmeal lending a hand. Bitterness is medium high, and the balance is fairly even, though the bitterness lingers longer than the malt.
It was drunk at garage ambient temp (as all good stouts should be in winter), and was thoroughly enjoyable. If I had to try and improve it, I would probably lower the bitterness a touch, so it was balanced more towards the malt, and add a little more oats, so they can put forth a touch more flavour, but I really enjoyed this one, so thanks very much for sharing.
All the best
KABOOBY'S VIENNA - Well, this one poured actually a fair bit lighter than I was expecting, at gold to amber, with a lovely dense white head, that departed very quickly, thanks to my not so clean glassware. The aroma was also a little bit of a surprise, slight caramel, and some fruitiness, maybe from hops? Smells like Hallertauer, but I am often wrong on these sorts of calls! :blink: The aroma is very clean, though, as is the flavour. Nice taste, with a moderate malt presence, slightly caramel like, firm enough bitterness to keep it balanced towards the hops. The fruitiness comes through in the taste too, and it is not unpleasant. The body is med-low, and medium carbonation. Very easy to drink, and just the kind of thing that I was looking for to sit down with (one of those days...) Nice and clear aswell.
Not quite as malty complex and dark as I was expecting out of it, but very enjoyable none the less, so thanks for sharing.
All the best

Well done Trent, Hallertauer it is.

I had one last week and the carbonation was still a bit low. Looks like yours was OK.

As this is the first lager I have bottled after cold conditioning (usually keg) I was worried that there would not be enough yeast left in the beer for the carbonation to take place.

Anyway glad you enjoyed it

Kabooby :)
Hello all.

Let me apologise for my beer in the xmas in July case (the one with DK-HP on the cap) I tried it on the weekend and let me just say that... well it is beer of some sort... :(
I can taste far too much alcohol for a pilsner, it is a little over carbed and is cloudy. The honey does come through at the end though so all is not totally lost!
Give it a go and take it easy one me.
If you will have me back for the end of year case swap, rest assured the beer will be better!

Now for my reviews -

7. shonky's - IPA
Shonky, sorry I think I might have got a bad bottle. It had a mega weird taste to it, really metallic.

20. Gulpa's - American Amber
Top drop this one, really enjoyed it. Great colour, nice white head that lasted and lasted. What hops did you use, Amarillo?

feedback to date:

Trents dry stout
i found this to be low on carbonation with a weak head. Yes it was dry on the finish, but not as dry as 1 we tested as part of the bjcp last week. I found it lacked a bit of malt body. That said, it was enjoyable all the same thanks.

Slurpdogs chocky porter
I loved this! need i say anymore apart from send me the recipe?

Craig's Roggenbier. had a bit of haze which cleared as it warmed. subtle belgian nose & flavour backed by well balanced malt & hops. It would have been better drinking this on a warm day instead of in front of the heater ;-)


Wow, must say T.D., I thought there was honey in this beer as well. :ph34r:

Forkboys choccy porter.
This was a nice beer mate.dark colour, nice malt flavours and aromas, well balanced
and very easy to drink.

Brewers Irish Ale
Another very nice beer. A bit hazy, with a nice creamy head and lacing
that lasted all the way down. Drank very fast, too easy to drink.
Hope you will share the recipe, wouldn't mind giving this a go.


thanks for the review. The recipe was pretty simple;

5700g Traditional ale
800g Carra red
45 min out 55g Goldings 5.7%
15 min whirlfloc
5 min out 15g Goldings 5.7%
Yeast WLP 004
For 23 litres mashed at 64 degrees

Cheers Matt.
THanks for that. It was beautiful. What was the other stubbie you brought? It's unlabelled.

CHeers - if the other one says WH1 (i forget what it was) then that was the peated, oaked Wee Heavy.
Hi Guys,

Had a few lately. Its hard to keep up with the posts. Sorry if they are a bit brief.

1. Thommo - Blonde Ale
A bit cloudy but with really persistent head that lasted the whole way done. Malty but light. Never had blonde ale but I enjoyed this. Good summer beer, thanks thommo.

7. shonky - IPA
Dont really care what type of beer this was. I really liked it. I remember being really happy but sad at the end. Would have been more happy with another bottle.

11. Craig - Roggenbier
Wasnt sure what to expect here as I have never had one. Pale and cloudy. Almost wheat like, but not quite. Spicyness definitely came through as it warmed up. I enjoyed it and obviously well made beer, but possibly not my cup of tea.

23. Linz - Red Ale
Nicely clear and red. Not sure how to describe this one. Strange red fruityness in amongst the malty red ale. Strangeness in a good was as I enjoyed this one. What was in it?

Thanks also for the feedback on my beer. I think I know what you guys are talking about with astringency. I had always thought this taste/flavour was a resiny flavour from the liberal dose of hops that I use as the flavour component. Sometimes this seems to come out a bit harsh (last year I had a beer that was like drinking bubbly pine trees). After Les's comments I will look at temps. Im thinking I should also move some of the hops from flavour to aroma. Im looking moving to AG for my next beer, so I guess there will be a whole new set of problems.

TD/DK - Flavour and aroma came from a mix of amarillo and cascade. Bitterness from a can of TC Pilsner.

Trent - I though the hop aroma (and flavour) were quite strong for my tastes. You may have had a dud bottle (a bit suspect about the "medicinal" comment).

I suspect that I may have gotten a dud bottle also, as everyone else seems to be enjoying it, and commenting on good hop presence. Oh well, there is always next case swap!
All the best
Just sitting here tasting Petesbrew Dark ale. Gave the glass over to my daughter to have a sniff and the result was just as I thought - It has this wonderful aroma of Tia Maria!

This became even more so as the brew warmed up.

Top Job Petesbrew. A beautiful brew- almost like a port.

For all other brewers in this case I will get around to commenting on your brew.
Hi Guys,

Had a few lately.

23. Linz - Red Ale
Nicely clear and red. Not sure how to describe this one. Strange red fruityness in amongst the malty red ale. Strangeness in a good was as I enjoyed this one. What was in it?


Here it is in a nut shell......

Razorback Red Ale


% Amount Name
94.9 5.23 kg. JWM Traditional Ale Malt
4.4 0.24 kg. Weyermann Caraaroma
0.7 0.04 kg. JWM Roasted Malt


Amount Name
13.00 g. Pride of Ringwood
3.00 g. Pride of Ringwood


WYeast 1084 Irish Ale
27: Teninch Brewery Gose pronounced Goze-uh

I tasted one the other night (Friday, IIRC), and it's OK to go. :beerbang:
Expect a cloudy, cloudy beer. It may even help to leave it in the fridge for a week. I plan to put one in tonight and review it on Friday or Saturday. The stubbie I had (on Friday) was only half settled and had been in the fridge for only 24 hours.
I poured into a 200 ml DAB mini-tankard. Up front, I could smell phenolics and coriander, topped by a thick white creamy head. Can definitely smell sea salt in the aroma.
First taste... the salt is prominent but not overwhelming (YMMV). I taste the phenolics next, then the malt, then the wheat and then the bitter/tart acidity and hop bitterness, finishing with a dry tartness and hint of coriander flavour.
A bit of a weird combo, but not too scary for another sip. Oh, and great lacing and head retention. Although the beer is too cloudy and looks quite wrong.
So..., it looks wrong, but tastes OK (just unusual). Fairly clean (if this style of beer can be like that).
Certainly worth a go soon. Quite nice if your tongue (and brain) can separate the flavours, but very weird all together. Give it a shot. :super:

Please use a beer-clean glass. If in doubt, wash your glass in pink stain remover/ beer bottle wash, and rinse thoroughly with hot, then with cold water.

The salt may be too much for you. You won't be able to miss it unless you like a lot of salt with your food.

I'm saving a bottle for Doc (sorry only stubbies left after the case swap, or U can have a 600 ml PET bottle) as his Gose inspired me to make one. Having made one, I can now see that it's not everyone's cup of weissbier.
The first sip is daunting, but it becomes easier with each taste. It may help to have a glass of water handy if the salt gets too much (~1.3 g salt / bottle).
Other recommendations:- Try it early in your taste session. Other stronger beers/ flavours are likely to affect the perception of some of the flavours in this beer.
You might want to try this with a shot of raspberry cordial or Grenadine from the supermarket or bottlo. :rolleyes:

I won't take it the wrong way if people empty it down the sink, but give it a good try first please. Or just re-cap and save it for anyone who's game.
Don't be scared!

Seth :beer:
CHeers - if the other one says WH1 (i forget what it was) then that was the peated, oaked Wee Heavy.
Nup, it's completely blank. No worries I'll taste it open minded.

Just sitting here tasting Petesbrew Dark ale. Gave the glass over to my daughter to have a sniff and the result was just as I thought - It has this wonderful aroma of Tia Maria!
What the??? I never got THAT flavour! Glad you liked it though, Steve.

I won't take it the wrong way if people empty it down the sink, but give it a good try first please. Or just re-cap and save it for anyone who's game.
Don't be scared!
The only homebrew I tip down the sink is my own, Seth. Looking forward to trying it. Any food matching ideas for a salty beer?

quick edit: I just finished bottling MHB's LCPA Clone he brought down for me. Had half a stubby left so I enjoyed it while capping. Bloody hell. It is one of the best beers I've ever made. Sweet and floral. I'm thinking a drive up to N'castle occasionally is worth it for this kit.
The only homebrew I tip down the sink is my own, Seth. Looking forward to trying it. Any food matching ideas for a salty beer?

quick edit: I just finished bottling MHB's LCPA Clone he brought down for me. Had half a stubby left so I enjoyed it while capping. Bloody hell. It is one of the best beers I've ever made. Sweet and floral. I'm thinking a drive up to N'castle occasionally is worth it for this kit.

Jackson recommends the acidity and effervescence of a Belgian gueze-lamic or German gose for light appetizers.
Other research suggests citrus and vinaigrette, and the traditional German offerings of roast pork and sauerkraut. Guess who's having sauerkraut this weekend?
As a contrast, I had some Old Gold choc just after my sample.

The Bayerisher Bahnhof website suggests in German, serving the gose with a shot of blue Curacao, called a Blue Angel ("Blaue Engel"), costing 5.50 Euro for 0.5 litre.

Quote from here: Thomas Schneider had previously used another brewery to produce a Gose for a Ohne Bedenken. It was the beer that gave the pub its name. When Gose was first reintroduced there, a customer, shocked by the taste, asked proprietor Hartmut Hennebach: "Is this stuff drinkable?" To which Dr Hennebach replied: Ohne Bedenken ("Without doubt").

BTW, MHB sells the beer kits in packs by mail, so you won't need to journey to Newie, unless you really wanna do it. From what I gather, he has put a bit of time into making his cloone packs easy enough and close enough to the originals.

Seth out :p

Jackson recommends the acidity and effervescence of a Belgian gueze-lamic or German gose for light appetizers.
Other research suggests citrus and vinaigrette, and the traditional German offerings of roast pork and sauerkraut. Guess who's having sauerkraut this weekend?
As a contrast, I had some Old Gold choc just after my sample.

The Bayerisher Bahnhof website suggests in German, serving the gose with a shot of blue Curacao, called a Blue Angel ("Blaue Engel"), costing 5.50 Euro for 0.5 litre.

Quote from here: Thomas Schneider had previously used another brewery to produce a Gose for a Ohne Bedenken. It was the beer that gave the pub its name. When Gose was first reintroduced there, a customer, shocked by the taste, asked proprietor Hartmut Hennebach: "Is this stuff drinkable?" To which Dr Hennebach replied: Ohne Bedenken ("Without doubt").

BTW, MHB sells the beer kits in packs by mail, so you won't need to journey to Newie, unless you really wanna do it. From what I gather, he has put a bit of time into making his cloone packs easy enough and close enough to the originals.

Seth out :p
Cheers Seth, Appetisers are on the shopping list.

Im a bit disappointed if it was a dud bottle. I was especially anal about cleaning those bottles because it was a swap. If we both take part in the next swap, I will add a replacement for you.


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