Teninch Brewery Gose pronounced Goze-uh
I tasted one the other night (Friday, IIRC), and it's OK to go. :beerbang:
Expect a cloudy, cloudy beer. It may even help to leave it in the fridge for a week. I plan to put one in tonight and review it on Friday or Saturday. The stubbie I had (on Friday) was only half settled and had been in the fridge for only 24 hours.
I poured into a 200 ml DAB mini-tankard. Up front, I could smell phenolics and coriander, topped by a thick white creamy head. Can definitely smell sea salt in the aroma.
First taste... the salt is prominent but not overwhelming (YMMV). I taste the phenolics next, then the malt, then the wheat and then the bitter/tart acidity and hop bitterness, finishing with a dry tartness and hint of coriander flavour.
A bit of a weird combo, but not too scary for another sip. Oh, and great lacing and head retention. Although the beer is too cloudy and looks quite wrong.
So..., it looks wrong, but tastes OK (just unusual). Fairly clean (if this style of beer can be like that).
Certainly worth a go soon. Quite nice if your tongue (and brain) can separate the flavours, but very weird all together. Give it a shot. :super:
Please use a beer-clean glass. If in doubt, wash your glass in pink stain remover/ beer bottle wash, and rinse thoroughly with hot, then with cold water.
The salt may be too much for you. You won't be able to miss it unless you like a lot of salt with your food.
I'm saving a bottle for Doc (sorry only stubbies left after the case swap, or U can have a 600 ml PET bottle) as his Gose inspired me to make one. Having made one, I can now see that it's not everyone's cup of weissbier.
The first sip is daunting, but it becomes easier with each taste. It may help to have a glass of water handy if the salt gets too much (~1.3 g salt / bottle).
Other recommendations:- Try it early in your taste session. Other stronger beers/ flavours are likely to affect the perception of some of the flavours in this beer.
You might want to try this with a shot of raspberry cordial or Grenadine from the supermarket or bottlo.
I won't take it the wrong way if people empty it down the sink, but give it a good try first please. Or just re-cap and save it for anyone who's game.
Don't be scared!
Seth :beer: