27.Les the Weizguy - Gose
Going to stream of consciousness post while I drink this pint. Apologies if it's long-winded, but I think a brave attempt at seldom trodden ground deserves a little verbaciosness.
Pours a very pale, cloudy pint. Aroma of the ocean and citrus. A metallic sort of twang (I'm a fan of salty food, so I don't yet notice too much salt, although there is a hint of it).
There is a slight phenolic aroma as well, but I don't taste much phenol. It's much more mild than I was expecting.
My palate mught be out of whack from the porters and hoppy beers I had earlier. Going to eat a cracker and rinse my mouth out with water.
Can taste the brackishness now and it's quite tart. Still no phenolics and only a mild saltiness... I think I'm blind to phenols, salt and smoke flavour. (Note to self: Should quit smoking. Justification in reply to self: but I keep finding things like the tobacconist near work who has American Marlborough Reds, and the bastards have released a Blue between the Red and the Mild, so it's hard to quit with those new varieties on the market... still, it would let me taste beers a whole lot better... ) but I digress.
A few more sips down and I pick out the coriander notes.
Overall, I commend thee, Seth on your brave attempt at this style. A little work on the haze, perhaps balancing the saltiness a little with the tartness and spice, but overall, I'd say not a bad beer at all. (No pouring down the sink here!). Looking at
this page, it seems that cloudiness is quite normal in the style. Don't neck yourself over it. But, dare I say it, maybe a little ~more~ lactic sourness would not go astray.
Overall, an interesting beer. Thanks for introducing me to the style.