2008 Sa Xmas In July Case Swap - Tastings/recipes

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Must have been the awesome yeast I gave him. :p



haha, yeah. the colonies have grown now, they all look the same, besides which, now that i think about it, if it were a contaminant, it would've stood out like a sore thumb in the beer...

jesus christ, i just poured the second glass from that long-neck 10 mins ago, it's gone now...
Thanks mike i really like that one too

Yeah HK must have been your yeast!
~MikE's Porter (of sorts)

The beer has nice head, all billowy and thick. Nice. Aroma gives me heaps of coffee notes that just smell delicious. Nice beer, coffee flavour through it, good mouthfeel. Could do with more general maltiness as the coffee is IMO a little too dominant, but that doesn't make it not enjoyable. Cheers :)
~MikE's Porter (of sorts)

The beer has nice head, all billowy and thick. Nice. Aroma gives me heaps of coffee notes that just smell delicious. Nice beer, coffee flavour through it, good mouthfeel. Could do with more general maltiness as the coffee is IMO a little too dominant, but that doesn't make it not enjoyable. Cheers :)

Feel like death warmed up this morning.

Am blaming P&Cs RIS. I 'think' it was a tasty drop, the bottle is empty and my head hurts. Thankfully i waited until the boil had started before drinking........ :icon_drunk:

Had another of Mikes porter, mmmmmm.
So is it too early to start thinking about the next case swap?

As i said earlier, am happy to host it. Huge back yard so plenty of room for tents and a game of cricket.

Few people seem to be getting into slants so we could maybe do a big yeast swap on the day. I wont be brewing, it gets in the way of drinking.....

If people are keen will start a new thread and get someone to create a wiki (cos i am next to useless when it comes to computer stuff).

Some time early December?
Feel like death warmed up this morning.

Am blaming P&Cs RIS. I 'think' it was a tasty drop, the bottle is empty and my head hurts. Thankfully i waited until the boil had started before drinking........ :icon_drunk:

Had another of Mikes porter, mmmmmm.

It is a strong'un! Had some while brewing yesterday, it's not one to have too much of at once, eh?
So is it too early to start thinking about the next case swap?

As i said earlier, am happy to host it. Huge back yard so plenty of room for tents and a game of cricket.

Few people seem to be getting into slants so we could maybe do a big yeast swap on the day. I wont be brewing, it gets in the way of drinking.....

If people are keen will start a new thread and get someone to create a wiki (cos i am next to useless when it comes to computer stuff).

Some time early December?

Well I'm sure no one will object to you starting so early if you're volunteering!
Sounds good.
After much discussion, HWMBO and I decided we wont be swapping, but I'll happily bring some slants and a few bottles for drinking on the day.

wiki article
MickOZ Rocket Fuel

I'm still impressed by the label on the bottle, I quite like it smile.gif On pouring I got a huge banana aroma coming off of it, on the same way I got the passionfruit smell coming off the hop thief when I first poured it. the banana is crazy dominant in the aroma. The flavour is syrupy, which is to be expected of a beer that's this high in alc (something tells me this will be the last for the night...), with a good malt backbone, good banana flavour in the background, and the bitterness that comes up as an aftertaste. Perhaps it's a touch too syrupy for my preferences, however overall it's pretty good.

I also initially posted this in the 2008 case brew thread... oops...
Time to hit a bit more of the case... haven't had time or felt like drinking much lately.

Peas and Corn's RIS

Pours black as black can be, light tannish head.. nice and billowy but dropping a little, I bet that's the alca-ma-hol. Smells roasty and sweet. Up front flavour is a bit ashy, chocolatey and sweet. Was expecting it to be quite heavy in the mouth, it is not so. Roast and bitterness hangs around like a hobo outside a bank!

I've never had an RIS before and this is just about everything I expected. Only thing I think is missing is some yeast character... maybe some dark fruits, yum. Is a tasty beverage though.

I think I'm about 10% through this and my head is swimming. Apologies in advance for any slurry posts a little later on.

Rusty's Scottish

Never had a Scottish before so here goes! Looks sexy, light brown, clear as glass and a nice creamy head that hangs around. Smells sweetish/caramelly. Flavour is similar with a bit of roast and/or choc. Smooth, clean finish, low bitterness. This is the proverbial Mother's milk!

Definitely one of the picks of the case so far, for me. Cheers mate!

Time to hit a bit more of the case... haven't had time or felt like drinking much lately.

Peas and Corn's RIS

Pours black as black can be, light tannish head.. nice and billowy but dropping a little, I bet that's the alca-ma-hol. Smells roasty and sweet. Up front flavour is a bit ashy, chocolatey and sweet. Was expecting it to be quite heavy in the mouth, it is not so. Roast and bitterness hangs around like a hobo outside a bank!

I've never had an RIS before and this is just about everything I expected. Only thing I think is missing is some yeast character... maybe some dark fruits, yum. Is a tasty beverage though.

I think I'm about 10% through this and my head is swimming. Apologies in advance for any slurry posts a little later on.


I used a standard ale yeast for this batch because I didn't really know what yeast I should use. What would you recommend to get the yeast characteristics you mentioned?

Whoops, missed this post Dave! I guess maybe an English'ish yeast? A Belgian would be interesting too. :rolleyes:

~MikE's Porter of Sorts

Dark brown, tan head. Evidently it wasnt too cold in the shed today as she's a little warm. Bursting with aroma though, dark malts and a bit of grassiness. Malty, roasty flavour and I'm getting massive carbonic bite. Finish is nice, leaves roastiness and a bit of hoppiness, grassy and a little spicy. Bewdiful apart from the carbonic bite, which I think is me! I haven't had any fizzy stuff all week. I've got another stubby to enjoy anyway :)

Still got Adams and MickOz's beers to drink. Heard good thinsg about them so might crack them on the weekend.

Didnt receive much feedback for my Dark Mild. Since this is a work in progress (producing a full flavoured/bodied low alc beer) i would really value your feedback. Honest opinions please, if you loved it why, if you hated it (and tipped it out) then why?

the Dark Mild is my winter low alc beer, i have a Rogers ish beer on tap now that i am trying to tweak for the summer season. the philosophy is the same for both beers - good malt backbone, full bodied and plenty of flavour such that you wouldnt pick it as a low alc beer if you werent told. Whether i have achieved that is open to debate.

So please either add your comments here or PM me. Dont make me put up a poll! :rolleyes:
~MikE's Porter of Sorts

Dark brown, tan head. Evidently it wasnt too cold in the shed today as she's a little warm. Bursting with aroma though, dark malts and a bit of grassiness. Malty, roasty flavour and I'm getting massive carbonic bite. Finish is nice, leaves roastiness and a bit of hoppiness, grassy and a little spicy. Bewdiful apart from the carbonic bite, which I think is me! I haven't had any fizzy stuff all week. I've got another stubby to enjoy anyway :)

i cracked my last one the other night, it was a tad gassy, but thanks to kegging shouldn't have that problem anymore, (well except for my future swap brewskies :p)

Didnt receive much feedback for my Dark Mild. Since this is a work in progress (producing a full flavoured/bodied low alc beer) i would really value your feedback. Honest opinions please, if you loved it why, if you hated it (and tipped it out) then why?
hmm, i had yours ages ago, and enjoyed it. i could tell that it was low alc at the time as it wasn't as heavy as the other dark beers. not entirely sure how to boost it other than some crystal malts and more hops to match... or something... hmmm.
Didnt receive much feedback for my Dark Mild.

I didn't get much of yours, because we shared it together with holty, but I do remember that it was an amazingly tasty brew for a low alc drop. I'm happy to drink it for you anytime you'd like to drop a case around :rolleyes: :lol:
Didnt receive much feedback for my Dark Mild. Since this is a work in progress (producing a full flavoured/bodied low alc beer) i would really value your feedback. Honest opinions please, if you loved it why, if you hated it (and tipped it out) then why?

Apologies for not writing up something, but I was too occupied really enjoying it! I really like it, the flacours belnd together really nicely and as has already been said, it has a lot of flavour for a mild. For improvements... maybe a touch more dark malts? However personally I wouldn't change it.
Didnt receive much feedback for my Dark Mild. Since this is a work in progress (producing a full flavoured/bodied low alc beer) i would really value your feedback. Honest opinions please, if you loved it why, if you hated it (and tipped it out) then why?

I think I remember saying something sarcastically complimentary about it :rolleyes:

All seriousness though, I couldn't think of anything else you'd want in there, was great.
Mickoz Rocket Fuel

This is very nice. Reminds me of a few of the high alc belgians that I've had before. :icon_cheers: The wife also loved it (which is a bugger, because that means she drank half of it, which may also be a good thing, because I might be able to wake up in the morning without a sore head!). :party:

Recipe please
mickoz - loved it and the wife has demanded I brew some! :icon_chickcheers:

I had the Rocket Fuel the other day... glad I split it with a mate, phew, that's a big bastard of a beer!

Reminds me a bit of the belgian I contributed (which should be ready now), similar ester profile but mine is a few percent below in the alcohol stakes. Was very warming, bananaey, peppery and chewy.

I also remember it had a brilliant reddish colour.
I had your belgian the other night really enjoyed it it reminded me of a duvel


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